Beginners and Beyond

Thorough ThursDAILIES (Read 51 times)

Hip Redux


    This sounds interesting........i may have to ask my club if they have ever done kettlebell classes.


    I love it!   I think my favorite exercise is the classic kettlebell swing because it's power but also gets your heart pumping.


    Just BS - that's so sad.  I'm sorry Sad



      Yesterday I travelled from Colorado to Cincinnati for the Flying Pig events this weekend.  This morning, I woke up at what would have been 4 AM for me (which is about 4 hours earlier than normal), and was out for a run within an hour.  I really need to get myself on east coast time.


      Anyway, I did 5 miles along the Ohio River this morning, keeping it at a pretty easy pace.  It turned out that my 'pretty easy pace' at this altitude (6000 feet lower than I'm used to) is pretty much my goal marathon pace.  :-p  So if I can manage to keep my legs moving for the marathon, I'll do ok.  The problem is, I had a really difficult time doing just that on my longest runs during training.  :-/

      Just B.S.

        Thanks Oski. It's been a rough few months round these parts, just felt like we are getting back to

        normal so this really hit me hard today.  He was the type of guy who was always there to help

        everyone (helped us build our first home) and always had a smile on his face.


        I had a co-worker and another friend die from pancreatic in the last 3 years. It's a horrible painful

        disease and hard to think of someone you know going thru that.

          Just BS - that's so sad.  I'm sorry Sad


          Wisdom teeth out.  Forced rest day.  I should be good for Saturday tho.








            Supposed to be a SRD, but I might jump on the TM for a couple miles before my strength training class if I get to the Y in time. Right now, I'd rather just stay home and hibernate - it is 35* and rain/snow/wintery mix, plus wind.


            BS - I'm sorry to hear about your friend.

            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


              Thanks Oski. It's been a rough few months round these parts, just felt like we are getting back to

              normal so this really hit me hard today.  He was the type of guy who was always there to help

              everyone (helped us build our first home) and always had a smile on his face.


              I had a co-worker and another friend die from pancreatic in the last 3 years. It's a horrible painful

              disease and hard to think of someone you know going thru that.


              Awe ... sorry to hear that. My MIL passed away last summer from a prolonged battle with breast cancer (we were there with her at the end) and I've lost a couple of uncles to cancer ... the last about 5 years ago to pancreatic. Nasty ... nasty stuff you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Sad

              Train smart ... race smarter.

              YAYpril - B-Plus

                Zelanie, I read about your knee in yesterdailies. I'm sorry it's still bothering you. I hope the doctor can give you some answers.

                Beth, hugs. I'm so sorry. The 5k I'm doing next Saturday benefits pancreatic cancer research.


                Former Bad Ass

                  That is so sad.  I'll be thinking of his family and children.


                  I'm running some undetermind distance today but I got the wind knocked out of my sails first thing

                  and am still in a bit of shock.


                  My best friend since grade 10 (I was her maid of honor and she was mine) emailed to let me know

                  that her first husband (the wedding I stood up in) and a great guy whom we spent a lot of time with in

                  our late teens-late 20's was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  I had seen him as recently

                  as 6 months ago, had a great chat and talked about old times. They didn't have any children

                  together and have been divorced for almost 20 years but are still on good terms.  


                  He was happily remarried and his daughter is only 10 years old.


                  He was only diagnosed recently but apparently it was late in the illness and he is being moved to

                  a hospice today. He is the same age as me, 51. I feel like I have been punched in the gut.


                  Sorry for the downer folks. 


                  Ball of Fury

                    Beth:  Sorry to hear about your friend!  Will pray for a peaceful, pain free hospice experience for him.  Hugs to you!


                    Zelanie:  Sorry about your knee as well!  I hope you get some answers at the doc.

                    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                    Jack K.

                    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                      Man, living on the west coast, I always feel late to the party...


                      Later I will run four, maybe five miles. My legs are just about back to normal. Those recovery runs really are nice. I hope to sign up for another HM or two and maybe a full marathon for late this year. I have come to sincerely enjoy racing so the more the better (but not too many). Have a good day, Dailies.

                      Ball of Fury

                        Yesterday I travelled from Colorado to Cincinnati for the Flying Pig events this weekend.  This morning, I woke up at what would have been 4 AM for me (which is about 4 hours earlier than normal), and was out for a run within an hour.  I really need to get myself on east coast time.


                        Anyway, I did 5 miles along the Ohio River this morning, keeping it at a pretty easy pace.  It turned out that my 'pretty easy pace' at this altitude (6000 feet lower than I'm used to) is pretty much my goal marathon pace.  :-p  So if I can manage to keep my legs moving for the marathon, I'll do ok.  The problem is, I had a really difficult time doing just that on my longest runs during training.  :-/


                        I hope you enjoy your trip here in Cincinnati!  There are some good new restaurants down in the banks along the river.  We like the Moerlein House for both food and beer.  Nada is also pretty good but is Mexican and maybe not the best pre-race food...depends on your digestion I guess!  Anyway, good luck this weekend.

                        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                        Skirt Runner

                          Thanks guys. I feel ok now but am really congested.I think it's my stupid allergies!

                          PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                          I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

                          Just B.S.

                            Thanks guys. I feel ok now but am really congested.I think it's my stupid allergies!


                            I have the same problem. It's been the worst year ever for me. Been congested with sinus pressure

                            of and on for a month. For some reason mornings are worst for me and I feel best around 4-6 pm.


                            It really sucks because our winters are so long here and I wait and wait for spring only to suffer

                            with allergies for 6 weeks.


                            My marathon on May 12th is all through a wooded trail system. Really hoping the allergies don't suck

                            the life of of me that day.


                              Same with my route, some a bit faster, some a bit slower, but generally an even pace. But this morning a guy just blew past me, and I thought man this guy's fast. Then he slowed down to a more normal pace, and I thought hey, that must be those stridey-fartleky things I'm supposed to be doing!

                              That is funny!  Should you ever try them, that first one or two is a little tough, but after that man does it get fun!


                              Jack on the flip side, I wake up and get to see what our west coast peeps wrote about while I was fast asleep.


                              rather be sprinting


                                I love it!   I think my favorite exercise is the classic kettlebell swing because it's power but also gets your heart pumping.


                                Just BS - that's so sad.  I'm sorry Sad



                                -LOVE kettlebells! You really need to know the proper form, though.  A lot of people swing the things with their arms instead of using proper hip hinge motion.  If you can't deadlift, kettlebells are like... eh... but great if you do them right.  I love swings and one-arm swings and snatches.

                                PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                                Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb