Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES: Who needs one of these? (Read 44 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Sorry about the failed run, Step. Sounds like you might be experiencing a bit of DOMS, after the long run you did. Ice the sore areas - an 'ice bath' might even give you more relief - and do a bit of easy stretching for a couple of days, see if that helps.


    Did YOU need one of those this morning, LRB? Apparently not, if you kicked track butt!  Way to go!


    Sorry the groin is still bothering you, Oski.  Maybe you need DH to 'vigorously massage" the area a few times. Joking  Good luck with the phone interview!


    Yeah, good luck with that weather there, Damaris?  Are Miami and San Antonio on the same latitude or something?  Cuz we are getting that really hot hot weather right now that y'all usually get.  Even our dew points have shot up way above normal.


    Congrats on your GREAT running, Phil!  Good luck with your appointment today.


    Glad you got the foot problem figured out, Sarah, that is Pinktastic for you!   Good luck with the intervals, keep on experimenting, you'll get there.  Maybe you can have Awood and Damaris coach you, they seem pretty good at those intervals. Big grin   See, B-Plus did one too - way to go, B-Plus! - so you got lots of folks to get advice from!  Not me, though!  I don't do speedwork, hate it, refuse to do it, and since I'm a 'fun runner' these days and not training for nuthin' , I don't have to do it, so there!  Neener neener neener!  Joking.  Unless you can call hills 'speedwork in disguise"....I routinely do a very hilly route once a week.


    Good luck with the speedwork later, Basya!  Going back to sleep sounds nice, these early a.m. runs can hit you hard later in the day....find myself 'powernapping' a bit at my desk, lol.


    52 degrees!  Where the heck are you, Andrew, that you have a temp  like that in summer?  Jeez!  Must be nice!  Sure you don't want some of our 100-degree San Antonio days?  Cool  Glad you are enjoying the Garmin does it give you freedom?  I would think it would be the opposite, always checking your pace, distance, etc.  Seems like going 'watchless" would give you more freedom, then you just get out there and run, no worries about pace, distance, etc.

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    delicate flower

      The four pack of Kohl's house brand boxers I picked up Saturday could be the most comfortable boxers I've ever owned.  Sale plus a coupon, too.



        Morning!  I have to work at school today, so it will be an after work 6-miler for me.



          Glad you are enjoying the Garmin does it give you freedom?  I would think it would be the opposite, always checking your pace, distance, etc.  Seems like going 'watchless" would give you more freedom, then you just get out there and run, no worries about pace, distance, etc.

          Yeah, it's sort of an oxymoron. I would always map out my route so I was basically chained to a half dozen or so running routes (on those 4 - 8 mile routes). This basically allows me to go any direction and I don't have to remember every turn to make sure I record my miles correctly.

          - Andrew


          Run to live; live to run

            LRB I don't need that


            10.8 for me. I hate running os trash day. Some extra stinky cans about today. Yuck.



            Former Bad Ass

              Garmin's freedom comes from the fact that you can turn left or right, or straight as the mood hits you without worrying about routes.



                What up doe!


                If you are going to race without looking at your watch, you might as well do the same in training, and that is what I did today for the first time at the track.


                I programmed the workout, hit start, and didn't look at it again until it was over.  8 X 400's at "R" pace, my splits were:











                I normally don't do "R" pace workouts on Tuesdays because it is so incredibly difficult to dial up such an intense pace three days removed from speed work, and two days from a long run.  That being the case I thought today would be perfect to try this new experiment as there would be no expectations.


                It took about the fourth rep before I felt I was running loose.  I had no idea what pace I was running then but I knew it was at a good clip.  For once, I am not upset at how wild the splits are (GASP!), or with my overall pace (5:49) but more pleased the last four felt right. 


                Busy day, I'll check back later!


                running is bad for you

                  The four pack of Kohl's house brand boxers I picked up Saturday could be the most comfortable boxers I've ever owned.  Sale plus a coupon, too.


                  nobody wants to hear about your underpants Tongue


                    step - one day at a time

                    lrb - sounds like a good 'ol fashioned *ss kicking

                    oski - good luck w/ the interview

                    D - don't burn

                    baboon - nice job in the heat

                    pink - good job with the intervals no matter

                    basya - more slayer and pantera please

                    bplus - some consistent pacing there...nice

                    brrr - glad you enjoyed your 7

                    scotty - way to slay the hill

                    zel - have a good 6

                    marj - nice job as usual


                    my interval work was scattered as usual; 3 x 1600 with 600 to 800 jogging intervals; 6:46, 6:32 and 6:28. was going for 6:35 or so. followed with a couple more easy. older son going to st. louis today to stay with family for a week or so. sure he's glad to get away from us (me)...have good day all.

                    marathon pr - 3:16

                    Jess runs for bacon

                      Struggled through three today on the TM today, not sure what the deal is. Almost gave up after a mile. I need my mojo back!


                      Go figure

                        And I thought my TUESday was off to a rough start.


                        I was about post "Don't make me start this TUESdailies," but I'll let you have the honors, LRB.


                        Morning, all. Today was a failed run. I intended to run 2 miles easy, 2x2miles at HMP w/5 min recovery, 2 miles easy. What actually happened was 2 miles very slowly, about 1.3 miles slightly faster (though still not even close to MP) until I passed my house, and I quit. Back to bed. Blah. Nothing is hurt, just no energy in my legs or overall. I think I will also skip my strength training class, try to get more sleep tonight, and try again tomorrow.

                        That sounds rough.  Hope you get everything all sorted out and that it's really just a quick little fatigue issue for you.


                        As for me, I'll be hopping out for around 8 or so later on this evening.  Nothing special, just mileage-eater kind of miles.

                        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                        Go figure

                          What up doe!


                          If you are going to race without looking at your watch, you might as well do the same in training, and that is what I did today for the first time at the track.


                          I programmed the workout, hit start, and didn't look at it again until it was over.  8 X 400's at "R" pace, my splits were:











                          I normally don't do "R" pace workouts on Tuesdays because it is so incredibly difficult to dial up such an intense pace three days removed from speed work, and two days from a long run.  That being the case I thought today would be perfect to try this new experiment as there would be no expectations.


                          It took about the fourth rep before I felt I was running loose.  I had no idea what pace I was running then but I knew it was at a good clip.  For once, I am not upset at how wild the splits are (GASP!), or with my overall pace (5:49) but more pleased the last four felt right. 


                          Busy day, I'll check back later!

                          My question is, what was the goal pace?  Don't get me wrong, those are fast splits and looking pretty nice too.  I just worry that doing them that way may lead to "racing" the workout a little too much.  Of course, everyone knows that I'm pretty darn conservative, so maybe that's just the conservative side of me lashing out a little.  Just for me, if I gave myself that much wiggle room, I'd continue to do each one harder until I was going too hard.


                          Ric...Those don't look so bad.  It's way better to be slow on the first one than to kill it and then have all the rest of the intervals suffer.  I'm guessing you hadn't done a lot of 1600s and just didn't remember quite what the pace felt like on the first one?

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                          Former Bad Ass

                            SIAR, very true (about not racing the workouts).  In the past, if I read 400s at 5K pace, I would still do them as fast as I could.  Today, I'll make sure to run them at 5K pace.  Don't want my coach to spank me.



                              My question is, what was the goal pace?


                              My "R" pace for 400's is 5:42, or a time of 1:25.  But that wasn't necessarily my goal today, my goal was to go out and run at what I thought was "R" pace effort, then analyze the numbers afterwards, which is why I wore the watch.


                              I didn't really care about my splits because I was not necessarily trying to run for a particular time, just even effort.  I was able to dial in on that towards the end, that it was a bit fast is okay.  They just ended up being a couple of long ass strides, my base can handle that.  ; )


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Garmin's freedom comes from the fact that you can turn left or right, or straight as the mood hits you without worrying about routes.


                                But...I don't worry about routes now.  I have a specific area in mind to go run in for my runs, but once I get there and start doing my run, I never know where I'm going to end up.  I just kind of go this way and that way and turn left or right or go straight - and sometimes even back the way I came, lol - , as it takes my fancy and the miles and time just take care of themselves.  I never really know how far or how long I will end up with every time I go for a run.  I just  Big grin   The only reason I even wear my watch is so I will hear the timer when it beeps for my walk break and to tell me it's time to start running again.  Other than that, I really have no use for it on a run.

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
