Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES: Surround yourself with perfect people and fake it, or... (Read 46 times)


    Surround yourself with imperfect people and be yourself.




      I was planning a little strength work this morning but may have slept in a little too late for that.


      Otherwise it will be a busy day for me, how does your day look?


      Skirt Runner

        No running for me.....I have a terrible cold. I've missed 2 runs because of it already Sad. But since my goal half is next weekend I'm thinking it is more important to rest and get better than try to run so rest it is.

        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


          My day looks crazy!!  I have a long list of things to do around the house to get ready for the holidays including painting my kitchen today.  I plan on running 4 miles sometime today and wanted to run them outside but it's snowing pretty good so I'll see how the roads are first (yes, I'm a winter running chicken).

          I was up early on Saturday (6:00a.m.) so I could get my run in before work that day since I was working all day and no one started the dailies bunch of bums must have slept in?  Or maybe you all beat me to it and were already out running!!


          Have a great Monday everyone!


          Barking Mad To Run

            Did my 63rd race of the year on Saturday.  HUGE after-party!    Report and photos:


            Followed that up on Sunday by doing some hills.  Went out to Fort Sam Houston at around 8 a.m.    Overcast and 45 degrees so not bat at all, especially as there was no wind.   My plan was do to 3 miles of hills, but I felt good so I kept going....and going...and going.  When I got back to the gym and checked my timer I found I'd done a run/walk for an hour!  Haven't gone that long in a while.  Ended up with 5.3 miles done and 8 hills run - and not little hills either.  I was a bit tired at the end, but the 'good' kind of tired.   Plan for after work today is weight training circuit.  Just trying to stay warm right now...this morning San Antonio temp was 32 degrees!  That equates to 'arctic' temperature for we South Texans!

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Kristin- Hope you feel better soon!!  Rest up and hopefully you will be in tip top shape by the time race day rolls around!!  


                Nice run Scotty!!!   That is awesome!  Gotta love those runs that just come together and you feel your best!  Wow, it's actually warmer up here in Buffalo at 36*  I shouldn't be to surprised though since this is Buffalo and we have crazy weather.  The next 2 days we're supposed to get a few feet of lake effect snow and by Sunday it's supposed to almost 50* again.  Like I said....CrAzY!!!!


                delicate flower

                  'Morning and Happy Monday!  Busy busy busy this morning!  That's good...I need this week to go by quickly.  I've got 5 easy miles to do later today, and I'll be treadmilling them.



                  Barking Mad To Run

                    My day looks damn cold, LRB, that's how it looks!  Nothing, of course, like what you probably have...but for we warm-weather Texans, it's flippin' cold!  I hate cold weather.  I really need to win the lottery so I can move to Hawaii or someplace where it's warm all year round.


                    ((((Kristin))).  Hope you feel better soon!   Get that echinacea and vitamin C inside you, I have read those things will help shorten the length of the cold.  True?  I don't know, but it probably won't hurt to try it.


                    You are painting the kitchen for the holidays, runninggirl30?  So your walls will end up looking like this all over?  


                    I am a winter running chicken too - last time I did a winter run was a few Thanksgivings ago when I did a Turkey Trot in Washington State.  But when I go to Washington State next week, I am still going to get outside and run, regardless of weather, since I hate the darn treadmill.  I already mailed some winter running gear to my in-laws house, so it will be waiting for me when I get there.   Even so....BRRRR!    Good luck with your miles today!

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      'Morning and Happy Monday!  Busy busy busy this morning!  That's good...I need this week to go by quickly.  I've got 5 easy miles to do later today, and I'll be treadmilling them.


                      Say it ain't so, Baboon!     Stay safe!  Watching the football games yesterday all over the place and there is some darn crazy-cold weather in the 'real winter' states!    Crazy runners that get out in that stuff...probably freeze their fartleks off!

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                        Kristin, rest up and hydrate!

                        Runninggirl, good luck with the painting!

                        Scotty, 63 already? Wow! I will go read your RRs.

                        LRB, morning sweetie!


                        Something weird happened to me last night. I was watching TV and had to get up a few times to go check on the rice cooking in the kitchen. Each time, I would feel dizzy getting up and would have to stop walking for a few seconds and close my eyes until I felt steady enough to continue. I didn't tell SO, because I thought it was just fatigue. And the fact I have poor vision and refuse to wear glasses doesn't help with balance. But the third time I got up, I went from the living room through the dining-room, just before the kitchen, and was hit with dizziness once again. But this time it hit me harder. I stopped, closed my eyes, lost my balance and fell on a small game table. The game table hit the wall and it chipped the paint. The crystal bottle on it did not fall, thank God, that would have made me very angry at myself. Anyway, SO came running and helped me to the couch. I was ok after that, but I had to go very slowly. High blood pressure? Low blood pressure? Simple fatigue? I have no clue and I don't intend to find out, unless it happens again. Today is a rest day, according to plan, and I'm fine with that!

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          Kristin, rest up and hydrate!

                          Runninggirl, good luck with the painting!

                          Scotty, 63 already? Wow! I will go read your RRs.

                          LRB, morning sweetie!


                          Something weird happened to me last night. I was watching TV and had to get up a few times to go check on the rice cooking in the kitchen. Each time, I would feel dizzy getting up and would have to stop walking for a few seconds and close my eyes until I felt steady enough to continue. I didn't tell SO, because I thought it was just fatigue. And the fact I have poor vision and refuse to wear glasses doesn't help with balance. But the third time I got up, I went from the living room through the dining-room, just before the kitchen, and was hit with dizziness once again. But this time it hit me harder. I stopped, closed my eyes, lost my balance and fell on a small game table. The game table hit the wall and it chipped the wall. The crystal bottle on it did not fall, thank God, that would have made me very angry at myself. Anyway, SO came running and helped me to the couch. I was ok after that, but I had to go very slowly. High blood pressure? Low blood pressure? Simple fatigue? I have no clue and I don't intend to find out, unless it happens again. Today is a rest day, according to plan, and I'm fine with that!


                          Lily, I deal with this quite a lot, but thankfully mine is pretty mild.  Have your doc check you for a condition called BPPV - Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo - this can happen as you start to get older.  According to my doc and stuff I have read about it, bout 15 percent of "older" people (usually for those 40 and older) will get it - and I just happen to be one of the lucky ones, oh joy.


                          Anyway, in some people the otoliths in your ear - those are the 'crystals' in your ear that help you maintain balance - will get out of position.  Of course, the Otolith does not "think" it is out of position, it 'thinks' it is still correct and that YOU are out of position, so it tries to 'adjust" you  to ITS position, "thinking" you are not in a head upright position anymore - and thus subsequent dizziness results - like when you get off a merry-go round, for example.  Some people like me have it pretty mild and it passes pretty quickly - although I have had a couple of 'severe' episodes where the room spins like crazy for minutes!  NOT fun.  I know some people, though, that get it so bad, they can't function at all, and have to go into the hospital for an IV to get stabilized with some type of drug.   During my most severe episode - mine all started on Christmas Day  back in 1998 when I was 44 - they gave me an IV of valium to help 'stabilize' things.


                          If you DO have this condition, there are treatments for it.  There is a manuever called the "Epley Manuever" done by a physical therapist that will reposition the otolith correctly, and the effect is almost instantaneous, the dizziness stops.  This is usually effective for the majority of people and you may never have another occurrence.   For some though - like me - these damn cyrstals keep 'acting up' on occasion.  Why?   Sudden change in humidity, weather, air pressure, etc., have been listed as possible causes, some think it may be hereditary, etc.  But when it comes right down to it, as my doc and PT have told me, nobody really knows why it occurs for just some people and not others.


                          In my case, I am lucky that mine usually only occurs when I am in the PRONE position and my head is positioned in certain ways.  So my PT has given me some head exercises that I do daily - in which I PUT myself into those positions and MAKE myself dizzy (not fun) and then get myself out of it.  When I first tried these, I was dizzy for about 5 to 10 minutes.  Now, it's more like 10 - 30 seconds, I can 'correct' myself.  Still not fun, but lots better.  And as I did these exercises, over time this acts as an 'aversion therapy' so the dizzy spells do not occur for longer periods, thankfully.   I have not had a major episode for more than 4 years now - still get the occasional little spell, but can usually get that over  pretty quick -  so it does work.


                          If the therapy does not completely work, there is also a medication you can take - Wal-mart actually sells it OTC for about $10 a bottle - called Meclazine - commonly known as "anti-vert" which is very effective for vertigo, nauseau, etc.


                          I am certainly not a doc, so I am just giving you what I have personally dealt with.  But from what you described, it sure sounds SO familiar to me.  So you might want to see your doc to check for BPPV.  If it IS BPPV, you can deal with this pretty effectively.  If it is not BV, but something else a bit more serious like high BP, maybe a drug interaction (if you are currently taking any meds), or whatever, then your doc can check for those too.  Dizziness can be a WARNING sign, Lily, so please do get checked.  And I sure hope it turns out to be something that is a really easy fix for you.


                          Or....maybe you're pregnant?  

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            And the fact I have poor vision and refuse to wear glasses doesn't help with balance.


                            Why do you refuse to wear glasses?  Why not contacts?  Lasik?


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Morning!  I have Pilates, weights, and 5 miles, but I am trying to move everything so I can just leave the weights and rest the knee.  Not sure if hanging from the air will be good for it today.


                              I vote Lasik.  Best decision I have ever made.



                                Geesh, Lily be careful!!   I think you should at least mention it to your doc.  Maybe it's just an easy fix and hopefully nothing serious is going on!   I get light headed when my blood sugar gets low but it's not as bad as you described.  Hope everything is ok and it doesn't happen again!

                                Scotty, I was thinking more candy cane but gingerbread works good too!  


                                Docket, how long ago did you get Lasik?  I have contacts and have been thinking about getting that done but honestly the proceedure freaks me out a little and I have a few friends that had it done and they still need eye drops quite often.  I guess that's not really a big deal but was just curious.
