Beginners and Beyond


Get the Sunday going Sundailies (Read 38 times)


Run to live; live to run




    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours here.



    Run to live; live to run

      I've been up for 2 hours and have just been messing around. Sore spot on hip feels bruised now, but it should after Graston. Contemplating if I should try to run.



        Hi Marj, good luck if you decide to run!


        I am still laying down.  The sun is shining bright but I know it is colder than a witches tit out there!


        I am planning on running myself at some point.


          The sun is shining bright but I know it is colder than a witches tit out there!


          Sheeit, try 16 degrees with a wind chill of 6 - OOOOF!


            My streak of bad luck continued yesterday.   My cocker spaniel managed to dig under the fence to the chicken coop and kill two chickens, including Sadie, our best egg-layer, the clear leader of the flock and the only chicken we had become attached enough to name.   The rest of the flock is now in a state of disarray and I suspect it going to be a few weeks before they calm down enough to start laying again.    Late yesterday, we installed an electric fence around the coop.   DH was the guinea pig to make sure the fence worked, but wasn't strong enough to do damage.  Ouch!  He says it would deter him!     Here I was promising my family fresh eggs when they visited for Thanksgiving; now all the get to see is a bunch of nervous birds huddled in the coop.

            Life is good.



              Sheeit, try 16 degrees with a wind chill of 6 - OOOOF!


              That's cold!  I'm such a wimp, I would opt for the treadmill.

              Life is good.


                Morning!  Got my race-morning coffee and oatmeal going.  It's currently 25 degrees out- brr!  Just over 3 hours until the start.


                Marjorie- Hope you have a good run or RD, whatever you decide.


                LRB- That is COLD!


                OOTB- That is a bummer!  Hope the new fortifications hold!


                Team TJ



                  RD for me.


                  Yesterday, we went to support a friend at her first race longer than a HM.  She jumped over the full and ran an ultra-marathon.  That was the first time I've been to one of those.  Very interesting event in relation to a "regular" race.  Interested...

                  Running for TJ because he can't.


                  Hip Redux

                    Awww, that sucks, OOTB.  Sad   I had a friend with chickens and the same thing happened - dog got into the coop.  Ugh.



                      Good luck on your race today Zelanie!  Can't wait to here how it goes.

                      Life is good.

                      Just B.S.

                        Freeze your Butt Sunday here! 18 plus windchill , Of course 2 months from now I will be wishing It was this warmSmile


                        Haven't been around this week.


                        Wed , Thur, Friday were run days with some time on the bike trainer mixed in.

                        Yesterday was 1,500 in the pool.

                        Today is 12 miles running.  


                        Time me for me to start researching a plan ( or rather two plans that i can modify) that will allow me to train for a full marathon at the same time I am training for my first half Iron. I have 7 weeks in between with the full coming first so it should work  out well. 


                        Zel luck good luck !


                        Stay warm dailies!!


                          Blue that is horrible!  I would not call it a bad luck streak though, it is just a dog doing what they do.  Still, that blows.


                          Beth, how do I have colder weather than you!


                          Good luck Zel!

                          Just B.S.

                            LRB we are actually not far off each other in latitude I think i am just a few degrees higher. I live where the jet stream from the north often collides with that from the south. Needless to say that can make for crazy weather.


                            Humidity levels in the 90 and up during the summer and ass freezing cold in the winter and in general completely unpredictable.  We deal with it all here temp and humidity wise.

                            Jack K.

                            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                              Travel day for us. We are off to Zion for five days. I will get a chance to run in some beautiful scenery. Smile


                              LRB: Dang, that is COLD!

                              blue: sorry about the chickens. We used to have some and they are great pets. I would rather have chickens than a dog.

                              Zel: good luck!


                              delicate flower

                                'Morning.  Holy cripes is it COLD out there!  Wind chill of 3 degrees.  I decided to take a day off from running.  I got to the gym and just didn't feel like getting on the treadmill.  My legs could use the rest.  I did some seriously neglected upper body work though.  I need to do more of that.  My days of bench pressing 200+ pounds are far behind me.


                                Got chores and football to do the rest of the day.  Enjoy your Sunday!

