Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES are cool (Read 31 times)


    I just did all my "research" for my 10K on Saturday. Bib#, expo hours, course, race start place, weather forecast.


    There's a pretty steep hill to climb after about one mile (the hill you had to run near the end of your HM, Damaris), that we'll have to run down that same hill about halfway (3 miles) into the race. Lots of turn and turnaraounds. Not a PR shattering course.

    But the weather is going to be nice. 53-54 degrees, no humidity, sunny, 9-10 MPH winds.


    My 10K PR (40:00) was done on a much friendlier course, but was done two years ago, 3 weeks after a marathon. I think I can beat it, even on the harder course. But I'm not sure. On the same course, I'm sure I would beat it, but not so confident about that one.


    delicate flower

      LRB you need to add your race and goal to the race thread.  I've been in and out of the dailies and don't know these two details.


      DO IT.




        LRB you need to add your race and goal to the race thread.  I've been in and out of the dailies and don't know these two details.


        DO IT.



        lol he never has and you never will.



        delicate flower


          lol he never has and you never will.


          I neither like nor appreciate his lack of transparency.



            I was a regular in the race threads until I started flaming out like space junk flying across the sky with regularity. As for my goal, I have written about my desire to qualify for New York so much, that's it's known on the international space station!


              I was a regular in the race threads until I started flaming out like space junk flying across the sky with regularity. As for my goal, I have written about my desire to qualify for New York so much, that's it's known on the international space station!


              There you go! And well within the realm of possible, too, if you can manage to keep doing what you're doing.


                I was a regular in the race threads until I started flaming out like space junk flying across the sky with regularity. As for my goal, I have written about my desire to qualify for New York so much, that's it's known on the international space station!


                The race thread is for people who don't want to pay attention to your posts every day, silly.


                Former Bad Ass

                  I just did all my "research" for my 10K on Saturday. Bib#, expo hours, course, race start place, weather forecast.


                  There's a pretty steep hill to climb after about one mile (the hill you had to run near the end of your HM, Damaris), that we'll have to run down that same hill about halfway (3 miles) into the race. Lots of turn and turnaraounds. Not a PR shattering course.

                  But the weather is going to be nice. 53-54 degrees, no humidity, sunny, 9-10 MPH winds.


                  My 10K PR (40:00) was done on a much friendlier course, but was done two years ago, 3 weeks after a marathon. I think I can beat it, even on the harder course. But I'm not sure. On the same course, I'm sure I would beat it, but not so confident about that one.


                  FTS, or should I say, fuck that hill, lol.



                  Former Bad Ass


                    The race thread is for people who don't want to pay attention to your posts every day, silly.


                    We all know he is racing but we don't know the name of the race so we can do proper stalking... Asking for a friend.




                      We all know he is racing but we don't know the name of the race so we can do proper stalking... Asking for a friend.


                      I know what it is. 



                        FTS, or should I say, fuck that hill, lol.


                        this is my 10k PR course


                        delicate flower

                          I was a regular in the race threads until I started flaming out like space junk flying across the sky with regularity. As for my goal, I have written about my desire to qualify for New York so much, that's it's known on the international space station!


                          I don't like all the space litter humans have left up there .



                            I was a regular in the race threads until I started flaming out like space junk flying across the sky with regularity. As for my goal, I have written about my desire to qualify for New York so much, that's it's known on the international space station!


                            You had a big birthday so your NYCM Q time is 1:32 now, right?


                              I don't like all the space litter humans have left up there .


                              Those are all of my goals, they'll come crashing to earth soon enough. lol


                              Former Bad Ass


