Beginners and Beyond


Compliments you receive as a runner (Read 123 times)


    Thanks Julie. You totally look the part and not because of a t-shirt. Will you be in Boston in April? You are amazing with all of what you've accomplished. To say you BQ'd for over 13 marathons is nothing to sneeze at!


    Thanks, Hilary.:-) I'm not running Boston in 2014, no. I may be spectating, though. Nothing certain at this point.

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



      Thanks, Hilary.:-) I'm not running Boston in 2014, no. I may be spectating, though. Nothing certain at this point.

      It is pretty costly if you you are coming from out of town. My entry fee despite being given an "invite" put me back some. Not cheap with the cost of my last semester and cost of my NP review course. Some people spend big bucks to come and run Boston. My friend who has run over ten times keeps saying this will be her last year. I figure the price of my entry was about the price of 2 years worth of shorter races. Eeek.  Back on topic.

      Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


      Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

        I would appreciate a few more compliments, but most of the comments I hear are negative in nature.


        You're too skinny.  (my BMI is right in the middle of normal)

        You need to eat more.  (I eat all.the.time.)

        Are you feeling ok?  You look sick.  (ummmm...)

        Don't you do anything else?  (I work out, I ski, and I ride bikes...sometimes)

        You need to rest more.  (well, maybe.  I rest one day a week)



        Totally this!!!


        Especially after I worked hard to go from 52:56 down to 48:57 in the 10K.  I've managed to keep the weight off (and I literally only dropped like 10lbs over about a month's time) but all I hear anymore is the crap above.


        Maybe I should put on 10 over Christmas? 



          It is pretty costly if you you are coming from out of town. My entry fee despite being given an "invite" put me back some. Not cheap with the cost of my last semester and cost of my NP review course. Some people spend big bucks to come and run Boston. My friend who has run over ten times keeps saying this will be her last year. I figure the price of my entry was about the price of 2 years worth of shorter races. Eeek.  Back on topic.


          Yes, the entry fee is steep. But so is New York ($300 something for me), and Chicago was somewhere around there. My poor kids will have no inheritance to speak of.  For someone young such as yourself, it's hard to spend money like this on a hobby. But it's an event you will remember the rest of your life. Well worth it in my opinion. 

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Former Bad Ass

            "I see you running every day.  You have inspired me to start running."


            That was a neighbor and my husband.  I like inspiring people to being better than they thought they could be.


            Just B.S.

              • No compliments for me. Been running distance for almost 14 years . It's such a part of our lives that relatives and friends think it's old hat and never ask and we don't bring it up.
              • We dont  talk about running to non runners , coworkers or neighbors, And all of our running and triathlon friends are extremely fast and accomplished runners. My 4:10 marathon and sub 2 halfs are pretty slow to most of them.
              • We just run because we love  it . Don't really care if anyone notices do w e really don't bring any attention to it with IRL people.

              Super B****

                If "you're crazy" counts a compliment, I get that a lot.

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                  • No compliments for me. Been running distance for almost 14 years . It's such a part of our lives that relatives and friends think it's old hat and never ask and we don't bring it up.
                  • We dont  talk about running to non runners , coworkers or neighbors, And all of our running and triathlon friends are extremely fast and accomplished runners. My 4:10 marathon and sub 2 halfs are pretty slow to most of them.
                  • We just run because we love  it . Don't really care if anyone notices do w e really don't bring any attention to it with IRL people.


                  I like that ^

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                    One of my favorites came from an older gentleman getting his mail.  He asked if I run at night, which I affirmed, and then stated incredulously to his wife: "he runs out here in the middle of the night in snowstorms!"  Yuuup.  Smile

                    Hip Redux


                      Maybe not a complement, but surely a compliment. (Sorry Oski, I couldn't resist correcting someone smarter than me. )




                      For the record, I was multitasking on a work conference call when I posted that.  I really have stellar spelling usually.  Mostly.  Kinda.  Big grin



                        On a cold night, a guy coming out of his house saw me running by and said, "you are badass."  He was taking his dog out.  To me, *walking* in the cold sounds much more unpleasant than running in it, though.


                          If "you're crazy" counts a compliment, I get that a lot.


                          Yeah, mostly this. Or, "you're still going?", from an neighbor who saw me early in the run, and sees me again 2 hrs later still at it.



                            I get compliments from friends and 70 year old guys for some reason.


                            2 70+ year old guys came up to me at the gym on different days, and said that I was working out real well at the gym. I have no clue who either was or why they insisted on telling me that in the middle of a set.


                            Running friends compliment me on getting in better shape, or losing weight.


                              It is pretty costly if you you are coming from out of town. My entry fee despite being given an "invite" put me back some. Not cheap with the cost of my last semester and cost of my NP review course. Some people spend big bucks to come and run Boston. My friend who has run over ten times keeps saying this will be her last year. I figure the price of my entry was about the price of 2 years worth of shorter races. Eeek.  Back on topic.


                              Back in my day... actually not long ago the invitation fee cost the same as a BQ. Then that fee went up to $200 while the BQ folks paid less which I still felt was a bargain. I have run it 5 times, and before this April wanted to do it 1 more time.


                              Skirt Runner

                                I've had several friends and family say that I've inspired them to start running, run more, or get fit. That's pretty awesome.


                                Lately it has been negative stuff though. Wish I had a better story for how I hurt my foot than "I run a lot." Kind of lets people who think running is bad for you have a field day.

                                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to
