Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #8 (Read 36 times)


Super B****

    Swimming: I think I'd enjoy it as a sport. It has technical aspects, endurance...  My problem is that I've never liked water. I don't hate water, but most of the time if you give me the choice to go in or not, I won't. Of course, I don't like just lying on the beach and do nothing either, so there's a dilemma there on beach days. But I disgress. Everytime I think of starting to swim as a sport, the fact that I'll have to actually get in water every time to do it simply puts an end to the project.


    I love being in water... but I hate getting wet 🤦🏻‍♀️

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog



      I love being in water... but I hate getting wet 🤦🏻‍♀️


      I prefer me: I don't like being in water, and I hate getting wet.



        Yeah, it's a very technical sport.  Form is crucial, and you've got to be able to sight well, and you've got know how to get around other people, and I suck at all that.  I handle all of the contact just fine and getting hit doesn't bother me...probably because I grew up playing football and hockey.


        So you're like a running back during the swim portions of tris? 



          I love the water, being in it and under it. Unfortunately I never learned to properly swim. Whenever I’ve done laps, it’s a breast stroke, it’s the only thing I can keep going. When trying to do a normal freestyle stroke, I usually can’t even make it across one full lap without running out of breath and/or sinking. I realize I need some instruction. Not like running where you can have super shitty form and still run. I am envious whenever I see someone just going back & forth in the pool forever, looking super smooth. Of course it hasn’t been important enough to me to do anything about it.


          LOL, this is totally me, too. One year I actually decided to take up swimming and get instruction from one of the local health clubs, because I decided I should take up tris. Well, it turns out that whenever I go under water I plug my nose (with my fingers, not the proper way you're supposed to do it by breathing out through your nose or whatever) so I didn't get very far. I think I could psyche myself up, half of the times, to actually do as I was instructed for trying to make it across the pool swimming freestyle. My instructor soon gave me the board thing to hang on to, and eventually I just stopped going b/c I was so horrible at it. Haha. 



            2) dog has a severe limp, and I'm taking her to the vet in an hour


            Doggy has Lyme disease. Sad So she is on meds now for that. The limp doesn't appear to be bone related (no fractures to see) so they think it's soft tissue related. So she's on anti-inflammatories for that, too. Poor doggy. 


              This will be Cy after his anesthesia later:






                I'm signed up for two half Ironmans this year (June 21 and Aug 2).  I'll have plenty of time after Boston to get the bike fitness back up, but I can't neglect the swimming.  I'll be looking at 2-3 swims a week going forward.  I'll also do a bunch of short triathlons during the summer.  I'm buying a new mountain bike this spring and will do the weekly Tuesday night off-road series.


                I figured you had signed up for some stuff that I had missed. That makes sense about the swimming. And FUN about the new mountain bike!!! I bet your'e looking forward to that! (Do you geek out about new biking gear like you geek out about run gear? I would assume so, but you know what happens when you assume something... Wink  Big grin )


                Former Bad Ass


                  Doggy has Lyme disease. Sad So she is on meds now for that. The limp doesn't appear to be bone related (no fractures to see) so they think it's soft tissue related. So she's on anti-inflammatories for that, too. Poor doggy. 


                  Awww, poor girl!



                  Super B****

                    I was in the process of registering for the LI Half when I realized that because Boston is the 20th this year (vs. the 16th in 2018), it's less than two weeks later instead of less than three. Womp womp. I might have to skip it.

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                      8 miles in a drizzle. 
                      The pain in the back of my knee was there again. Started around 5 miles in, about the same point as yesterday.  Of course I only did 6 yesterday, so I had to put up with it for longer today. IDK, I guess I’ll keep running through it for now. But maybe stop at 5 tomorrow.



                      UM 45 Ohio 23

                        Docket - just saw a story that said 2/3 of Puerto Rico is without power; maybe old news but I didn't realize it was this bad.  Hope your parents are ok.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Docket - just saw a story that said 2/3 of Puerto Rico is without power; maybe old news but I didn't realize it was this bad.  Hope your parents are ok.


                          Yeah, yesterday the whole island was without power. Apparently, another bigger one hit now of 4.9 Sad



                          Former Bad Ass

                            This is only page 1 of his post (there have been 15+ today alone): 




                              This is only page 1 of his post (there have been 15+ today alone): 



                              Wow. Sad


                                Here's the course profile from the race I was telling you about yesterday. I've done the route on 2 other races, and the hills really are a bitch. Oh well, maybe if my expectations aren't too high...





                                Mile 1.3 has almost 80ft of gain in 0.4 mi,

                                Mile 4 has 87ft of gain in 0.2mi

                                mile 8.6 has nearly 120ft of gain in 0.2mi, then basically flat til the finish.


                                Yep, lots of downhills, too, but oy. 
