Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES (Read 46 times)



    I've been on some of the cosplay forums getting ideas for my costume, and it's crazy how much work (and money!!!) some of those folks put into their costumes.  


    I have dropped into some of those cons (just long enough to drop off/pick up DD), and seen a lot of pics - a lot of those costumes are just amazing, even if often I have no idea who they're supposed to be.



    Super B****

      My broken foot and I are going away for a while because I'm not that much of a masochist.  If I'm lucky, I never come back, but I won't be lucky.


      Seriously.  Don't bitch about running being hard.

      chasing the impossible


      because i never shut up ... i blog

        LRB, I've been a vampire a bunch of times too, it's one of my favorites.  This is the first year I'm putting any kind of money into my costume, usually I do it like you do.


        Blue, totally sucks about your foot!  Hope it heals quickly!!


        My running blog

        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


          My broken foot and I are going away for a while because I'm not that much of a masochist.  If I'm lucky, I never come back, but I won't be lucky.


          Seriously.  Don't bitch about running being hard.


          What do you mean if you're lucky you never come back? You will heal. I know it's hard to wait for it, but I think that all the racing you did lately was hard on your body and you have to accept it. It's easier to live with that mindset (that you have physical limitations, like all of us) than continually fighting what you can do nothing about... You will heal soon and be back here to tell us all about a new round of even better and faster racing. Hang in there, (((blue))).

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Former Bad Ass

            I am sorry, bluerun.  We will be here when you need to.



              My broken foot and I are going away for a while because I'm not that much of a masochist.  If I'm lucky, I never come back, but I won't be lucky.


              Seriously.  Don't bitch about running being hard.



              We've all spent our fair share of time on the bench, some more than others but we all understand what not being able to run feels like.


              What's the timeframe?


                LRB, I've been a vampire a bunch of times too, it's one of my favorites.  This is the first year I'm putting any kind of money into my costume, usually I do it like you do.


                Blue, totally sucks about your foot!  Hope it heals quickly!!


                I don't have a party to attend this year so I'll be nothing. lol


                delicate flower

                  My broken foot and I are going away for a while because I'm not that much of a masochist.  If I'm lucky, I never come back, but I won't be lucky.


                  Seriously.  Don't bitch about running being hard.


                  This sucks.  I truly feel for you.



                    I'm going to run tonight, FFS.


                      Sorry Blue! I hope you heal quickly.


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        Nice run/walk this morning at Fort Sam Houston; oh, sorry JOINT BASE Fort Sam Houston; was raining on me when I started and I wish it had kept on raining; but no, it stopped, and the dang humidity went up about 20%, sheesh. At one point I was running on the track with some young military guys who were doing their timed PT run, and giving some of them some encouragement as they passed by me. As I came up on one "kid" - maybe all of about 21 years old - I heard him mutter 'this is killing me." I came alongside him and said "you can do this; you are stronger than you think you are; dig deep and find that place inside you; it's there; just let it out.". I then ran with him for a bit and then as we approached where he would finish his run, we could hear the timer NCOs and others in his unit cheering him in and encouraging him. I told him "Come on, strong finish!" and we both took off for the timer guy. As we got closer I said loudly to him "C'mon, kid, I'm an old man..I KNOW you can get to the finish before me." He took me at my work, lol, and was off like a bat outta hell for that last 100 yards. He beat me to the line by about 40 seconds. Big smile on his face and he thanked me and shook my hand so much, I thought my arm was going to fall off, lol. The timer NCO came over and shook my hand and thanked me for helping the kid and told me the kid had passed his timed run...finishing 2 minutes under the qualifying time, the first time he had done that. I told him, well, sometimes a person just needs a bit of beating a retired old fart like me, and we both shared a laugh at that. I then completed the rest of my run/walk, I still had a mile to go to get back to the gym. Ended up with 4.2 miles done, plus a nice experience with some of our good young active duty military kids just beginning their military lives. Nice way to start the day.

                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Sorry about the foot fracture Bluerun. Do you have to use crutches? 


                            That sucks blue. How does a stress fracture occur? Overuse? Is it because of your lower bone density? Sorry, I'm not educated in that aspect.


                            Hey B+, how's life in the West with our new PM? Things have noticeably improved here 



                              At most I'll spend ten or twenty bucks at a shop for an accessory or makeup but that's just because that's all I usually need.





                              At work, I once dressed in the tooth fairy (before the movie). I wore one of DW's dresses (it was rather short on me), fake ugly teeth, an ugly wig, and cute little princess stuff from my 5 yo daughter (wings in the back, a crown (or whatever that silver thing in my hait is called), a magical wand... and in the other hand I had a pair of plyers and was snapping them in the face of people saying that I was paying good money for teeth and asking them if they wanted to sell them.


                              It was better in person. That costume is legendary now. People still often call me the tooth fairy, 10 years later.





                                At work, I once dressed in the tooth fairy (before the movie). I wore one of DW's dresses (it was rather short on me), fake ugly teeth, an ugly wig, and cute little princess stuff from my 5 yo daughter (wings in the back, a crown (or whatever that silver thing in my hait is called), a magical wand... and in the other hand I had a pair of plyers and was snapping them in the face of people saying that I was paying good money for teeth and asking them if they wanted to sell them.


                                It was better in person. That costume is legendary now. People still often call me the tooth fairy, 10 years later.


                                LOL That's a great one!  Apparently one of the department's here did Gilligan's Island last year, but they didn't have enough females, so one of the guys dressed as Ginger, full red carpet gown and everything. 


                                My running blog

                                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!