Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #28 (Read 30 times)



    I recommend Higdon to anyone starting out.


    I bought Hudson. Higdon will be for another time Smile



      That is a pretty amazing testament to your resistance to injuries. Knock wood.


      Yup. It doesn't take much for everything to start going south, I've been very lucky.


      UM 45 Ohio 23

        I just checked my log for the last time I ran less than 250K (155 miles) in one month, and it was in February 2014.


        that is really amazing.  I think I could count the number of months I have run 155 miles in a month on one, maybe two, hand(s)!

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          40 minutes on the treadmill and strength training.


          Docket, hope you get answers on Rubio soon. Good that he is eating.


          Scottydawg, hope the biopsy goes well. I think it would take me 5 years to do that many races. A few years ago I had the goal to do 1 per month, which seemed like a lot.


            I don't think I'll race that much in my life time. Way to go Scotty. Wishing you the best!


            Former Bad Ass

              Thanks, guys.

              I just hope it's treatable, not cancer, and not lethal. Too much to ask? Gah!
