Beginners and Beyond

Warning re: Runfoolery / aka James Park or JHPark on RW (Read 1058 times)

    I also got a creepy message from him, a few months ago.  I responded in a similar manner to your first response, RMTB, and I don't think he responded back.  There is a difference between joke-y and creepy and women have creep radar.  James gave off a creep vibe.    

    "...You have to have faith, to know that you can do what you want to do."  -Joseph Nzau

    Just B.S.

      LRB is an admin of the group, not the owner.  All LRB can do is kick him out.  This is not the same thing as banning him.  Not the same thing as banning him.  Not the same thing as banning him.  One who is kicked out can rejoin. Only the owner can ban.

       SRL I love your signature line!LOL


      At my son'suniversity there was some type of large tower structure on campus that was far taller

      than any other building. It was  referred to as "Isengard" by the students.


      Apparently being really old has it's benefits.......seems I'm the only RW female who didn't get a PM from the

      creepy guy!LOL


      Former Bad Ass

        Then I'm old too because I didn't get one either.


          Wow, sorry you had to go thru this, hope he didn't PM anyone while in the FB group or RWOL, reading all this I'm wondering if this isn't a first for him.

          Just B.S.

            Then I'm old too because I didn't get one either.

             I'm pretty sure you are the same age or younger than others who rec'd messages.

            He was just scared because he knew you would kick his ass!LOL


              Beth- I didn't get one either! I wonder if should be more offended that I didn't get one than if I had....j/k!! 


              Seriously, I'm sorry you ladies had to deal with a creeper. I'm glad the appropriate steps have been taken.



              Bless your heart.


                 I'm pretty sure you are the same age or younger than others who rec'd messages.

                He was just scared because he knew you would kick his ass!LOL


                +1! :-)

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  You know, I pm'd him last week to compliment him on a comment he made and he replied "thanks, but it would be nice if you were a hot chick".


                  I replied "Well, can i tell you a secret????"  Little did I know i was opening myself up to problems. Well, I didn't know what he was doing.

                  Just B.S.

                    Wow, sorry you had to go thru this, hope he didn't PM anyone while in the FB group or RWOL, reading all this I'm wondering if this isn't a first for him.

                    I would think it highly unlikely with that kind of activity level in contacting the women that this was his first time

                    engaging in this type of behaviour.


                    My brothers best friend is a local police officer and although he could not by law tell us any details about the

                    man who stalked me he told my brother that I should be very careful and this was not by far the first time

                    they had complaints of the same vein about that man.


                      LRB is an admin of the group, not the owner.  All LRB can do is kick him out.  This is not the same thing as banning him.  Not the same thing as banning him.  Not the same thing as banning him.  One who is kicked out can rejoin. Only the owner can ban.


                      And banning him from the user group does not remove him from RA.  It removes him from the user group.


                      Kick out - user can self add.

                      Ban - user can not self add.


                      Eric has been PMed and is involved.  For stuff at the site level (which would prevent future PMs), that's The Man.


                      Well, even if Eric bans the offender, he could still try to rejoin using a different name/computer/network. Some of the banning abilities depends on the system Eric is using here. On the board I mod'd on, we used vbulletin, which had some pretty sophisticated ban protocols at the time. Technology changes, creeps don't. Simple lesson is: beware of creeps and report them.


                      Beth, so sorry to hear of your stalker story.


                        I can ban him and I did.


                          I can ban him and I did.


                          YOU ROCK!


                            Heidi (and the other runnerwomen too),


                            I am so sorry this happened to you. I just wanted to say that and also pipe in that I agree that you are the last person on earth I would guess to get involved in any sort of on board drama- so much so that I was shocked when I started reading this.


                            I hope it does not keep any of you from continuing to post and feel comfortable, including friendly bantery stuff and cute pictures.


                              I'm sorry you girls had to go through that. I had messaged with him a few times, but never really got a creepy vibe from him. But I also deal with really really creepy guys on a daily basis, and have learned to laugh off most of the creepiness. There was only one that I had to ask to be kept away from because it was just too creepy. 


                                Well, even if Eric bans the offender, he could still try to rejoin using a different name/computer/network. Some of the banning abilities depends on the system Eric is using here. On the board I mod'd on, we used vbulletin, which had some pretty sophisticated ban protocols at the time. Technology changes, creeps don't. Simple lesson is: beware of creeps and report them.


                                Beth, so sorry to hear of your stalker story.

                                 It's pretty easy to capture and store IP addresses. Computers on the same network would share a common internet IP address or at least some portion of the address would be identical. Sure someone can easily mask their ip or go to a different network or whatever. but in most cases, some abusive user won't go through the trouble to do this.


                                What puzzles me is setups like RW where apparently not even this is done. One can be banned and immediately setup a new username on the same computer and go back onto the forum. Probably one reason they have the spam problem they do.