Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #23 (Read 36 times)


delicate flower


    Hi 🖐


    Hello, friend.





      I'm alive, just managing a bad foot. Left hip got its act together last week, right foot is taking over the pain train now. PF-ish but possibly secondary and due to subtalar joint inflammation based on when and how it hurts and what does and does not give me relief.


      Pool workout with some other poor injured souls in my club this morning. Streak might be over, but I'd rather take some time off to get healthy if that's what it takes.


      Oof. You've had a great post-marathon training season. No harm in cutting back for a day.


      There are worse things than ending a streak. Starting one in the first place comes to mind. lol I did actually run yesterday before I was stricken with the plague, so my little one will end today.



        Hello, friend.


        Did we accept the offer (if one was made), or was it back to the pit of misery? Hopefully being done with the W2s gives you some relief!


          8 miles with 3 x 1 mi (1 min rest) then 6 x 200/200 jog. All in the dark. I'm glad sunset is getting later but wtf about sunrise??


             There are worse things than ending a streak. Starting one in the first place comes to mind. lol I did actually run yesterday before I was stricken with the plague, so my little one will end today.



            Glad you are still alive after yesterdays shenanigans. Feeling better?

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              8 miles with 3 x 1 mi (1 min rest) then 6 x 200/200 jog. All in the dark. I'm glad sunset is getting later but wtf about sunrise??

              This being dark almost until I leave for work is bullshit.




                I'm alive, just managing a bad foot. Left hip got its act together last week, right foot is taking over the pain train now. PF-ish but possibly secondary and due to subtalar joint inflammation based on when and how it hurts and what does and does not give me relief.


                Pool workout with some other poor injured souls in my club this morning. Streak might be over, but I'd rather take some time off to get healthy if that's what it takes.


                300+ days is pretty damn impressive! Especially with a marathon stuck in there - that’s stopped any streak I’ve ever had. But to me as another 7-day runner, a streak mainly means you’ve been able to stay healthy for that long. Now get yourself fixed up.



                delicate flower


                  Did we accept the offer (if one was made), or was it back to the pit of misery? Hopefully being done with the W2s gives you some relief!


                  I am experiencing some cautious relief right now, which has really only set in the past couple of days.  I'll finally exhale once W-2s are received by employees and nothing is wrong with them.  You can only test so much.  I'll enjoy a few weeks of calm, but a whole new tsunami of work is barreling towards me.  I am still keeping my eyes open for a new job.  The one I spoke to a recruiter about was filled before I could interview.  I have another call with that guy today.




                    I am experiencing some cautious relief right now, which has really only set in the past couple of days.  I'll finally exhale once W-2s are received by employees and nothing is wrong with them.  You can only test so much.  I'll enjoy a few weeks of calm, but a whole new tsunami of work is barreling towards me.  I am still keeping my eyes open for a new job.


                    I thought of you when I received my W-2 earlier this week. Not sure how I would ever know if it wasn't correct (unless it was really wrong). What are the most common errors that you deal with?


                    Former Bad Ass


                      Hello, friend.


                      Where you been?


                      Half Crazy K 2.0


                        I thought of you when I received my W-2 earlier this week. Not sure how I would ever know if it wasn't correct (unless it was really wrong). What are the most common errors that you deal with?

                        Oh, I needed to tell you I moved and my address changed?


                        Nope, we have ESP.




                          In all of that nonsense, Darkwave kept it 100.


                          I’ve lurked in that thread as well as occasionally in last year’s sub-3/sub-3:20 threads. She stays out of the drama, and everything she ever posts is totally on point. It either has me nodding my head in agreement like “that is so accurate but I could not have put it so succinctly”, or shaking my head like “wow I didn’t realize that or think about things that way, but it makes complete sense”. Much of it having additional relevance for me as she is also a 50-something runner. And all backed up of course by experience and race performance.


                            10.3, two loops of accotink plus some... right ham did not tighten up


                              Glad you are still alive after yesterdays shenanigans. Feeling better?



                              I am so acutely aware of my body that I knew the exact moment I got sick. I was talking to this dude at a jobsite then felt my tongue get coated with his breath. He was sniffling and I knew right then I'd been zapped. I went immediately to my car and gargled with Listerine to no avail (yes, I keep it in my car among other things; sanitizing lotion, wipes etc.. I'm a germaphobe!). Anyway, I was never "right" again and 24 hours later I was in agony.


                              Anyway, I've been laid up all morning eating and drinking giving my body what it needs to get back to its healthy self. I rarely get sick and have only had flu a couple times in my life but needless to say I'll be getting my first ever flu shot next season. Not to get into a flu shot debate but it's just something that I've never felt I needed, but experience is an MF-er!

                              Half Crazy K 2.0


                                I’ve lurked in that thread as well as occasionally in last year’s sub-3/sub-3:20 threads. She stays out of the drama, and everything she ever posts is totally on point. It either has me nodding my head in agreement like “that is so accurate but I could not have put it so succinctly”, or shaking my head like “wow I didn’t realize that or think about things that way, but it makes complete sense”. Much of it having additional relevance for me as she is also a 50-something runner. And all backed up of course by experience and race performance.

                                I thought she was mid 40s?


                                But agree with everything else