Beginners and Beyond

My dog has a torn ACL (update: RIP, puppy) (Read 247 times)


    Dude, that really sucks. The biggest problem with pets is that they don't live forever.


      They take a part of your heart when they go... but they always leave a part of themselves that will stay with you forever.


      You did the good and right thing.  It takes guts and love to make that call.  You have both.

      Don't call me Buttercup!

        So sorry for your loss.

        Slow and steady wins the....  wait a second! I've been lied to! 


        running is bad for you

          Crap.  Every time I think I'm starting to be able to hold it together I come in here and read all the nice things you guys have to say.


          Thanks Smile


            I'm so sorry to hear this :-( love the pic of her running with you.




              They take a part of your heart when they go... but they always leave a part of themselves that will stay with you forever.


              You did the good and right thing.  It takes guts and love to make that call.  You have both.


              Well said. Sorry for your oss guys.

              First Race

              Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

              Second Race

              Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



                My heart is out to you. Been through the loss of a dog and other pets several times. Sucks big time. It's the absolute worst thing about having animals. So so sorry Sad

                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  I agree with MrNamtor.


                  Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                    Bummer!  But ditto on making the right call.  Pets are hard but only because the relationships run deep!


                    Bin Running

                      So sorry to hear this.. Hope you are doing ok..

                      2015 Races

                      2XU HM - 29 Mar


                      Fear is a Liar

                        Sorry to hear about this. I had a black lab that had osteosarcoma. True pets don't last forever, but their memory does.

                        I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


                          Phil and MBC, I'm very sorry for your loss, it's always tough to lose a pet.


                          Barking Mad To Run

                            We had Jewell put to sleep this morning.  She was really struggling and we knew it was time.  I am heartbroken.  Sad


                            I am so sorry to hear this, Phil.  Condolences to you and MBC on your family loss.  It's a tough thing to do what yo had to do.  You know it's the right thing, but it sure doesn't make it any easier.

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            delicate flower

                              Thanks again, everyone.  It's really amazing how attached you can get to an animal.  Jewell is the first dog I ever had, and the first pet I've had to say goodbye to like this.  You always know this day will come when you adopt a pet, but I greatly underestimated how sad it was going to make me.  I am happy that DW and I were right there with her at the very end.  It was heartwrenching, but I am glad we were there for her. 


                                So sorry for your loss..