Beginners and Beyond


Almost a year later... My "Runniversary" Report (Read 339 times)


    Congratulations, Di. It's a great story and I look forward to seeing your progress this year. I also plan to race 10 miles and a half for the first time.



    "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

    ~ Sir Edmund Hillary


      Diane, thanks so much for posting this! It's so easy to focus on the negative and forget how far we've come! You've made some incredible progress this past year, but do you know what I think is the biggest accomplishment? Sticking with it! You, me, and millions of others started running last January...painfully few stuck with it beyond Feburary. I'm so proud of you, and can't wait to see how far you go this year Smile.



      Bless your heart.


      Team TJ

        Happy almost runniversary!


        while I haven't been here to follow your entire journey, I think I have been here through about half of it.  Reading your description of today's run made me super happy for you.  You have been through a lot lately with your running but haven't given up and I commend you for that!  I sincerely hope that this run kick starts your running into great strides that you never imagined possible for yourself.  You are going to kick HM butt this year!


        Run STRONG my friend!

        Running for TJ because he can't.




          I love this post!   Congrat's on coming so far.  You have the best attitude!


            Congratulations, Di!  You are a runner, and I'm sure you will have another great year with your upcoming races.  Next January 1 you will be able to look back again and see even more progress!



            Upcoming races:

            Covenant Health Knoxville 5K 4/7/13 (and cheering on DH for his 1st Marathon!!)

            Rock and Roll Chicago Half Marathon 7/21/13

            Tower of Terror Ten Miler 10/5/13


            delicate flower

              Way to go, Di!  I see big things for you in 2013!  Smile


                Huge congratulations on your first year. You've made a lot of smart decisions with your training and I think you will heal up and have a lot of success in the next year.


                  Nice job, Di!  I'm glad you stuck with it & look forward to hearing about your half in 2013.  Smile


                    Excellent work!

                    Current PRs:

                    5K: 27:06 (11/10/12) | 5M: 44:03 (6/1/13) | 10K: 1:00:48 (7/4/12)

                    15K: 1:27:53 (3/17/13) | 10M: 1:30:25 (4/13/13) | HM: 1:59:55 (4/28/13)

                    Next race: Ashland 4th of July 10K

                    Just B.S.

                      Congrats Di!!! Great story and many more years of running and accomplishments are in store for



                      I was  'resolutioner" 13 years ago and have never stopped running since. Doesn't really matter what time

                      of year you start running, what matter is that you stick with it.


                        Congratulations on a great job. You are right to feel proud.


                        Chief Unicorn Officer

                          Congrats! You have come so far and there are more great things ahead for you. Keep up the good work.

                          Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54

                            This is so great. Congratulations on your success, Di!



                              This is more for me than for ya'll, so feel free to skim or skip..... just don't tell me cuz you know it'd be bad for my huge ego.  *snort*


                              January 8, 2012, I began the "Run Your Butt Off" program (similar to C25K).  I walked for about 30 minutes, a few times a week, and then on January 18, 2012, I took my first running steps.  Total "workout" time?  31 minutes.  Total running time?  5 minutes (in one minute segments).


                              It wasn't the hardest thing I've ever done (I've given birth, after all), but it was not easy, either.  I worked for those 5 minutes.


                              Today, I went for my first run of 2013, thinking negatively - thinking about all the running I HAVEN'T done lately, the injury I've been nursing for months, how slow I still am, how I'm probably kidding myself about the plans I have for this year, etc, etc.   Half way through my run, I started to think back to those five 1-minute running segments, and how proud I was back then to just have done that much.  I stopped telling myself those negative things, and just focused on today, and how good I was starting to feel, picking up the pace and enjoying the sunshine.


                              I ran 4 miles today.  Not the farthest I've ever run, not the fastest I've ever run, but nevertheless, I covered 4 miles today.  A year ago, that was unfathomable.  Today, it didn't even take much effort, and I was smiling and energetic when I got home.


                              In the past 12 months, I have completed six 5Ks, and an 8K.  I have run in the early morning, midday, and late at night after everyone else is asleep.  I've run on treadmills, roads, sidewalks, trails, bridges, paved paths.  I've cried while running, laughed while running, chatted while running.  I have lost weight - not much, but enough that it's noticeable to people who know me well.  I have taken over 6 minutes off my  5K time, and I have signed up for a 10 miler and a HM.


                              I am normally very self-effacing and painfully shy.  Running has helped me combat that.  Running has given me more confidence in myself.  I may not be the fastest, strongest, prettiest, blah, blah, blah, but in the past year, I have become a better version of myself, and I am so unbelievably grateful for that.   For all of you.


                              I was a "resolutioner."   Now, I'm a runner.

                              All this made me smile.


                              Congratulations Di! I'm very proud of you!


                                Yes Di, you are a runner. Congratulations!


                                I had a similar thought on my run today:  on 1/1/2012 I resolved to get in shape and I started C25K on 1/6/2012. I also struggled through those early running segments. Today I ran six miles.  I am slow but I am a runner too!
