Beginners and Beyond


Fandango Fiesta Friday Penguins (Read 21 times)


    Hey Ginny!  Glad your head is feeling a bit better.  Coffee always helps whatever is wrong with me!  Good luck to you if you decide to run this afternoon.

    "Cherie - are you hurt or just not feeling motivated. "  A little of both, I suppose.  Not really hurt, but my ankle is stiff and sore, and weirdly, my left arm/shoulder area just started aching really badly yesterday.  Even sore to the touch.  I swear I'm just getting old!  But I have found that for me, getting out of that training, drive-drive-drive mode for sometimes weeks or even up to a month is good for me.  Renews my body and mind, and probably prevents what could turn into injuries.  I try to listen to those aches and pains, because I've found when I didn't, it does get much worse.


    "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


    Penguin Power!

      Hi Penguins!


      Jerry - nice to see that you got a bit of a run in


      scotty - I don't know how you can run in the super heat - I was feeling it and it was only 60 today!


      HsM - I wish I could have a garden...!  I can't wait to get out of NYC.


      Zel - I'm sure your daughter will do great flying by herself.  I think that children/teens can handle just about as much responsibility as you're willing to give them :-)


      PAD - always good to listen to your injuries


      Jack - how old are your daughters?  I was a swimmer in high school too.  My mom was a big fan of carpooling us to and from just about everything possible.


      bin - are the JP Morgan corporate challenges the same distance everywhere?  DH is doing the NYC one in early June.


      Cherie - that shoulder pain is strange to me.  If it is sudden onset (and you can't think of what caused it) you may want to see a doctor ASAP.  It can be a sign of heart attack in women (who almost never present in a typical manner).  I don't mean to be alarmist and since you're a runner it is more likely caused by sleeping wrong rather than anything serious.


      I got my long run in today.  10 miles.  I ran out of water around mile 6 because the park where I was planning on refilling was closed (locked gate and all).  That shouldn't have been a big deal because there was another park around 7.5 but they were filming a movie and had that park closed off too.  Finally I went into a juice place and asked for water.  The nice people there filled me up and I was on my way.  I'll go there for lunch tomorrow and leave a big tip :-)

      Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


      Former Bad Ass

        1.3 very slow baby step miles.  After 6 weeks off, I felt great except knee was a little achy, but never got worse as I ran.  No pain when walking.  I'll try same run again tomorrow.


        Looking forward to Fiesta Run and parade pictures, Scotty.  Sounds like fun.


        Zel, great to have DD flying alone.  Before you know it, she will be off on a European adventure.


        Have a great weekend.


        Great news!


        hi, guys. Ran 6 miles in Nashville this morning. Boy is it not humid up here.  Noce and cool  High of 83F tomorrow so we will be halpy with the weather.


        Jack K.

        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

          Ginny: The PF is behaving itself very nicely, thank you. Smile


          sapf: Daughters are 17 and 13. The older one runs XC and track and the younger one is a swimmer. Her specialty is the 200m breaststroke and 100 fly.  We also have a 20 year old son who is away at university.


            D, glad you made it safe. I almost decided to come cheer you on.


            Ginny, Bella gets pretty excited in our neighborhood at the site of other people and dogs, but I can easily get her attention turned back to us moving. And on occasion, I'll let her close to them, and she is just curious and wants to smell, or get petted a little. I might just take her and be ready to bail, or stick to the back of the pack. We also have a 5k pet run, but I think it's in the Fall.


              Sapf-- thanks for the concern, but I'm not too worried about it.  Doesn't feel nearly that serious, and if you even mention "heart" around here, they throw you into the hospital, keep you over night, and charge you thousands of $$$, even if you just wanted reassurance that everything was okay.  Plus, I'm kinda dippy, I mighta did something to it, and have now totally forgotten about it.  Glad you were able to get some water for your run.  Hopefully they make good lunches!  I think the rule around here is that businesses (gas stations/ cafes) have to give people water if they ask.


              Mitch-- "D, glad you made it safe. I almost decided to come cheer you on."  Give her hugs for me!   Hope y'all have a great FE!


              DR-- Yay@ it being nice and cool.  Enjoy and best of luck with the race.  Hope Mitch is able to come and cheer you guys on.


              "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                Ginny, that's mi d of how I'm feeling lately. Maybe the hiking is taking more out of you than it seems.


                Mitch- I've done a 5k with Zoe before that was full of dogs (it was a "pet day" race). Most of the etiquette seemed self-expalanatory. They should have a regular leash, not the flexi-leash kind, don't let them go up to other dogs unless clearly the owner is OK with it, and once the race has started, keep an eye out for people coming and passing to make sure your dog doesn't get in front of them.


                Jack- She needs to be back because we have a mandatory overnight for the Costa Rica trip this weekend. Luckily Southwest had a cheap one-way ticket for tonight.


                  This one will not be a "pet" day run. I've only seen one dog during the race 2 years ago.


                  Cherie, if we decide to go, I'll be sure to look for her.


                  Team TJ

                    Good evening penguins!


                    3.2 miles at the park for me during lunch today.  Way better than a trip to the Mexican restaurant.....well, maybe not.

                    Running for TJ because he can't.


                    Bin Running

                      Sapf, I would think it is the same distance.

                      2015 Races

                      2XU HM - 29 Mar
