Beginners and Beyond

Warning re: Runfoolery / aka James Park or JHPark on RW (Read 1058 times)


    Currently, stealth has ceded ownership of the group to me.  LRB is an admin as well.


    This is the kind of information that needs to be made public somewhere.



      That is creepy!  Thanks for the warning!  I have never been contacted by him (and don't know who he is), but will definitely keep my eyes open!


      Sorry that happened to you Heidi!

      Formerly Jackie_601 on RW


      Next up:

      4/27 - Green 6.2 10K


      delicate flower

        This is the kind of information that needs to be made public somewhere.



        I just assume Damaris in an admin on every social media running website I post on.  Big grin 


        Just B.S.

          Creepzola!!!! Yuck!!! I have never had any interaction with him but I do know who you are talking about.


          I think you are a brave gal to start a thread to warn the other ladies here.


          I agree Heidi, "tomfoolery" in the public forums while joking around as a group is one thing. Even last night

          on the thread where Lily and I were teasing Muckort, that was fun and he very publicly posted his photo and

          sent us another as an extension of the public joke but it was nothing that wasn't done openly and in good



          But private unsolicited PM's of that type are just creepy and throw up a big red flag.


           I have never openely talked about this on RW or RA but many know that I will not participate in FB at all. The

          reason is that  I was stalked by a man for over a year  who would come to my workplace at sit and watch me

          (public servant working in an open workplace) or stand outside and and wait for me et come out and follow

          me around in public. I had waited on him at DMV and was nice to him as I was to everyone else but after a

          few times where he obviously came back with non-issues and insisted on being waited on by only me I started

          to get a weird feeling about him.  When it first started people would say "oh he's just harmless" crap like that but

          he set off my "creep" radar like nothing I had ever experienced before.


          The police were involved several times but since he never threatened me verbally or harmed me physically there

          was not much they could do. He constantly tried to trick co-workers into revealing details of my work schedule,

          while I lived etc. I could not go to my car at night alone out of fear that I would encounter him.


           I have and never will post on FB simply because unlike a "speciality site" like running forums it's just too public a

          place for me to feel safe.


          Although I post a lot of stuff on line I am actually very careful. If you look back at a lot of threads I will go in later

          and delete my photos. Especially at RW, those are public forums and anyone can right click and save your



          Thanks for posting this and making us aware. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision for you. We women can never

          ever be too careful.


            He has been removed from this group.


              It's a good thing women can't read my mind.  I'd get slapped everywhere I went.


              Not a dude

                I think most of the creepy PMs occurred on RWOL and not RA. Heidi had told me that she and some other women had received PMs from him in the past, which is one of the reasons I called him out on that thread when he made that comment about her routes being private. It just made my skin crawl. He basically disregarded the intent behind what I said until a bunch of guys jumped on him for being creepy and condescending.


                He then sent me the following PM: i took my comment down but it's quoted in yours. do whatever you want with that.


                I replied: I am leaving the comment there. I also want to mention that I know of several women on here to whom you have sent creepy PMs. You need to knock that off. If I hear about it again, it will be made public. The women would prefer to remain anonymous, but just know that women talk.


                He never responded.


                  Wow....I wonder if he'll show up to defend himself?  That's some crazy shit.


                  Probably not.

                  Half Fanatic  #3091  ~   Marathon debut: 11/16/13 Anthem Richmond Marathon

                  "Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious." - Rumi


                    I appreciate the support and the stories (especially yours, Beth - how SCARY!).  I was loathe to do this, but I wasn't happy about him staying in the group when there were other ladies on here who might have to deal with his antics.  I don't consider myself to be too sensitive, but a line was crossed with me and with the other girls too.  I am very glad he is now gone! 


                      Thanks for removing him, LRB. I think that that could be why thui decided not to join the RA group. Not sure 100%, just a hunch I have.


                      Beth, that is scary stuff you went through. I get you with the Facebook thing too. And thank you for specifying about mucknort last night. I can attest that there was nothing creepy about his messages. I wouldn't want him to get a bad rep here.

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        Glad you posted this to be public. I am also one who received several messages and a friend request from him. I knew better to not accept. There is nothing wrong with some innocent flirting, but his stuff was creepy.

                        Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                          You never know with people these days.


                          I'm so sorry you had to go through that Heidi but I'm glad you called him out. I would have done the exact same thing. Seriously!

                          Half Fanatic  #3091  ~   Marathon debut: 11/16/13 Anthem Richmond Marathon

                          "Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious." - Rumi

                          Just B.S.

                            Thanks for removing him, LRB. I think that that could be why thui decided not to join the RA group. Not sure 100%, just a hunch I have.


                            Beth, that is scary stuff you went through. I get you with the Facebook thing too. And thank you for specifying about mucknort last night. I can attest that there was nothing creepy about his messages. I wouldn't want him to get a bad rep here.

                             Me either. It was part of a public joke and Muckort  seems like a geniunely nice guy.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Wow, Beth, that is horrible.  Having said that, I think FB is even safer than posting here.  You control what is made public and private'; having said that, I always assume that whatever is online is public and only post what I don't mind sharing.


                              Now I'm heading back to work.  If you guys need anything PM me again.



                                Thanks for removing him, LRB. I think that that could be why thui decided not to join the RA group. Not sure 100%, just a hunch I have.


                                Beth, that is scary stuff you went through. I get you with the Facebook thing too. And thank you for specifying about mucknort last night. I can attest that there was nothing creepy about his messages. I wouldn't want him to get a bad rep here.


                                Lily -I messaged her on this and she basically said she was staying away for other reasons. She wants to stay over in RW to help the noobies out. This was my instant thought. He did send her creepy messages too.

                                Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del.