Beginners and Beyond


Tell it to the Tuesdailies (Read 40 times)


Run to live; live to run

    Back to Tampa. At least this trip is only 3 nights versus last trip of 6.


    Hope  everyone is doing well.



      Good morning people who live in my computer!


      Hi Marjorie, I hope you are able to survive enjoy the trip.


      I am nixing my normal Tuesday speed session after running those hills Sunday and will run easy in its stead.  I actually feel fine but just do not want to take any chances.


      Also lost in the hecticness that was my Monday, I had an hour of red cord and am getting to where I no longer struggle to complete the repetitions.  In fact I am actually starting to look like I know what I am doing on the stupid thing.


      Now if I can just get my muscles to fire when she presses down on my left leg, my right one is just about there.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning.  8-10 miles maybe with mile repeats.  We'll see how bad I"m breathing tonight.



        Run Long, Hard, and Fast

          Buongiorno corridori! My Italian greeting this morning in the spirit of Italy playing Uruguay in World Cup Soccer today! Viva Italia! I was born in Italy and came here at a young age. I grew up watching World Cup Soccer with my dad. Needless to say I have 2 teams to cheer for; Italy and the US of course.


          I have 5 miles scheduled to start my running week. I may have to dodge thunder, lightning and rain to get it done. Have a great day everyone! God bless!


          delicate flower

            Hello then and what do you say now, e-folk!  I hit the neighborhood roads early this morning for a real easy three mile shakeout run.  Wife wants to relay her Tuesday night triathlon tonight, which means a 5K trail race for me.  I have not done speedwork in weeks and am not in 5K shape, so I'll be happy to run this at 10K pace (6:55).  Today was going to be a speed workout anyway, so I suppose running a 5K counts as a speed workout, yes?


            20 mile bike ride last night at an easy effort.  Just trying to log time in the saddle, and I wanted to ride a second day in a row.  Duathlon in four weeks.  I am behind on the biking.  One "advantage" to knee surgery early last year was that I got to ride my bike a lot more, so I got into pretty good biking shape early on.  Still trying to get there this year.



              It's a holiday in Quebec so I'm not working today. I'll do my usual speed but log in more total miles than what I usually have time for on tuesdays.


                Bonne St-Jean-Baptiste, tout le monde! 400 years of bugging the English in America is worth celebrating. 


                I have a day off as well, yoohoo! I'll run 10 easy miles after my second cup of coffee. Then some gardening and general house chores, then a few recovery miles tonight, 4 or 5. If we can avoid the rain, maybe I'll go for a hike at the mountain this afternoon. I'll bring the camera and try to zoom in on my house from the top of the mountain. We can also see the Olympic Stadium in Montreal on the horizon. Neat view.

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  It's a holiday in Quebec so I'm not working today. I'll do my usual speed but log in more total miles than what I usually have time for on tuesdays.


                  Here are some snippets of Jack Daniels speaking about his ideals and principals.  They may provide clarity for you in certain instances or as they did for me, cement what I already concluded.  (link)

                  From the Internet.

                    Morning dailies! 5.05 miles early this morning. Weather was great but it felt hard. I think I spent too much time sitting around yesterday. I've also been trying to cut back on desserts/late night snacks in an effort to shed ~5 lbs before the end of the summer, so it could also be that my calories have been a bit too low the last few days. I may dust off the ol' MyFitnessPal account for a week or two to make sure I'm getting enough to fuel workouts without going overboard on the sweets :P Gym this afternoon.


                      8 miles this morning at a 10:03 average pace, which included 5x100m strides and 4x12-15 sec hill sprints. Followed by my "at least I did something" core/strength workout: 40 each of body weight squats, hip dips, crunches and pushups, 20 leg raises, and planks for 30 secs each front, each side and back.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        Hi Dailies.


                        Another phone check in. I'm going for a drive in an attempt to find a relatively flat area so I can do an interval workout, 5x1000. Yuck. I will likely end up by the lake. Have a good day, Dailies.





                          Thankfully the rain held off this morning and I was able to get in my 6.5 mi Easy run without issue. I also threw in 10 strides. I'm actually getting used to them, so I start them about mid way through my run rather than in the last half mile. Smile


                          I saw a local guy again who I can tell is very fast. He ended up running by me a second time when I was about 25 minutes in to my run, so I decided to maintain my pace with him so it would record on my Garmin. I determine that he's running about a 7mm Easy run. Wow. Comes out to be about a 64 VDOT value. Hopefully I can talk with him at a race or meetup and get his name. I see him probably 3 times a week.

                          - Andrew


                            Have a great day off in Quebec!


                            5 km in 39:11. That was my first run ever logged on this site, on Feb. 1, 2007. I joined a few months later and logged the run after the fact, but close enough. Yes, I realize that's about a 12:36 pace. It just tells me I've come a long way as I approach the 10,000 mile mark tonight.


                            6 x 800 @ 5k pace tonight. If anything happens to me today, someone run some miles for me.



                              Have a great day off in Quebec!


                              5 km in 39:11. That was my first run ever logged on this site, on Feb. 1, 2007. I joined a few months later and logged the run after the fact, but close enough. Yes, I realize that's about a 12:36 pace. It just tells me I've come a long way as I approach the 10,000 mile mark tonight.


                              6 x 800 @ 5k pace tonight. If anything happens to me today, someone run some miles for me.


                              Awesome stuff B+. Congrats on 10k mileage, on this site at least. Those are some huge gains (your 10k PR is faster than that first run).

                              - Andrew


                                First workout of JD 10K training and I feel like I'm being thrown in the deep end...

                                2x(8x200m w/200m jogs) + warmup and cooldown.

                                Pace varied quite a bit because of a hilly route, but mostly between 6:00 pace and 7:30 (50-60 seconds per repeat).


                                Bonne St-Jean-Baptiste!
