Beginners and Beyond

Warning re: Runfoolery / aka James Park or JHPark on RW (Read 1058 times)

    The stuff that SRL brings up is a lot more chilling than the creepily inappropriate PMing that JHPark did.  (Not to downplay being disappointed that he, or anyone, would bother the ladies of our group that way).


    Good work on outing all this, Heidi, and there's a lot of food for thought here.  I've always sort of scoffed at the "you can't be too cautious" threads, but bad people *can* do bad things.


      The brilliant Neil Stephenson wrote a sci fi novel in 1989 called "Snowcrash". It takes place some time in the future and predicts the world wide web, web 2.0, and google Earth. All these things were marveled at by the audience Stephenson lectured to at Google headquarters in 2009.


      What no one mentioned was that it also predicted the Facebook (and google and other) business model.


      The protagonist makes a living by wandering this virtual world, overhearing the virtual conversations between the avatars of major hollywood producers talking about what type of movie they're going to make next, and then selling that information to screen writers so they can tailor their pitch to fit the plans of the movie producers.


      Facebook and many of its app developers are listening in to the conversations you have with your friends, and selling your name and info to people who can likely sell you something based on your interests.


      Ok, it's a legitimate business model i guess. But i think it's creepy as hell on its basic level.

      dog person

        1. Don't ever post anything that you don't want coming back out you later. 2. Never assume that something posted privately will remain private. 3. Girls, this is tough one, but guys don't innocently flirt, we're constantly looking for 'it'.





          Facebook and many of its app developers are listening in to the conversations you have with your friends, and selling your name and info to people who can likely sell you something based on your interests.


          True that. 


          There were rumors for the longest time among many of my Facebook friends that Facebook was going to start charging for service.  I knew that Facebook would remain free for us, though, because the truth is that we are not Facebook's customers and we never were.  We are just the cattle that Facebook feeds to its real customers, the ad companies.


          The interesting thing is that, once I got my my mind around this, it did not bother me.  I enjoy grazing in Facebook's pastures, and I've enjoying seeing my friends there every day. 

          You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  


            Hmm...this thread really took off while I was at work, as I assumed it would.


            The level of creepness that apprently was going on with this dude begs the question:  Did he even fucking run?  Was he just here for the stalkage?








              The stuff that SRL brings up is a lot more chilling than the creepily inappropriate PMing that JHPark did.  (Not to downplay being disappointed that he, or anyone, would bother the ladies of our group that way).



              Maybe, maybe not.  But the stuff I brought up was more in reference to the simple "I googled myself and seem to be anonymous" idea.  Because it doesn't work that way.


              And I get that we're a commodity to facebook.  You were to RWOL as well.  I'm not creeped out by that exactly... though it does piss me off that, because we don't really matter as customers to facebook, this is why they use the "shit on our users" approach to launching changes/upgrades.


              But there's a bunch of stuff that creeps me out a lot about facebook... not just because "they" have so much about us (who knows what they will do with it long term or if they will protect us long term), but because it is freakishly easy for creeps-and-worse to learn stuff about you.  Oh, and all the day-to-day drama in facebook groups.  That was ultimately why I tossed facebook.  Marathon Maniacs on facebook.  I wish I was kidding.




              Slymoon Runs

              race obsessed

                I see Punchy and he makes me smile.


                   I enjoy grazing in Facebook's pastures, and I've enjoying seeing my friends there every day. 



                  Chasing Muses

                    I see Punchy and he makes me smile.


                    Yeah, me too. But I look at my drywall and worry that someone in the house might recklessly say "oh no."


                    Wait, crap! I was thinking of the Kool Aid guy.

                    dog person

                      I hate Facebook, but have an account that I use to get deals offered by companies that I 'like' lol. runningwarehouse every once in a while will offer some pretty deep discounts if you do the click through on FB. Over the thanksgiving weekend I scored a Panasonic LX7 that was offered for a $200 discount via their Facebook link - sweet! Other than that, I have no use for Facebook.





                         I always thought there is something inherently incongruous about something that is supposed to be social platform where you meet, converse and share things with friends that at the same time records your every action word and posting, and stores these things in a way that makes them, on some level,  available for retrieval till the end of time.

                         I can tell you that my husband searches Google before hiring people. I know the local health system does as well.


                        I was never out to ruffle feathers and imply women 'had it coming', but merely to open up that discussion which actually took place.


                        I realize that people do not like boundaries, but the reality is that in order to protect yourself and your family in this day and age, you have to. It isn't about someone taking your fun away, it is about keeping creepy ass people away from your family.


                        Namtor, sorry I misspelled your name.....and I am, in fact, Glinda the Good Witch.

                        Take the fact that creepers exist on the 'net and understand that employers and prospective ones, will search your name now. It is common HR practice and it doesn't take but a click of the mouse to save the image and distribute it.

                        Hip Redux

                          The stuff that SRL brings up is a lot more chilling than the creepily inappropriate PMing that JHPark did.  (Not to downplay being disappointed that he, or anyone, would bother the ladies of our group that way).


                          Good work on outing all this, Heidi, and there's a lot of food for thought here.  I've always sort of scoffed at the "you can't be too cautious" threads, but bad people *can* do bad things.


                          The scenario where he is banned from RA and blocked from people's FB... and then resorts to trying to find out more about his "targets" IRL is not too far fetched.   Maybe he's harmless and just completely inappropriate... but maybe he's not harmless.   You just don't know.   


                          Mr MattM

                            If you're ever curious about what FB has about you... you can go to Account Settings and click the link 'Download a copy of your Facebook data'...


                            It will create a personal archive of everything you have ever posted, including status updates, pictures, private messages, and entire chat logs... in other words, it saves EVERYTHING.  It is time for me to go poof on FB.

                            be curious; not judgmental



                              There were rumors for the longest time among many of my Facebook friends that Facebook was going to start charging for service.  I knew that Facebook would remain free for us, though, because the truth is that we are not Facebook's customers and we never were.  We are just the cattle that Facebook feeds to its real customers, the ad companies.




                              Definitely it is true and not only applies to FB 7 RW, but most everything, that if something you get is free then you are not the consumer but the product being sold.   All of our personal data is worth millions (or more?) to certain companies.  


                                 I can tell you that my husband searches Google before hiring people. I know the local health system does as well.


                                I was never out to ruffle feathers and imply women 'had it coming', but merely to open up that discussion which actually took place.


                                I realize that people do not like boundaries, but the reality is that in order to protect yourself and your family in this day and age, you have to. It isn't about someone taking your fun away, it is about keeping creepy ass people away from your family.


                                Namtor, sorry I misspelled your name.....and I am, in fact, Glinda the Good Witch.

                                Take the fact that creepers exist on the 'net and understand that employers and prospective ones, will search your name now. It is common HR practice and it doesn't take but a click of the mouse to save the image and distribute it.
