Beginners and Beyond

Hey, TUESDAILIES, Get Crackin'! (Read 49 times)


    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury  to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.

      Where is everyone? <crickets chirping>

        Good morning Basya. I slept in til my first run in about 9 weeks  of 3 slow miles in last night and felt Good.


        I have a busy day today at work but will get to the gym after work.


        have a great day everyone!

        First Race

        Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

        Second Race

        Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



          I'm here. Not much to report. Plan 6 at lunchtime; getting warm out, will start to need to move these to the morning before work.

          Have a great day everyone.



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning.  Present!  5 recovery miles and weights tonight.


            Getting pumped about Sunday.  After all, who would not love to run on their homeland and buy lots of expo goodies and get a cool medal?  Oh, and eat tons of Puerto Rican food?


            Ball of Fury

              Morning guys!  MRI was negative for stress fracture, but did show some trochanteric bursitis, so we are dealing with that and refractory ITBS.  He did a cortisone injection in both my hip and knee, not to improve my recovery or help me run, but to see if we could decrease the inflammation so that PT will be more effective.  He did approve me to run around 20-25 mpw if I can run without severe pain and without altering my gait.  Today, however, was another URD since MD told me no running/exercise today due to the cortisone shots.  I am hoping to get into the new PT tomorrow (working 24 hours today) and then try an easy run either tomorrow afternoon or Thursday, we will see.

              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                Good Morning, My Fellow Runners!!


                How the heck is everyone today? It's the last day of April – anyone know where the 1st four months of the year went?


                Basya – Thanks for starting us off this morning!! What's on your schedule for workouts today?


                Scott – Congrats on your first run on the comeback trail!! Way to go!!


                Dave P – Enjoy your lunch run!! I hope that the weather is perfect for you! Have a great day!!


                Damaris – I bet you're going to have so much fun in PR!! I can't wait to read your RR and see the pics!!


                Ami – I'm glad that you were able to get a plan for resolving your issue so that you can get back to pain-free running!! Hang in there!! I hope that the new PT is able to do wonders for you!!


                Anyone seen Flarunner this morning? She's usually an early poster and very consistent....


                HobbitLegs - I saw that you brought your initiation donuts last night.   Thanks!!   They were a great late night snack.    ;-)


                Shirfan - Holy cow!  I'm really glad that you're okay, and I totally would have been completely pissed off as well!!  Be careful!!


                My MRIs will start in about an hour and 10 minutes, and then it's just one eternally long waiting period until I get the results on Friday.    I walked Abby for about an hour this morning - it's not as good as running, but for now, it's what I can do.   I think I startled the paper lady while we were out walking because she stopped her car suddenly and then rolled down her window to say good morning and that she wasn't used to seeing people out while she was delivering the paper.   More stretching / strengthening stuff later....


                Have a Pinklightful day!!!    And, may your next run make you feel like you can run FOREVER!!!


                - Sarah

                But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


                delicate flower

                  Happy Vacation Friday!  Well it is for me, anyway.  And work today should be just busy enough to make the day go by fast.  I'm leaving work early today too.


                  As I mentioned in yesterday's PM dailies, my elliptical workout last night was a struggle for some reason and I quit early.  I was tired and mentally checked out.  It happens.  More elliptical today followed by a legs workout.   



                    I got it crack a lackin' this morning at the track, will update later!


                    Team TJ

                      Hey y'all.


                      5.1 mile run done.  It was nice to get back to my old run routine of not concentrating on increasing speed.  I want to steadily increase my miles now and the speed seems to hinder my progress with soreness.  I've figured out that after I got my 5K time down to what I deem a respectable number, that I am better suited for long slow distances than speedy short ones.  Blah, blah, blah....


                      Crunches and pushups tonight.


                      Have a great day, everyone!

                      Running for TJ because he can't.



                        BasyaSpiliakos- Good morning! What do you have on your schedule ... besides the usual push-ups/abs?


                        Sparker1606- That's awesome news that the run last night felt good. Wooho!


                        DaveP MI- II was thinking the exact same thing about moving runs back to the early AM - weather is getting really nice here and the leaves on some of the trees are just starting to peek through. Enjoy your lunchtime 6.


                        Docket_Rocket- Sounds like you've got an exciting weekend coming up in Puerto Rico - enjoy!


                        AmiK- I'm glad that the MRI ruled out the stress fracture (DS had one last year in XC) but that's still tough to get to the bottom of what's wrong. Hopefully the cortisone can get you a bit more mobility to get things worked out through PT. Stay strong!


                        Pinktastic- I hope your MRI can get to the bottom of the problem and you can get on the road to recovery. Enjoy your day ... whatever it brings you!


                        Well, I did end up running 3 easy recovery miles yesterday and things felt great. My legs feel almost too this morning and I'm trying to decide how I'll use the rest of this week recovering from the race. I had originally planned to take today off, but I may just get in 4-5 recovery miles this evening to see how that goes. I'll just see how things feel and ease back into training ... I have Grandma's in 8 weeks. Wink

                        Train smart ... race smarter.



                          Good morning everyone!


                          I'm off to work, and will put in a few easy miles after I get home. Hope everyone has a great day!

                            Scott, have fun at the gym after work.


                            DaveP MI, enjoy your lunchtime run.


                            Damaris, have a great lifting session and a fantastic run. Good luck in Puerto Rico!


                            AmiK, I'm happy that you finally have answers. I hope that you feel better tonight, after the side effects of the cortisone shots have begun to abate.


                            Sarah, good luck with the MRI today.


                            Phil, have a great leg workout and an excellent elliptical session.


                            Rick, I'm looking forward to reading about your track run.


                            Robert fantastic 5.1. Enjoy the crunches and push-ups later.


                            BruceD555, have a fantastic recovery run later.


                            Nicole, enjoy your post-work run.


                            Weights and push-ups are done. I'll do my ab work before bed. I also have to squeeze three miles into today, in order to make April a 150-mile month, which would be a monthly-mileage PR for me.


                            Does anyone have any suggestions on how I ought to taper for my HM on May 26? I'm not following a training program, just doing a LR on Sundays and easy runs the rest of the time.


                            Team TJ



                              Weights and push-ups are done. I'll do my ab work before bed. I also have to squeeze three miles into today, in order to make April a 150-mile month, which would be a monthly-mileage PR for me.




                              You've got that in the bag!

                              Running for TJ because he can't.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                I don't like any of the pics from my 5K but I thought this one was funny.  This lady not only tried to throw up at the finish line but stopped before crossing the mat and I entered before her.  She stopped to pause her Garmin.  She had not even finished!

