Beginners and Beyond


Guess what DAILIES it is (Read 37 times)



    Hey everyone!


    Happy birthday to MBC!


    Basya - enjoy your trip!


    I got an easy 5 in yesterday and have 8 planned for today. The weather is gorgeous. It's supposed to be in the low 60's and sunny by the time I'll be on the greenway. My spring allergies are back. The Bradford Pear trees are in bloom here and that is the start of my seasonal allergy fun. I started my allergy cocktail yesterday, so hopefully I won't be sneezing and wheezing the whole time I'm out. At least it's pretty!


      Damn it, Rick. You beat me to it.


      I suspect that will not happen again while you are there!


      Welp, I got my 7 in, and lost my stupid spur light in the process.  It is a neon light made by Nathan that attaches to the heel of your shoe.  It is very cool and so many people have been stopping for me the past two days I have worn it , thatI have felt like the Prince of Zamunda!


      During the last mile of my run however, rather than run on the shoulder towards oncoming traffic like I did yesterday I decided to trek across the snow covered sidewalks where it came off.


      I did not notice it was gone until I got to my truck but when I went back two hours later it was there and still on, phew!


      I guess tomorrow it will be back to running on the shoulder for that short stretch.  That shit scares me!

        Hello dailies:


        Rick - outdoors! Good that you found your light.


        Basya - glad you are enjoying your trip, hope it goes well including that little race you're going to run.


        Dave - good tempo miles


        Lily - I heard that Al Sal has the toenail fairy locked away somewhere in Oregon to avoid bad PR... so no.


        D^2 - excellent, no extended time off for you, eh.  Good stuff.


        Baboon - happy bday to MBC


        Scotty - green river, huh?  Glad you didn't mistake it for grass!


        Step - rest up


        Zelanie - enjoy the concert, lol


        Brrr - good run


        D - good luck in court


        Headed out for a LR in a few -- still nervous about paces, although yesterday's easy 8 were much faster than they felt.


        Would jogging for 6 hours (a week before a marathon) be an incredibly bad idea, or maybe not so much?


          Headed out for a LR in a few -- still nervous about paces, although yesterday's easy 8 were much faster than they felt.


          Would jogging for 6 hours (a week before a marathon) be an incredibly bad idea, or maybe not so much?


          You, nervous about pace?  lol


          In jogging for 6 hours you mean all at once or an hour a day the week before?


            In jogging for 6 hours you mean all at once or an hour a day the week before?


            All at once, there's a 6-hour run here on 4/13 that has been tempting me.  The problem is when it falls -- having never done something like that, I'm not sure if deliberately easy miles would be excessive fatigue going into taper week, or if perhaps it could make the marathon seem shorter and leave me chomping at the bit to actually race.  The key would be never letting the lid off jogging pace, not even a little.


              D^2 - excellent, no extended time off for you, eh.  Good stuff.


              Would jogging for 6 hours (a week before a marathon) be an incredibly bad idea, or maybe not so much?


              No rest for the wicked lol  I have a couple of 5Ks and a 10K in April/May that I want to get ready for.  I'll keep it easy for the next couple of weeks and then ramp it back up.


              I'm with LRB, is that six hours in one run, or over the week?  One run, no way I'd do that.  Over the week might be ok.  I cut back to 30-40mins per run the week prior.  My usual runs are around an hour.  Guess it depends on what you've been running leading into the taper.


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                On of these days I'm going to figure out a way to start the dailies.  5 easy miles done for me in the hills around the golf course.  My hamstring has been acting up this week again -- I think it knows I am in taper.   Very little running for me these next 3 days with the hope everything feels fresh for race day.

                Life is good.



                  All at once, there's a 6-hour run here on 4/13 that has been tempting me.  The problem is when it falls -- having never done something like that, I'm not sure if deliberately easy miles would be excessive fatigue going into taper week, or if perhaps it could make the marathon seem shorter and leave me chomping at the bit to actually race.  The key would be never letting the lid off jogging pace, not even a little.


                  I think even at an easy pace it would take significant recovery, especially being your first effort for a 6hr event.  I ran my 50k in December as an easy long run effort, finished in 4:42 and felt fine, but I would not have been ready to run a marathon the following week.  That was the longest I had ever run, time and distance wise.


                  My running blog

                  Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



                    I think even at an easy pace it would take significant recovery, especially being your first effort for a 6hr event.  I ran my 50k in December as an easy long run effort, finished in 4:42 and felt fine, but I would not have been ready to run a marathon the following week.  That was the longest I had ever run, time and distance wise.


                    Agreed - you would be surprised at how difficult an easy pace can be when stretched over a length of time significantly longer than you are accustomed to. If the marathon isn't a goal race, I might say go for it, but if you want a strong race for the marathon, I wouldn't chance it. Running at a pace you don't often run, even a slower one, uses your muscles in a different way and can leave you just as sore and fatigued as a shorter, faster race.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                      Good, thanks Step and D^2.  That was enough to kill that idea, I'll look for one to do over the summer.


                      Run to live; live to run

                        8.4 for me. Took the pups to the pool today also. Pilates in a bit.


                        My my last day off this week. Back to work tomorrow. Been a productive 3 days off so I'm happy with them.



                        Former Bad Ass


                          All at once, there's a 6-hour run here on 4/13 that has been tempting me.  The problem is when it falls -- having never done something like that, I'm not sure if deliberately easy miles would be excessive fatigue going into taper week, or if perhaps it could make the marathon seem shorter and leave me chomping at the bit to actually race.  The key would be never letting the lid off jogging pace, not even a little.


                          If the marathon is for a PR, I would not do the race.  But it sounds like a great race.



                            I'm glad that Shari and Dave gave their opinion in a respectful manner, because I was going to give you shit, Jay, for coming up with such a stupid idea. One week before Boston? WTF? 

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              That was enough to kill that idea, I'll look for one to do over the summer.


                              Good, because at an 8:00 pace that would be a 45 mile long run!


                                I'm glad that Shari and Dave gave their opinion in a respectful manner, because I was going to give you shit, Jay, for coming up with such a stupid idea. One week before Boston? WTF? 


                                If it's too crazy for Lily to try, that's really crazy.

