Beginners and Beyond


Laguna Hills Memorial Day 10k RR (Read 86 times)

Better I Leave

    Short version:

    42:17 (6 minute PR!)

    Dead heat for 2nd place in AG

    20th overall out of about 600  (the results are not up yet)


    Well done my friend, well done. Smile

      Congrats!  Uphill finishes are horrid, but your pace was fantastic the whole time!  Someday I hope to be as speedy as your wife. Smile


        Boo- I think awards should be based on gun time because you should be able to see how you're doing at the finish.  I'm happy it worked out in your favor this time, though! Smile


          And you are doing LTH proud, rockin' the C9 shirt.


          I have quite a few items from the C9 line, some of their stuff performs better than the big name gear.  They now make anatomically correct running socks that have become my new faves to run it.


          Nice show Jack!  It is time to think about running low 6:40's high 6:30's for your next one.


          Go figure

            I knew there was an RR I missed - and this was it!  Nice job deciding early just to go for it.  Clearly you were at a pace you could handle.  That's an awesome finish time and you've made some great improvements.  Don't spend those $5 all at once ha!  It's funny, I see that avatar of yours and picture you out there just kinda shuffling around.  That couldn't be further from the truth.

            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

            Dad on the run.

              Great run Jack! Your a speedy bugger for sure.

              Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                What a huge PR! Congratulations. Way to kick it home on that uphill finish. Congrats to DW as well.


                  Nothing misleading about a 6 minute PR Jack. That's the result of a sustained training effort over time.  Man you fast!!


                    Jack, I just now saw this RR.  Great job -- you are speedy and so is your wife!

                    Jack K.

                    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                      PF: Smile

                      Thanks, Namtor.
