Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES (Read 46 times)


     If I ever sleep 5 hours, that's cause for celebration. I hardly ever sleep that much.


    Pretty much. Although incredibly I have been doing much better the past two weeks, which is cause for celebration!



      Meanwhile you're humming right along. That workout would've left my body parts strewn along the road.


      Last night was the first time I really felt sick to death of MRT.  That workout was a chore and my legs felt pretty beat.  It was a struggle to complete both mentally and physically and I am totally ready to be done.  I see Saturday as my first day of taper as that is the first day I have a less than normal length run.



        Pretty much. Although incredibly I have been doing much better the past two weeks, which is cause for celebration!


        I sort of go through phases - a few weeks of sleeping OK (relatively), a few weeks of sleeping like crap.




          I sort of go through phases - a few weeks of sleeping OK (relatively), a few weeks of sleeping like crap.


          Yep, the story of my life. I especially hate it when a song I don't even like gets stuck in my head and wakes me up, ooh!


            Last night was the first time I really felt sick to death of MRT.  That workout was a chore and my legs felt pretty beat.  It was a struggle to complete both mentally and physically and I am totally ready to be done.


            Really? Well I'm in good company then.


              Just under 4 site seeing miles in Hollywood. No star sitings aside from the ones on the Walk of Fame. Did run up the hill near our hotel to end my run. OMG. That was a steep hill, it was actually harder to come down it than going up. Got a great view of the area up there.


              Are you going to a game or TV show while there?


              The stars probably don't get in until noon. lol



                I sort of go through phases - a few weeks of sleeping OK (relatively), a few weeks of sleeping like crap.


                I generally only sleep about 5 hours or so every night. Here's the weird thing. If I sleep 5 hours and wake up at 8am, I'm fine. If I sleep 5 hours and wake up any earlier than that, I'm a wreck. I had to wake up at 4am one day last week to catch a flight and even though I actually slept for 6 hours the night before, I was a hot mess he whole day.   Circadian rhythms or something?


                delicate flower

                  I ran 7. I lack energy, feel beat the hell up, and yearn for the days when running *easy* isn't so hard.




                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      LRB, no, just doing tourist stuff. Initially DH and his friend were going to go to the UCLA game tonight, but they changed their mind.


                      Sleep? What's that? I have not slept well this whole trip.


                        Everywhere I go this week people are coughing, sneezing or blowing their stupid noses.


                        I escaped a similar outbreak last month, think I got two of them in me?


                          3 x (1 miles T w/1 minute jg) - 6 miles total

                          6:43, 6:40, 6:30


                          1st time a workout felt so good in a while. It shows in my last rep. I was surprised when I saw the number.


                          I've been sleeping better since I've been training less (post marathon). Don't know if it's related or just happened like that.


                          I don't dress up for halloween often, but when I do, it's usually a success. Started doing that as an adult at around 22-23 in bars. I'm not a me under a disguise, I become someone esle. Sometimes a scary person, sometimes a person everyone laughs at. I like both. Every time I won prize money was with funny characters.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Fuck, I forgot to stop at Party City to check if I could find a hat for my Saturday race.  Grrrr.  Now I'll have to head there later (before Pilates).



                              Awesome. We will need to see pics. We have gone to a lot of adult Halloween parties in our time, although it's been a while now. But they were always a lot of fun. The creativity of some people is impressive. Our kids have remained into it, at ages 19 & 16. Actually I have no idea what they are doing this year. But last year we asked DD (18) "are you still trick or treating?", she said "duh, free candy". Actually her costumes get really elaborate; she is into cosplay & likes to go to the cons (if that means anything to any of you). She typically dresses up as characters from video games we have never heard of.


                              Oh, 8 miles by the way. And I have been up since 2:00 AM. 


                              I've been on some of the cosplay forums getting ideas for my costume, and it's crazy how much work (and money!!!) some of those folks put into their costumes.  One dude said he had about $600 in his Spiderman costume, but it was legit, custom tailored, real lenses in the mask, etc., looked just like the movie costume.  People research for months to find just the right fabrics and pieces.  I picked Deadpool because of the movie coming out in February (and because he's badass).


                              For those not familiar with Deadpool, or the movie coming out, here's the trailer (NSFW, first R rated superhero movie, because you just can't do a PG-13 Deadpool):




                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                                One dude said he had about $600 in his Spiderman costume, but it was legit, custom tailored, real lenses in the mask, etc., looked just like the movie costume. 


                                Yeah I'm not doing that, but if it works for others that's fine. I'm not a hater.


                                My costumes are generally traditional and made with things found lying around the house; a vampire, the devil, a pirate, one year I went as an electrician () etc..


                                Halloween is one of my favorite holidays though so I like to make the look complete, and in fact have done well at contests. 


                                At most I'll spend ten or twenty bucks at a shop for an accessory or makeup but that's just because that's all I usually need.


                                The devil get-up I wore that one year was easily the best ever. I got a lot of looks that night! I actually like being a vampire though and have done it many times. Mostly because I just think they're cool.