Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES: Got legs? (Read 46 times)


    I certainly hope so. It's been a chore running this week.  In other news, apparently Big Macs are not good for you. Who knew? lol


    Spoiler Alert: There is nothing new there. The same could be said about most menu items in this country. Not sure why they singled out the big mac. Stupid.


    Are we there, yet?

      I think I left my legs in Ohio.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





        Legs are coming back, but I'll make this into a SRD because, well, it was scheduled.


        Super B****

          Nope, I don't.


          7.01 (I hate when that happens), mile TT that wasn't exactly a rip-roaring success.  Evidently I require more than two and a half hours of fractured sleep.  Who knew?

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


          Former Bad Ass

            I have Pilates and 7 tonight.  Hoping I have legs.



              Up early because I have a ton of work to do, and here I am on RA instead of actually getting ready for work. 


              My Garmin never uploaded its workout last night.  It's a 610 so there's no manual option if it won't sync- no cable!  I've been having to coax it along for a while- hopefully it's not just done.  For now, I can type my workouts in if I need to, I guess- the info is still on the watch.


              RD for me today- going to see my DD's senior photos!


              delicate flower

                Hello!  Good morning!  LMAO


                Calorie and carb reload last night (thanks, Yom Kippur), followed by nine hours of sleep, and now today is a rest day.  All good things.  I may go to the pool after work to get a swim in...or not, but probably.



                  Just a 30-40 minute walk sometime today. Plus picking up and packing up some of the things I need for the 24-hour that starts tomorrow afternoon.

                  If anyone has the resources to arrange for a cold front to sweep through southwest Wisconsin in the next 24 hours, I'd appreciate it. Highs of 80* both days. :P

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                    RD, and PT appt in 30 minutes.  If I don't survive, it's been fun with you guys. Smile


                    5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                    10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                    15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                    13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                    26.2 - TBD (someday)


                        It's a 610 so there's no manual option if it won't sync- no cable!  


                      There is, Zel. Go to Menu->Activities->Options->Upload


                      That will force another upload of the activities. Worked for me the two times the watch and the computer were just sitting next to each other not doing anything.



                        There is, Zel. Go to Menu->Activities->Options->Upload


                        That worked!  Thank you! Smile  Also, my running team thanks you for the extra 0.02 mi that the actual file gave me credit for.


                          RD, and PT appt in 30 minutes.  If I don't survive, it's been fun with you guys. Smile


                          Hopefully there are no holes in your socks. lol


                            Just a 30-40 minute walk sometime today. Plus picking up and packing up some of the things I need for the 24-hour that starts tomorrow afternoon.

                            If anyone has the resources to arrange for a cold front to sweep through southwest Wisconsin in the next 24 hours, I'd appreciate it. Highs of 80* both days. :P


                            Good luck. Hopefully the weather cooperates. Do you have a goal in mind?



                              Good morning!

                              I did 10 with 2x3@faster than I thought possible.  I'm excited as all hell. My 15k was at 8:50 pace according to my watch, my splits this morning were









                              Mcmillian says my 5k pace should go 8:17.  I see why having faith in that prefictor isn't wise.


                              I hope all you folks have a great day!

                              Runner with a riding problem.


                                Good morning!

                                I did 10 with 2x3@faster than I thought possible.  I'm excited as all hell. My 15k was at 8:50 pace according to my watch, my splits this morning were









                                Mcmillian says my 5k pace should go 8:17.  I see why having faith in that prefictor isn't wise.


                                I hope all you folks have a great day!


                                So, an 8:10 paced 10k predicts an 8:38 paced half marathon.  And a 15k pace of 8:26...