Beginners and Beyond

Wise-Cracking Wednesdailies (Read 32 times)



    So today is the day, after I drop Dorian off at school I'm going to try for an easy run. At least 1 mile, if things are feeling okay I'll try for 2 or 3. I really want to run in my new Levitate 2's but damn it I don't want to get them wet..... stupid rain, oh well 

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


    Go figure

      FreeSoul...Have you been sick too? I think I missed why you weren't running.


      Docket...keep it upright already! Also, I missed why you aren't in your office. Are you doing like a part time split between offices but living in Indy?


      Had a nice run last night. I did 10.5 miles and generally felt pretty good. The only thing is that my HR is crazy, even though my breathing isn't. Is the elevated HR common when you're on antibiotics and steroids?


      Also, thanks for the advice yesterday. I've decided to sign up for the 20 mile. I did like the points you guys made about letting it be the g/f's day and not running at all, but she also really wants to see me get my first race in back from injury, so she won't be bothered by it. I'll have a good month and a half to train for the 20, so I should be able to safely navigate that without too much trouble.

      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



        FreeSoul...Have you been sick too? I think I missed why you weren't running.


        Docket...keep it upright already! Also, I missed why you aren't in your office. Are you doing like a part time split between offices but living in Indy?


        Had a nice run last night. I did 10.5 miles and generally felt pretty good. The only thing is that my HR is crazy, even though my breathing isn't. Is the elevated HR common when you're on antibiotics and steroids?


        Also, thanks for the advice yesterday. I've decided to sign up for the 20 mile. I did like the points you guys made about letting it be the g/f's day and not running at all, but she also really wants to see me get my first race in back from injury, so she won't be bothered by it. I'll have a good month and a half to train for the 20, so I should be able to safely navigate that without too much trouble.


        Not sick, my legs needed a serious break. This Monday was my first massage since August 26  My legs and glutes and lower back were so freaking tight that she spent an hour and 45 minutes on my lower body - lower back first then worked her way down to my toes. My left calf still has a very stubborn knot that she just could not get rid of.

        During my last 20 miles (last Sunday) I was extremely tight and fatigued in my glutes and hamstrings and calves. When I ran the Wednesday morning after, I could feel stiffness in my shins that moved about to my calves. But it was during Thursday's run when I felt a big issue - the top of my left foot, where the shin/ankle meets the foot was very achy and sore. I ran twice that day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Friday morning I was limping around because of my foot.

        The stiffness and aches have bounced back and forth between my shin and lower back or hip so I am hoping that 5 days of rest and no running, a massage and foam rolling and sticking and herbal ointments have helped.

        I'll find out soon enough.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


        delicate flower

          Whatdaya say there, Aces!  I did something wild and crazy and went for a SWIM before work!  Only my second swim in a month, and it felt like it.  I just took it easy though, didn't pay attention to my splits, and generally enjoyed it despite being slow as hell.  I've got a bike workout to do later.  I could use the day off from running. 



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have 8 miles but we will see how my body feels after that fall.


            SIAR, I have a special project this week in Grand Rapids.



              I ran 7.


              I'm tired.


              Go figure

                FreeSoul...good on you for being smart about things and taking a break when needed. That's a hard thing to do, and I hope it pays off with you feeling good shortly.


                Baboon...glad you had a nice swim and were able to just enjoy it rather than worry about pacing or anything.


       it...was figuring you wouldn't be making that much of a commute all the time, but you never know. Good luck with the run.



                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                delicate flower



                  Former Bad Ass

                    FreeSoul...good on you for being smart about things and taking a break when needed. That's a hard thing to do, and I hope it pays off with you feeling good shortly.


                    Baboon...glad you had a nice swim and were able to just enjoy it rather than worry about pacing or anything.


           it...was figuring you wouldn't be making that much of a commute all the time, but you never know. Good luck with the run.




                    It's 3.5 hours away so I asked to drive instead of flying.  It took 5 approvals but I got it.



                      I'm tired.


                      5 days and then you can rest


                      Go figure

                        Rehashing from yesterday on quitting, particularly with faster athletes....I too find it pretty distasteful, but intellectually think that's the wrong opinion to have. One image that always sticks in my mind is Ryan Hall ripping his bib off at LA a few years ago and walking off the course mid-race. What a quitter, I thought. But the more I think about it, if you're actually racing for checks and trying to make a living, it doesn't make sense to drain the tank on a day that you know your body just doesn't have it. Running is a pretty cruel sport to make a living off of, so if you're looking to maximize your ability to get paid, then dropping out of some races is actually pretty smart. Still, even though I can rationalize it, there's something about it that just doesn't sit well with me.


                        Also, there's the other kind of quitting which is just letting performance drop when a race gets difficult. That one is a little more fuzzy because it's really hard to know if your body could have sustained something that you ultimately backed off from. I try not to label that as much as quitting though, because I think it's really more about learning and training. The upper end of that ability to push is really just a skill, so hopefully that "quit" point just keeps pushing further and further toward the red line over time.


                        Anyway, just my musings 

                        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                        Super B****

                          So_Im_a_Runner -- are you sure your HRM isn't in need of a new battery? And in relation to the quitting thing, I think it's different for elites whose livelihood depends on it. I was talking about recreational runners who also happen to be very fast, and are prone to the first type of quitting vs. the second.

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                          Super B****

                            You'd think being able to sleep in would mean I'm less tired, but nope! Guess the part where I was awake from 2:30 to 4:00 AM can't help matters any.


                            This inactivity thing is getting kind of old... it's a good thing I have a dive trip next week! And I hear that the auto belays are being reset today, so I'm going to hit up the climbing gym tonight. I hope there are some routes that require a lot of hip stretching, because I need that.

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                            delicate flower

                               Still, even though I can rationalize it, there's something about it that just doesn't sit well with me.



                              I agree with your mixed feelings assessment.  But then you've got someone like Meb, who's had bad races but finishes them anyway, because he does it for his fans.  That's why everybody loves Meb.




                                Had a nice run last night. I did 10.5 miles and generally felt pretty good. The only thing is that my HR is crazy, even though my breathing isn't. Is the elevated HR common when you're on antibiotics and steroids?



                                I find HRMs unreliable, period. I deactivated the wrist HRM on my watch and don't run with a strap anymore, because I never know when I'll get stupid readings.