Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: Yodel le he hoo (Read 44 times)


    Attention all joggers, walkers, sitters, standers and bystanders (innocent and otherwise).  Inquiring minds want to know; what are you doing today? State your intentions!


      I intend to run, easy.  And with a current temp of 35 degrees and a wind chill factor of 25 degrees (it's windy), I might actually like it.  Smile


        Some easy running for me today. Raining right now and will probably be running in light rain at lunch time.


        Have a nice day


        delicate flower

          Yesterday's run was my second suckfest in a row.  6 miles at 8:35 pace.  My legs had nothing, man...nothing.  Oh, the wonders of the taper.  I checked my log from my last cycle and these sluggish runs are right on schedule.  I should start to bounce back in another day or two.  Honestly, I'd be concerned if I didn't feel sluggish right now.  So all that said, I've got five miles to do today and I'll expect another sluggish run.


          Good morning to all you fine people!


          From the Internet.

            Hi friends!


            Figured out my pace dilemma after this morning's sluggish tired 3 miles - the faster easy pace I've been running lately must have been some combination of fresh legs with good weather helping me out. And I've always been more of a morning runner but have been doing most of my runs midday/afternoon lately, when my legs are already warmed up from walking around all morning. Just rolled out of bed, threw on clothes and left this morning, and tired legs plus humidity (50 actual temp/50 dew point) brought me back down to 10:00+. So moral of the story, if the effort is easy just ignore the numbers :P


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning.  I have a run and heavy weights.  This day is going well, since I already had my regular meds and I also had albuterol for breakfast.  Sigh.




                Rocky and I hit the trails this morning just before 5 AM, 36 degrees with a feels like 30 - a little chilly for the first mile but quickly warmed up. I am always reminded how much slower one has to go on a trail compared to the road, especially these trails because each year they get worse and worse due to erosion - it's beginning to be more roots than trail or dirt...  Nothing wrong with that during daylight hours, but in the dark with just a headlamp... you've got to watch yourself.

                6.2 miles for me and Rocky today.

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                From the Internet.

                  LOOOL guys look what Oiselle just released:


                  Former Bad Ass



                      Yuk... kill the mood pyjamas (or whatever they're called)...


                      I skipped yesterday's run, therefore I must run today. I just MUST... 6 miles? Arms are sore, so I'll give them a rest. Maybe more stretching during the day, if I find the time for it.


                      Lauren, you seem to have figured out your pacing dilemma. It makes sense!

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        I ran 6 this morning.  20 degrees here.


                          I intend to run, easy.  And with a current temp of 35 degrees and a wind chill factor of 25 degrees (it's windy), I might actually like it.  Smile


                          It was great for running, not so much for anything else. It's frickin cold yo!


                            I ran 6 this morning.  20 degrees here.


                            Geezus! That would be jacket weather and heavy gloves for me.  Hoping not to have to pull any of that out just yet but I know it's coming.


                              Hey guys.  I can play "winter weather" too.  It got into the 20s last night, and although it wasn't that cold yet for my run, the wind sure made it feel like it was!  Today it's supposed to be in the 30s and raining for my run.  I think that's my least favorite combo.


                              Seven Deadly Shins