Beginners and Beyond


Memorial Day MonDAILIES (Read 51 times)

    flarunner, sweet seven-miler.


    AprilRunner, have a pleasant run.


    Marjorie, enjoy however long your run is.


    BruceD555, have a coffee for me, too, please. I hope that your recovery run goes well.


    Phil, have a great ride.


    Oski, good luck to you and DH!


    Tom, enjoy your run on the riverwalk.


    Scott, have fun at the gym with DW.


    Shari, enjoy your well-earned SRD.


    Ugh, Damaris. Feel well soon. Brava on the fourteen.


    I have no clue WTH the deal is. I slept well last night, but am still a bit tired. I feel annoyed at having to take a break to use the porta-potty yesterday. Without that, my pace would have been around 9:30. Feh.


    I feel 95% today. I normally do just ab work-push-ups, and running on Mondays. Because I didn't lift yesterday, which I usually do on Sundays, I'll go to the gym later, lift, and do tomorrow's planned cardio. I'll be at my folks' tonight, so, if I feel up to it, I'll do a short run along the beach.


      Happy Memorial Day! Do y'all say that? Even though we just had a long weekend, I'm still jealous.


      flarunner - Nice 7.


      April - I think you need to start a thread asking when you become a real runner Big grin


      Marjorie - I'm always amazed at how consistently you put up the big numbers.


      Bruce - Enjoy the coffee and the miles.


      Baboon - Do you have the bike mount for your shiny new Garmin? Enjoy the ride.


      Oski - Good luck on the mile race. That sounds fun.


      Tom - Damn cyclists!


      Sparker - Yay for DW!


      Step - Enjoy the RD


      LRB - Funny pic. Did you see the reunion?


      Docket - You are better than me. I'd be in bed overdramatizing how I feel.


      Robert - yum


      I've been a little MIA the last couple of days, sulking about not running for a few days ... but at the end of the day, it's just running. I'll hit about 8 miles after work on this first day of marathon training.


        Basya - I hope you're better now. I just recently had a bout of WTH as well. At least you got out and ran.


        Run to live; live to run

          10.1 today. Note to self. Running in a neighborhood by the marsh early am is not a good thing. I got dive bombed by a zillion flys and stinging things. I looked like Phoebe from friends when she ran. I'm sure if someone looked out the window it was entertaining with my arms flailing.  I finally decided to go to a different neighborhood and it was better and no bugs. I have several bites on my right shoulder blade to prove it. Ouch.




            Morning dailies! Happy Memorial day. Thank you to all of our vets, especially those who gave their life for us.


            Oski, good luck on the race!

            Robert, that's sounds like a feast! I am jealous.

            Basya, hopefully you recover well. I know it takes me a good we to feel really normal after a race.

            B+, glad to see you're back.

            Marjorie, I tried running on my in-laws lake road last summer and just couldn't run on some parts due to the horse flies. They were terrible. I can just imagine what you went through.

            Everyone else, great running/biking.


            Completed a 6.16 mile tempo run in 50:43. Conditions were fantastic: 55, low wind, overcast. Can't ask for much better IMO.


            The family of our family friend who passed away due to pancreatic cancer yesterday seems to be doing well, all things considered. I know the first day is filled with a lot of shock and a lot of tears. Slowly things get better. Thanks to everyone here for there well wishes for my family and theirs.


            Have a great Memorial Day everyone!

            - Andrew



              Good morning!


              flarunner - kudos on consistently knocking out those morning miles!


              April - Hope you enjoyed your run and enjoy your holiday festivities!


              Marjorie - Bugs are no fun, but can make for an entertaining run for those watching. I took in several gnats as fuel yesterday evening.


              Bruce - Morning coffee is the best, hope the recovery miles go well.


              Baboon - Enjoy your ride!


              Oski - Hope your race went well!


              Tom - thanks for reminding us why today is important, enjoy your run along the riverwalk.


              Sparker - Enjoy your time at the gym. Hope DW likes the shoes.


              Shari - Enjoy your RD!


              LRB - Hope your road trip continues to go well!


              DR - Sorry about the migraine and nausea, I've dealt with them since I was a teen. Hope you feel better soon!


              Robert - Yum! Wish I were celebrating at your place. You'll be well fueled for those miles later. Big grin


              Basya - I hope your WTH takes a hike and that you have a good workout and enjoy your visit with your parents.


              B-Plus - Hope the 8 go well and best of luck with your marathon training!


              Brrrrrr - Glad you had a great run, and will be continuing to keep you and your friend's family in my thoughts/prayers.


              As for me, DH and I are about to head to his parents' to take them to lunch. My FIL is a WWII vet, so today is especially meaningful to him. He still thinks of all the friends he lost all the time. DH is going to mow at his parents' place and I'm going to run in their neighborhood. It's nothing but hills, so that will be my hill workout this week. Have a great holiday!


              Former Bad Ass

                Finally showered and out for lunch.  I took a two hour nap right after my run.  It brought the migraine down to bearable.



                Wickedly Average

                  For you cycling fans....




                  Live coverage of the National Cycling Championship in Chattanooga.


                  As for me, I avoided the crowds and ran 10 miles. Not bad for a day when I planned on 6-8. The weather was just awesome. A little warm at the end, but I felt good. Much better than I did during last week's 8.25 mile run.


                  The Nike Zoom Elites performed very well. A good choice for me, I'd say.

                  Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                  5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                  Skirt Runner

                    At my parents' for Memorial Day. Just finished a 3.3 mike run with my dad. He is training for his first 5K which is in a little less than a month away, and recently finished C25K.  This was my first run since my 10K last weekend when my IT band gave me trouble. It held up today and my dad and I did 3.3 in 11:06. Not shabby at all Smile

                    PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                    I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                    Skirt Runner

                      I mean 11:06 minute miles...not total, obviously

                      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                      Run to live; live to run

                        Nice job Kristin


                        Thanks B plus.  I try.  I enter taper now as tomorrow will be a rest day and Wed starts taper so I'll cut back mileage until Hatfield and McCoy on June 8th.


                        Hope you are feeling better Basya


                        Hobbit nice running.  At least I didn't eat any of them Smile  I've had the gnat issue before too.  I'd rather have those than these little buggers.


                        Brrr I wish they were horseflies (well not really) but these look like a bee but with huge wings and they hurt like a mother.  I did kill 3 of them so that was good.  I think they are related to the horse fly.  I just have to remember not to run there early am.  Probably didn't help with all the sprinklers going off as it probably stirred them up even more.


                        Cleaned the area well on my shoulder blade.  Nice red splotches.  At leasts it doesn't itch.



                          Happy Memorial Day everyone.


                          No run, normal x-train day.

                          Walked to the end of my street this morning to spectate a bit at the race that was running through my neighborhood.

                          Just got back from a 75 min yoga class. My normal Mon class is 6am, fortunately there was a later one because I did not plan to get up that early on a holiday.



                            Morning!  Got my 2 TM miles in.  Hard to stop when the knee is feeling good but I think that's the key.  Stopping just after the pain hits is too late.


                            Basya- Sorry you've had an off couple of days.  I'm sure you will be feeling like your old running self soon!


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              Very 'productive' holiday weekend of running for me:


                              My Saturday morning 5K got flooded out and canceled, but I also had a night time 5K on Saturday  which started at 8:30 PM and that went well.  Report and photos here:


                              12 hours later -  8:30 a.m.  - I was at Randolph Air Force Base and put in a bit over 3 miles doing an easy recovery run. Right after I finished, it started raining again!  As if San Antonio didn't get enough rain in the last two days - over 12 inches!  I saw on CNN  they are now showing some of our flooded streets, etc.  On a sad note, a young teenager - 18 years old I think - was a fatality after he slipped into the flooded Cibolo creek and went under.  He was found the next day.  Really feel for his family.


                              Monday morning, Gail kicked me out of the house so she could clean house without me underfoot.  So I went to one of the city YMCAs, using that as my 'base' and then ran through Brackenridge Park, a local park by the San Antonio Zoo.  This park has trails and roads that go alongside part of the San Antonio River, which flows through the park.  As I ran along, I noticed the river water was still really high!  Part of the park sidewalk was under water, several picnic tables had just the top of the tables showing, and the small footbridge I normally use to get across from one side of the park to the other was totally underwater too.  So I had to follow the road all the way around to the other side of the park, then climb a couple of hills, then cut through the campus of Trinity University to get back to the Y.   Made for a bit of a longer run than my planned easy 3.   My 3rd straight day of running so I thought my legs would be nagging at me with this route, but they actually felt pretty good. Ended up with 3.7 miles and then played a bit on the rock-climbing wall after I got back to the Y.


                              I plan on being totally lazy for the rest of this Memorial Day!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                Hi Dailies.

                                DW and I did our 10k today and I ran a 42:17 which is a 6:48 average pace. DW ran a 50:17. I will do a little RR later.

                                Congrats to the other racers. Smile
