Beginners and Beyond

In the DAILIES we trust (Read 37 times)

From the Internet.

    G'morning dailies! Copy/pasting from the Penguin thread because it's been a busy couple days and apparently I had a lot to say today.


    3.25 recovery miles yesterday morning sans Garmin. A former member of my running club passed away about a week and a half ago. She went out for a morning run in a remote part of India and never returned; they found her at the bottom of a ravine a week later. I never had the chance to meet her as she left the area to pursue a PhD before I joined the club, but it struck me doubly as she was both a member of "my" community (runners in general/my club in particular) and my age. We're too young to be dying. One of the founding members of the club sent out an email with this suggestion: "Here is what I came up with: one day this week, leave your garmin, ipod, cell phone, and other gadgets behind, and just go out for a run. Listen to your body, take in the environment around you, and smile at each person you pass. In other words, participate in three of Kate’s favorite passions—running, the environment, and people." So I did just that. It was lovely and it was emotional and though I'm not religious I said a silent prayer for her family as I trudged up the hill at the end of my route.


    This morning was a track workout with my club, 5.6 miles total with a ladder - 400/600/800/1000 at roughly 5k pace and back down again slightly faster. About the same volume that I've been doing but I ran a little bit faster today, I feel like I actually got a workout instead of just trying to get my legs used to the pounding. Think my running form in general and especially my form at faster paces is getting a bit more efficient, which is helping - I have a few different cues that I've been using to remember to stay light on my feet and keep my glutes working.


    And in non-running news, DH has been preapproved for a mortgage! The preapproval amount is a fair bit more than most of the houses we're interested in, so hopefully we'll be in good shape to make an offer on something once he has a couple paychecks and the sign-on bonus from his new job in the bank to get the actual loan process rolling - maybe mid-September.


    Barking Mad To Run

      Rained like a big dog yesterday in San Antonio, we got 3 inches of rain.  Badly needed and brought some cooler weather, but storms predicted again for this afternoon made me get up this morning and do my third morning run/walk in a row.  I normally don't run 3 days in a row but have been feeling pretty good so figured this week I would run 5 days instead of 4 days. Glad I got my run in this morning because, like yesterday morning, right when I finished the dark clouds began to gather.   This morning I went "long" -  4.2 miles, which is long for me these days, but probably not for any of you, except maybe Oski.  I ran through the park by the Zoo and also along the Zoo fence-line...and it is kinda spooky hearing animal noises coming out of the dark at you.    Good run/walk though, felt really strong, did my running segments well, and the weather was very cooperative, only 73 degrees, humidity was at 82 percent and the dew-point was under 70 for a change. Nice.

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Barking Mad To Run

        Gee, Baboon, 85 degrees is not hot.    You did well for your warm weather run!  Yeah, damn bugs!  I tend to run with my mouth open and the bugs think that is an invitation to fly into it like it's their landing hangar.    Yuk!


        D2, I think you got off a lot easier than Miami does, with that dewpoint.    Congrats on getting the miles done in that.  Can you say SWEAT SWEAT SWEAT!


        Lily, you should get one of those 'preggers' pillow/blanket things.  Gail told me about it and said it is great for sleeping, apparently it is this thing that is an all-in-one pillow and blanket designed for pregnant women that wraps all around you and supports just about everything very comfortably.  I've never seen one, but sounds interesting.   Enjoy your 10 miles on your beautiful day.


        Congrats on your miles, Meaghan. Only 68 dewpoint?  Nice!


        What, Damaris?  Five Guys Burgers is the one declaring bankruptcy?  They just opened a store here in San Antonio.   And now they'll be shutting down?  Already?  Say it ain't so!  You need to hurry up and fix them, then!  


        Dewpoint of 54!!!  Damn, LRB!  Damaris and I are BOTH gonna come visit you and hit you with a stick...not right away though because there will probably be a line.... 


        Happy 10th anniversary, Andrew!  Now you're half-way there to knowing all the stuff you should NEVER say to your wife, e.g., learning those times when you should just keep your mouth shut and think like Schultz of Hogan's Heroes ..."I hear nuthing...." .  By the 20-year point, if you've paid attention, you should have it down pat. 


        Hi again, Lauren! So sad about your running club member.

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        delicate flower


          Boon is it necessary for you to train for 18 weeks?



          For the first six weeks or so, the only thing I'll really be doing differently is getting the daily runs back to 8-9 miles (currently at 6-7) and start to extend the long runs.




            For the first six weeks or so, the only thing I'll really be doing differently is getting the daily runs back to 8-9 miles (currently at 6-7) and start to extend the long runs.


            Ah, got it!


            Former Bad Ass


              Helloooo mama! 


              Thanks for sharing that info on the long run for slower runners Meaghan!  I will be sure to explain that to some of the peeps in my running group.


              Boon is it necessary for you to train for 18 weeks?


              D2 my dew point was 54 this morning....oh my God did I just say that?! 


              lily I try not to stress too much over that 4 LB window and as long as my trousers are fitting I have no reason to.


              D2 I was 196 at Detroit in 2012, if I ever make it back to that starting corral watch the fuck out! 


              Good morning Damaris, I referenced the dew point for the first time in my internet life.  Do you know how that makes me feel?  Here's a hint.  *$%^ @#$%^&*


              You do not want to know what my dew point was.  We never even get 54.



                Dewpoint of 54!!!  Damn, LRB!  Damaris and I are BOTH gonna come visit you and hit you with a stick...not right away though because there will probably be a line....  


                That made me laugh out loud!


                D you do not get ours but unfortunately we do get dew points in the 70's, usually in July and August....wait, did I just do that shit again?! 


                Former Bad Ass


                  That made me laugh out loud!


                  D you do not get ours but unfortunately we do get dew points in the 70's, usually in July and August....wait, did I just do that shit again?! 


                  We also get dewpoints in the 70s.  In January, February, March, April, and June.  Then we get dewpoints in the high 70s to 80s in July, August, September, and sometimes October.  Then, we go down to the 70s in November and December and if we are REALLY lucky, we might get a dewpoint of 65 sometime in January. 



                  Former Bad Ass

                    If you see the word written atop this chart, you'd understand.  This is 2013, I think.  This year I suspect it will be worse.




                      This morning was a track workout with my club, 5.6 miles total with a ladder - 400/600/800/1000 at roughly 5k pace and back down again slightly faster. About the same volume that I've been doing but I ran a little bit faster today, I feel like I actually got a workout instead of just trying to get my legs used to the pounding. Think my running form in general and especially my form at faster paces is getting a bit more efficient, which is helping...


                      Look at you, you go girl! 


                      How are you doing on strength and flexibility work?  Those must stay inline with your speed work so as your speed work increases so too must they, otherwise runners have a tendency to break.  Some in two, others such as myself into a million pieces. 


                        If you see the word written atop this chart, you'd understand. 




                        Former Bad Ass




                            It is....

                            That's a damn good word for it too!



                              I break easily. 



                              Happy anniversary Mr & Mrs Brr!


                              What's up with all the weight loss? I am on vacation, eating/drinking excessively, running only sporadically, and with no access to scale. Scary stuff, kids.


                              Speaking of breakage - I did run today. 8 miles, kind of slow & ragged (amazing what only 3 days off will do), but the knee was no problem. The test however will be running consecutive days without the pain coming back. So either I go again tomorrow to test it, or I stick to every other day for a while. We'll see.


                              Have a good day everyone.


                              From the Internet.


                                Look at you, you go girl! 


                                How are you doing on strength and flexibility work?  Those must stay inline with your speed work so as your speed work increases so too must they, otherwise runners have a tendency to break.  Some in two, others such as myself into a million pieces. 


                                Yoga once a week, and I've resolved to quit being lazy about lifting - I've been slacking the last couple months. Squats 3x5 at 135lbs on Tuesday, probably deadlifts and glute bridges tomorrow, plus varied upper body stuff both days.