Beginners and Beyond


Don't Bring Me Down Wednesdailies! (Read 47 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Enjoy your rest day today, SUS! You've had some good running since coming back from injury.


    Welcome back, Kay!  I went to the 'check you out' link...but there were no photos of you to check you out... Undecided  Wink  Big grin


    Congrats on the super tough hills workout, Marjorie!


    Way to kill the hill, Phil.  Kill The Hill Phil!  Big grin  Yeah, I wouldn't recommend that only a couple days before your upcoming half.  Good luck with that too!


    Dang, LRB, at my age, I've probably shrunk too much for a K-cup... Wink


    Dang, Damaris, sorry about your teenager run-in...what the hell was that all about?  Glad you are okay.  Sorry about your heat wave.  I thought ours was gone too, but nooo, after a few days of cooler, Mother Nature is taunting us again with 98+ degree afternoons.  The mornings, though, are still fairly nice...63 this morning at 6 a.m.


    Enjoy the massage and girls night-out, Step!  10:30 pace is fast to me, lol.


    Safe trip, Beth!  You are going to love Ireland.  Even it it turns rainy, you'll still love it, it is beautiful, rain or shine.   Have fun!


    Your weather sounds like here in San Antonio, FreeSoul.  Our afternoon weather, anyway.   Hope the quad feels better.


    Nice weather, Andrew, too bad you can't bottle it and release it a bit at a time when needed.


    Sorry about the DOMS, Oski!  Hopefully you will have a good run today, mabye work all that DOMS out.

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Good AFTERNOON RUNNERS! Tuesday: 10 miles 1:32:08 - 9:13 avg. pace - recovery + 1 cool down mile A.M. / 2 walking miles P.M. Easy run scheduled before or after my neurologist appt. My hip is feeling better too!  Make it a great day!

       Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile



      Former Bad Ass

        Scotty, glad to hear you are better, ugh.


        Hi, Mike!



          Good AFTERNOON RUNNERS! Tuesday: 10 miles 1:32:08 - 9:13 avg. pace - recovery + 1 cool down mile A.M. / 2 walking miles P.M. Easy run scheduled before or after my neurologist appt. My hip is feeling better too!  Make it a great day!


          6 miles 47:15 - 7:52 avg. pace - steady state [7:25 last mile]  :> Back from neurologist, he only had good things to say - happy with my progress. Showing up in my running clothes he asked "Did you run here?". May go out for another short recovery jog tonight.


          Damaris Big grin

           Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile



          Barking Mad To Run

            Happy SRD, B-Plus!


            You will get back into the groove of AM running again, Kristin.  I kind of mix mine up during the week, run in the mornings some days, after work other days, I find that keeps my body clock more "flexible', and doing that seems to  make me have less trouble with my running, a.m. or PM.  Except for the occasional lunch-time run, those still give me trouble cuz it's rare when I can get out of the office to go run at lunch-time.


            Wow, 70 for an evening run?  Send some of that weather our way, c0derunner!  B  "our", I mean to me in TX and Damaris in Miami,  we both could use that temp around here in the PM!


            Glad the .75 seemed to help, granite runner.  Hope your soreness dissipates quickly!


            Nice run for you this morning, Jimmy!  My marathon days are long over, so I'll leave that advice for the others to give.    Good luck, whatever you decide.


            Finally, a "day off" that does not involve any time at work.  W00t!  Gonna get a bunch of cleaning and winterizing the house done.  Umm, gee, Jay, cleaning and winterizing sounds like 'time at work" to me.  Joking  Enjoy the disc golf if you get to it!


            Mystery track work, good luck with that, Zelanie!  And will there be a Mystery Guest too?  And maybe a mystery prize?


            Glad to hear your Dad is doing better, Hobbit.  And your toe too.  Hey, if your toe is still a bit sore, enjoy the beer run FULLY.  Drink enough beer, you won't notice the toe for a while...


            Mike, it would not have surprised me at all if you HAD run to your appointment!  Glad you got only good news!  You are one amazing person and have had a remarkable recovery!  You're not related to Phil, are you?  Wink


            Thanks for the kind words, everyone.  It was really no big deal...the DRAMA of the darn thing was actually bigger, lol, me cursing the vertigo in the middle hours of the night, Gail throwing a pillow at me and telling me to shut up so she could sleep, quit being a prima dona and just deal with it, damn it, not like I haven't had it before (such sympathy...see what happens when you're married nearly 30 years?  you get to know each other too well, lol), and the cat was not too happy when I stepped on her tail in the dark - that REALLY woke Gail up, lol - and then it turned out to be just a small benign cyst.   Some tiny things sure can cause a lot of ruckus at times, can't they? Joking

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              Scotty, no photos.  Just videos of my lifting.  Some of the people there are extremely knowledgeable, and have helped me make amazing progress in my form, and thus improving my lifts.


              No run or yoga for me today.  Tony Hawk is here, and we all got star struck.


              So URD for me. Smile

              Do you even run?



                Wow Scotty, glad everything turned out ok.

                - Andrew

                  Dang scotty, that's a bit scary... glad it's alright.


                  Hip Redux

                    Latest from Boston... sounds like everyone who was minus 1:38 and faster got in.   That's closer than I thought it was going to be!  Figured -5 was going to be the minimum.


                    Just finished proofing a 200 page document.  There is not enough coffee in the world to wake me up at this point.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Latest from Boston... sounds like everyone who was minus 1:38 and faster got in.   That's closer than I thought it was going to be!  Figured -5 was going to be the minimum.


                      Just finished proofing a 200 page document.  There is not enough coffee in the world to wake me up at this point.


                      Have you nodded off yet?



                      delicate flower

                        What is it with folks who have super limp hand shakes?  I just met a woman at work and I felt the bones in her hand crunch.  Ewww!  She just held her hand out with no grip...I might as well been shaking the leaf on a tree branch.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Maybe she expected you to kiss her hand?



                          Former Bad Ass

                            BTW, Phil, I heard they were going to do a remake of RoboCop.  You should audition, since after all, you have a "roboknee".


                              Good afternoon, everyone.


                              SUSchnauzer, thank you for starting today's thread. Enjoy your SRD.


                              KayPS, good luck Saturday!


                              Marjorie, terrific 10.6.


                              Phil, have an awesome post-work run.


                              Rick, you have to try Turkish. Zoom in a cup, I tell you.


                              Damaris, excellent eight.


                              Shari, fantastic 5.41. I hope that the massage helps.


                              Beth, sweet six.


                              FreeSoul87, beautiful six-mile progression run.


                              Andrew, wonderful five-miler. Gorgeous weather.


                              Oski, have a great run. Have you tried Death Wish?


                              B-Plus, enjoy your rest day.


                              kristin10185, I hope that your internal clock adjusts itself soon.


                              c0derunner, fantastic five last night.


                              Zelanie, have fun at the track tonight.


                              granite_running, it seems that the jog with the pooch helped.


                              jblackjr, amazing three.


                              Jay, awesome job cross-training with the housework.


                              Nicole, I'm happy to read that both you and your dad are doing better.


                              scottydawg, yikes! I hope that you're OK.


                              MothAudio, I'm glad that the hip is on better behavior. Have a great run tonight.


                              I did 12.0 miles in 1:51:24. 9:17 pace.


                              6.1mph (9:49)

                              6.2mph (9:40)

                              6.3mph (9:31)

                              6.4mph (9:22)

                              6.5mph (9:13)

                              6.6mph (9:05)

                              6.7mph (8:57)

                              6.8mph (8:49)

                              6.7mph (8:57)

                              6.6mph (9:05)

                              6.5mph (9:13)

                              6.4mph (9:22)


                              Confession: the past two months have been rough. My mojo has been on leave. It's slowly returning. I'm not doing anything longer than HM until I begin training for my next run of Jerusalem.


                              Tonight begins the end of the holiday of Succos. My life will resume a normal schedule on Sunday. I'll ease back into a solid program of running, weights, ab work, and push-ups.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Hi, Basya.  Great run!  Hope your schedule and mojo come back to normal soon.

