Beginners and Beyond

Psst - Wanna Laugh? ThursDAILIES (Read 286 times)

Ball of Fury

    LRB:  Hilarious!  Hope you get back out there soon though!


    Tom:  It is so hard to fit everything in around the Christmas season!


    Basya:  Enjoy the gym...what cardio do you generally do?  I feel like I need to cross train more but I hate the elliptical and not a huge fan of the bike either.  I find myself always doing Insanity when I want to cross train, but then I am so sore for the next couple days, it is hard to run!


    Gustav:  Enjoy your gym workout.  Hope you get it figured out and get ready for your comeback!


    Eddie:  Get going!!


    Kay:  Enjoy your work from home day and your lunch-time 4 miler.


    Baboon:  You seem to be having some great runs lately....that's awesome!


    RMTB:  Hope you enjoy your 8 tonight....can I be like you when I grow up?


    Pink:  Aww...sounds like a great day!


    Docket:  Sorry it's still hot and humid down there.  I am getting a bit worried about the weather being too warm at Disney...24 days to go!


    Jneilt:  Enjoy the TM...I will be running inside today as well.  I don't mind rain/cold/snow, but 30-50 mph winds are just too much for me!


    Since the kids are on Christmas break, DH and I are having to get a bit creative to fit both our runs in.  He needed to do 10 this morning so I let him run outside (weather not bad yet...wind only 15 mph) this morning, which means I will have to run after work (which I hate...sometimes it is super hard that both of us need to run this many miles, ya know?).  I will probably go to the gym and run on the TM because the weather is supposed to be nasty soon.  I am supposed to do 6-7 easy but I have a hard time running easy on the TM because of boredom...I will see what happens.  In other news, my pinkie toenail fell off this morning....good times!

    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


      Morning Dailies friends.


      Well, with my 6.06 mles this morning, I am currently at 2400.19 miles.




      Now I can take the rest of the year off.


      My next goal is 10,000 miles which is a mere 276.89 miles to get there!

      I AM WEEZER.

      Ball of Fury

        Weezer:  That's awesome!!!

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


          Hey guys! Coffee is most definitely on. I'm planning on 3-4 miles today. I think I'm going to do it on the TM. The last few runs have been on the same boring route and I need to mix it up. I hate to drive somewhere for a short distance like this. Dentist appointment later today. Yuck.


          I NEED a garmin like asap so I can use the logs. I'm using RunKeeper for now. Have a good Thursday! 


          I use RunKeeper and still use the log here.  I just manually add my info.

          Do you even run?


          Former Bad Ass

            AmiK, we are having a cold front this weekend.  I still hold hope that Disney will be cold.  Plus Disney is 4 hours North and they usually have 10F warmer than us.  So when people say "I was in Florida and it was not that bad", add 10F and 20% uhumidity and then you'll understand Miami, LOL.   But we WILL have cold weather!  And we WILL FE, LOL.


            David, congrats on the milestone.


              Gustav, have a great workout tonight.

              Eddie, it's good to see you back here.

              Kay, have a wonderful run later.

              RM2B, enjoy your run.

              Damaris, I hope you can fit a run into your day.

              jneilt, 30mph winds? Ouch. I'd keep it indoors, too.

              Hilary, I hope your run goes well.

              Ami, I usually use the ArcTrainer because I can adjust the incline and the resistance separately.

              Weezer, congratulations!!!


              Barking Mad To Run

                I will give you a laugh too...


                Did 3.5 miles at Fort Sam Houston last night, ALL hills the whole way.  Our temp did shoot up to 83 degrees, breaking the old San Antonio record for high temperature on Dec 19th.   I was drenched in sweat by the time I finished.  One funny thing, I was coming down the last hill, heading back to the gym to finish up, and ahead of me I could see this really weird-patterned fence-line, I kept thinking that sure is an odd color to paint a fence.  Then as I finally got close enough to where I could see 'it' clearly - I don't wear my glasses when I run and I am nearsighted - I saw it was not a fence at all, lol, but a long line of Navy trainees standing ramrod straight at attention in formation in those blue-and-black camouflage uniforms they wear.  Oh yeah, with my nearsightedness, sometimes some of my runs get real interesting with what I think I see, lol.


                San Antonio is having some crazy weather this week.  82 yesterday.  This morning 49 degrees with a 30 mph wind blowing outside making it feel like it is in the high 30s, high of only 57 today.  Tomorrow, the temp is supposed to plunge a bit and our low in the morning will be near freezing.  Mother Nature sure is on some kind of vendetta in Texas, all these weather changes about every 3 to 4 days.   Lots of people around here walking around coughing, sniffling, etc., no time for their bodies to acclimatize!

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Thanks everyone - it's been a good year with no injuries!


                  AmiK - hopefully the wind and rain are done by the time you get off work today.  It was NASTY windy when I ran this morning.


                  LRB - do you know if there is a way to transition your RWOL training log over to RA?   I've been hesitant to do so but eventually it will need to be done.


                  Eddie - you'll be happy to know that the 2012in2012 team that you initially started with and helped name (Where's The Food?) went on to win the championship.

                  I AM WEEZER.


                  delicate flower

                    Gustav, have a great workout tonight.

                    Eddie, it's good to see you back here.

                    Kay, have a wonderful run later.

                    RM2B, enjoy your run.

                    Damaris, I hope you can fit a run into your day.

                    jneilt, 30mph winds? Ouch. I'd keep it indoors, too.

                    Hilary, I hope your run goes well.

                    Ami, I usually use the ArcTrainer because I can adjust the incline and the resistance separately.

                    Weezer, congratulations!!!



                    WHY DID YOU PURPOSELY IGNORE ME THIS MORNING!  You been hanging around LRB lately? 


                    Big grin 



                      WHY DID YOU PURPOSELY IGNORE ME THIS MORNING!  You been hanging around LRB lately? 


                      Big grin 


                      I don't know why, but this really made me laugh. Smile

                      Do you even run?


                        WHY DID YOU PURPOSELY IGNORE ME THIS MORNING!  You been hanging around LRB lately? 


                        Big grin 

                        You are as big as an elephant...nah, that's not right.  I mean you have the footprint of an, wait the brain of an elephant?  Crap, let me google it....



                          Morning gang! Ran a 9.3m or 15k for you metric folks with 8xfartleks at start of every mile. Fartleks were very random and without thinking about them consistent in 31-38sec. legs feeling really good right now. Another week or so and start Phase II with some heavy quaklity. Thank you dr.Daniels.Smile Good running all!

                          PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                          Up Next:



                            WHY DID YOU PURPOSELY IGNORE ME THIS MORNING!  You been hanging around LRB lately? 


                            Big grin 

                            MEMORY!  Yeah yeah yeah, that's the ticket.  You have the memory of an elephant!


                            Man, I'd hate to cut you of in the fast lane during rush hour, because with your memory, you'd likely flip off any driver that did everyday until you retire!  Smile


                            delicate flower

                              MEMORY!  Yeah yeah yeah, that's the ticket.  You have the memory of an elephant!


                              Man, I'd hate to cut you of in the fast lane during rush hour, because with your memory, you'd likely flip off any driver that did everyday until you retire!  Smile



                              I thought you were trying to say I was the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about. 



                              Former Bad Ass

                                WHY DID YOU PURPOSELY IGNORE ME THIS MORNING!  You been hanging around LRB lately? 


                                Big grin 


                                And you're yelling too!
