Beginners and Beyond

Warning re: Runfoolery / aka James Park or JHPark on RW (Read 1058 times)

Hip Redux

    Does anyone actually read all the responses on a thread before they post? 


    Generally... no.


    However, if you look at the time stamps on this one there are like 4 people posting every minute.   So, you know, lines get crossed.



      Was this that JhPark guy? Just want to make sure I'm thinking of the right one.

        Was this that JhPark guy? Just want to make sure I'm thinking of the right one.


        Nevermind I see it in the thread title, lol. He was very and I mean Very active especially on the singles thread

        Runs the streets

          I have an adult male family member with Aspergers syndrome. Socially he can creep women out, unintentionally.  But, it is non-sexual in nature.The situation Heidi describes does not seem to me to be so innocuous. There is a clear pattern, it is sexual in nature, and involves multiple women. I dismiss entirely the suggestion that this was an awkward attempt at flirtation.


          Heidi is gorgeous, open and friendly, but she has never portrayed herself as anything other than a happily married mother. She is not someone that ANYONE would see as open to that sort of attention. Then to hear he targeted others too...I was happily oblivious to this situation as I never received any messages from him. But then, I exude "Bless your heart, but I will cut a fool that gets interwebs grabby up in here". 


          I'm glad the situation was dealt with. This should be a "safe place" in that way. We all know there is a line between humor and/or compliments and written grab ass.


          I am sorry to those of you who had to suffer the foolery, so to speak.


            This is really disgusting. I'm really sorry those who were stalked/creeped on by this loser. Just to echo the others RMTB, you did the right thing by outing him. I hope you can all forgot about these incidents soon.

            Chief Unicorn Officer

              I had no idea any of this was going on!  And Heidi, I am glad you reported it and got it out in the open.  I've never gotten a PM from him so I don't exactly have a dog in the fight, but the more you know, the better off you are.  Hopefully he's gone and it's resolved.  Thanks for sharing and for the admins/mods of both here and FB for handling it.

              Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54


                Rmtb...I believe you handled this 100% correctly! There is no better way to get action on an issue like this than to post facts and quotes publicly so people can decide for themselves. You made no accusations or personal remarks. Great job.

                  You know, I pm'd him last week to compliment him on a comment he made and he replied "thanks, but it would be nice if you were a hot chick".


                  I replied "Well, can i tell you a secret????"  Little did I know i was opening myself up to problems. Well, I didn't know what he was doing.

                   Geesh,every post I read here is making more and more sick to my stomach. This guy sounds like he has a major problem. 


                  Heidi and the rest of you coming forward, thank you for sharing this information. What a creep. 


                  Chasing Rainbows

                    Heidi, you did the right thing by speaking up about this.  Nobody should tolerate this kind of creepy behaviour.

                    The obstacle is the path. - Zen proverb

                    Just B.S.

                      I know I will have an unpopular opinion on this...but people treat others on the internet like they are the closest of friends and put personal details out there for the world to see. They post leg pics, ab pics, butt pics, etc and while I in NO way am defending someone who is that depraved, I cannot see at all how people would be surprised that this happens.


                      I hate that women were singled out, but most of us have families, children and do you really think it is a great idea to post pictures of yourself and your kids online. I learned my lesson a while back.


                      There is my 2 cents. Again, I am sorry to hear that people were affected by someone that crass, but I am not at all surprised.


                      I understand the OP didn't warrant any negative attention, but plenty who have posted that they were targeted, have.

                       Wow.  Really? I think some of the other women who rec'd messages from him would disagree.

                      As well as many of the rest of us.

                        Heidi, you absolutely did the right  thing in reporting this.


                        I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, so when I first started reading I wondered if maybe he just didn't know where to draw the line.  But clearly your instinct was right on, with the numerous other women who have come forward with similar stories.


                        Beth, your story is so scary.  I had no idea.


                        5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)


                           Wow.  Really? I think some of the other women who rec'd messages from him would disagree.

                          As well as many of the rest of us.

                           Completely agree. The people didn't bring it upon themselves. It's the action of someone who is abnormal in some sense.


                            I have gotten plenty of PMs from women who don't want to make a stink, but have had similar (and creepier) interactions.  It is for the best, I guess, that it's out in the open now.


                               Wow.  Really? I think some of the other women who rec'd messages from him would disagree.

                              As well as many of the rest of us.

                               Maybe she's referring to my leg post. Sorry for being pretty and showing off what running can do to one's physique. We're all runners and the thread was fun until it got weird. My intention was not to attract weird PM's, but it is the internet after all and I am very cautious what I do post hence me changing my original picture. It still doesn't give anyone the right to harass someone. 

                              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                                 Maybe she's referring to my leg post. Sorry for being pretty and showing off what running can do to one's physique. We're all runners and the thread was fun until it got weird. My intention was not to attract weird PM's, but it is the internet after all and I am very cautious what I do post hence me changing my original picture. It still doesn't give anyone the right to harass someone. 

                                 are you getting weird pms now?