Beginners and Beyond

Warning re: Runfoolery / aka James Park or JHPark on RW (Read 1058 times)


     are you getting weird pms now?

    No, but I was one who did receive messages from him too but on FB not here. 

    Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


      No, but I was one who did receive messages from him too but on FB not here. 

       One of many. What's wrong with your leg pics anyway? It's the same amount of skin or whatever you'd see in the street.


         Completely agree. The people didn't bring it upon themselves. It's the action of someone who is abnormal in some sense.

         EXACTLY, which is why you don't assume people in the forums are normal, healthy or not going to end up stalking folks.


        Good lord people, I am not implying people deserve to get nasty messages, far from it, but there are a LOT of people on here and other forums that post a ton of images of themselves and they are "SHOCKED" when it goes south.


        That is a general statement. It is not directed at any one person or incident.


        However, there needs to be some personal responsibility in those that do choose to post images of themselves. I would think that after the great wedding picture debauchal in L&O back a few years would have taught people something. Lock down pics if you want to, but people can still capture images and save them. They can still photoshop them, they can figure out quite easily where people are located. It is not that difficult.


        It has happened to me, and I don't post an avatar here or there.


        Even my kids get internet safety.


           One of many. What's wrong with your leg pics anyway? It's the same amount of skin or whatever you'd see in the street.

           Exactly. I guess everyone is different with what they are comfortable posting online. I look at it like a super model or a runner on the cover of a running magazine. Right?? Innocent flirting is Ok. What he did was just creepy. 

          Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


            I understand the OP didn't warrant any negative attention, but plenty who have posted that they were targeted, have.

             First of all even people who posted their legs butts abs or whatever do not "warrant" negative attention either.


            Secondly, many who posted pics were not targetted, and many who didn't were. So there's zero correlation here. 

            Hey Doc

            Feets don't fail me now

              Did the dude with the hairy legs in the red heels get a PM?

              Just B.S.

                Did the dude with the hairy legs in the red heels get a PM?

                 No I didn't......Big grin

                Mr MattM

                  I am getting PM'd like crazy!


                  Ok, not really.  Roll eyes

                  be curious; not judgmental

                  Hip Redux

                     Completely agree. The people didn't bring it upon themselves. It's the action of someone who is abnormal in some sense.



                    Of course they didn't bring it upon themselves.  It's just that there ARE creeps so everyone has to remember that posting personal information or photos can be unsafe on the web.  A-holes will target people who post certain pictures, certain things etc. and may even take it a step further and cross the line from the internet to the real world if you give them enough information.   You just have to keep that in mind when posting out into the open. 


                    Would it be great if you could post anything and not have to worry about sickos?  Sure.  That's not the internet we have though.


                    You gotta stay safe, folks.



                       EXACTLY, which is why you don't assume people in the forums are normal, healthy or not going to end up stalking folks.


                      Good lord people, I am not implying people deserve to get nasty messages, far from it, but there are a LOT of people on here and other forums that post a ton of images of themselves and they are "SHOCKED" when it goes south.


                      That is a general statement. It is not directed at any one person or incident.


                      However, there needs to be some personal responsibility in those that do choose to post images of themselves. I would think that after the great wedding picture debauchal in L&O back a few years would have taught people something. Lock down pics if you want to, but people can still capture images and save them. They can still photoshop them, they can figure out quite easily where people are located. It is not that difficult.


                      It has happened to me, and I don't post an avatar here or there.


                      Even my kids get internet safety.

                       well i happen to be an arm freak and that picture of you with your arms raised like that really gets me going. I'll pm you about it later Big grin

                      Mr MattM

                        MrNamtor... please quit PMing me!  I am starting to get very uncomfortable...


                        Okay, not really.  Roll eyes

                        be curious; not judgmental


                          well i have to say in the interest of honesty that i took a similar position to those speaking of internet safety in the case of a poster whose friendly hello preceded her getting her butt slapped by a strange man. I don't know if this is the same thing or different.


                          I will say though that in this case the posting of pictures doesn't seem to be related to what happened with this person.




                            Okay, not really.  Roll eyes

                             Good. Because i really didn't want to stop

                            Hip Redux

                              well i have to say in the interest of honesty that i took a similar position to those speaking of internet safety in the case of a poster whose friendly hello preceded her getting her butt slapped by a strange man. I don't know if this is the same thing or different.


                              I will say though that in this case the posting of pictures doesn't seem to be related to what happened with this person.


                              Maybe, maybe not.  There's no real way to know what will trigger someone to jump over the 'appropriate' line.   Wackos rarely follow a normal set of rules.


                              When I was stalked (twice), neither time did I purposefully put anything "out there".  The problem was that once they decided that I was a target, they used whatever information was freely available on the interweb to track me.    And that's really the bigger issue.


                              So if people post completely anonymous photos of themselves - with no way to get to their full name or facebook page or race results... ok, while getting creepy PMs sucks, at least there's no real tie to your Real Life.   Post a photo or a flirty comment with someone who takes it the wrong way.... and they know where you live or  your real name or can get to your FB page or whatnot, then shit gets scary.



                                Maybe, maybe not.  There's no real way to know what will trigger someone to jump over the 'appropriate' line.   Wackos rarely follow a normal set of rules.


                                When I was stalked (twice), neither time did I purposefully put anything "out there".  The problem was that once they decided that I was a target, they used whatever information was freely available on the interweb to track me.    And that's really the bigger issue.


                                So if people post completely anonymous photos of themselves - with no way to get to their full name or facebook page or race results... ok, while getting creepy PMs sucks, at least there's no real tie to your Real Life.   Post a photo or a flirty comment with someone who takes it the wrong way.... and they know where you live or  your real name or can get to your FB page or whatnot, then shit gets scary.

                                 One thing is that if you ever use a photo on a site that you've used on another site, that other site can be found with a google image search. This will happen even if you alter the picture in photoshop (crop it, change the size, change it to sepia or b/w etc)


                                So if that site has personal info on it, even if you are anonymous on one site, you will not be on another one.