Beginners and Beyond

The DAILIES: Membership has its Privileges (Read 43 times)



    Wha? Fill us in




    I do not watch the news so I missed it.


    Former Bad Ass

      I think it was some shootout and the person is still at large.


      Slymoon, I usually work from home on Thursdays and today it would've been a bear.  Good thing I am here or I would be falling asleep atop the laptop.


      Just B.S.

        I can always count on you guys to get the dailies started by the time I finish my run. 7.9 And the streak of 58 days ends now. SRD tmw.


        Beth - wtf is going on? Is that madness anywhere near your hood?! Stay safe!


        It's is Moncton an hour away. But hubby has an office there. We go there often for work/shopping/racing and

        have many friends there.

        The shooter just turned up in a neighbourhood fully armed in order to confront and shoot police officers. He

        had opportunities to shoot civilians but did not, so obviously an anti-cop agenda.

        My heart goes out to the families of the fallen officers. Hopefully they will find the suspect and end this

        before more get hurt.




          It's is Moncton an hour away. But hubby has an office there. We go there often for work/shopping/racing and

          have many friends there.

          My heart goes out to the families of the fallen officers. Hopefully they will find the suspect and end this

          before more get hurt.


          Crazy stuff Beth. I'm glad you and yours are ok. People get loony; I can't understand it.


          Slept like a log last night. It felt good, and I needed it. Went out for 10 this morning, but was greeted half-way by a thunderstorm that had pebble sized hail and sporadic downpours. Yeah, I headed towards home, but still got in 8.5. I didn't want to chance it during this All-Star week to develop a blister, especially since I didn't check the radar and lube my feet. Oh well, I just have to add a half mile to my next 3 runs this week to make it up. Not a big deal.



          - Andrew



            Contemplating running with the YMCA Jumpstart group this afternoon, they're only doing 1.5 miles so I figure pushing a stroller and running at an easy pace wouldn't be bad... right?

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              Good morning, dailies!  Headed to the coast with DH after work to celebrate our 14th anniversary (a little early), then the family will join us tomorrow to celebrate his 40th birthday (also a little early).  We're heading to a new town that we haven't visited before, so that should be fun.


              Andrew- Since I see that you're on the other team, feel free to put off making up those miles until Monday. 


              Shari- Taper again?  Woohoo!


              To all the Daves and honorary Daves, have a great day!

              From the Internet.

                Morning dailies! 5.7 with 5x800 at the track with my club. Thought it would be nice out, 61 when I left my house but 100% humidity, sprinkled a bit but no real rain. I got lost in thought on the way home and ended up running a hill that I'd planned to walk, was over before I knew it and I didn't kill my legs sprinting to the top (the agony ends faster that way) like I usually tend to do. I guess the key to running hills is totally ignoring the hills :P

                Hip Redux

                  Wait, we have membership privileges? 


                  Last night I went for a massage and she just about killed me.  Soooo painful around the hip and upper thigh.   Damn.


                  PT today.  Then if the weather clears, I'll go for my half mile walk.



                    Hey everyone!


                    Had a good time at the group run last night, we just did 3 miles, so it wasn't too bad, altho even with only 3 miles I was drenched. lol  They had all kinds of swag to give away, in addition to the hats, but only four people showed up, so we pretty much just split up all the swag. lol  I think I got 8 shirts, 3 hats, and a couple of bags.  There were a ton of hats, but I felt like 3 was enough, they're nice too, with a builtin sweatband, same brand as the hat I got at my marathon (which I run with all the time).  Love free stuff. Smile


                    Stayed up watching tv last night so I didn't get up early to run this morning, I'll do 8 after work today.


                    Hope everyone has a great day!


                    My running blog

                    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                      Wait, we have membership privileges?


                      Just look in the mirror babe.  Yeah, we did that!  



                        I think I got 8 shirts, 3 hats, and a couple of bags.  There were a ton of hats, but I felt like 3 was enough, they're nice too, with a builtin sweatband, same brand as the hat I got at my marathon (which I run with all the time).  Love free stuff. Smile


                        Wow, now that is a haul!

                        - Andrew



                          Wow, now that is a haul!


                          I almost felt a lil guilty, but they said to take whatever we wanted. I forgot to mention the cookies, brownies and beer.


                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                            LRB - Doing better. Managed to sleep through the night, then it only took about 30 minutes to cough, hack and blow all the gunk out of my head. This last 10 days has been a reminder not to be cavalier about my spring allergies - it will come back to haunt me if I don't stay on top of them from the start.

                            Beth - My prayers for all of the families of the officers. So sad.

                            D2 - Wow! That was definitely worth showing up for!

                            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.




                              I almost felt a lil guilty, but they said to take whatever we wanted. I forgot to mention the cookies, brownies and beer.


                              You suck, Dave.

                              - Andrew

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                Hi Dailies.


                                6.4 with DW done. 8:46 pace, I think.


                                That is all.