Beginners and Beyond


How do you spell relief? E.A.S.Y. WednesDAILIES (Read 40 times)


Former Bad Ass


    It's spelled E.A.S.Y. WednesDAILIES. 





    Barking Mad To Run

      Well, B-Plus, you'll just have to double up on the fartleking. 


      50, 40, 30...that is some taper, Phil!  Even at your lowest weekly mileage, you're still getting about twice as much weekly mileage as I do, lol. Ah,  to be young again!


      Those possums are tricky, FreeSoul.  Strangely, they are quite resistant to rabies for some reason.  However, hissing, drooling, and swaying are part of the their 'bluff routine' , intended to scare away potential predators.  But when they drool and hiss, it looks just like rabies and is the reason people can be convinced they’re seeing "rabid' possums.    Funny little creatures.  And they learn quick where food is too.  We have outside cats and the possum that lives in the woods behind our house - we call him Fred - quickly learned where the cat dishes are and what time 'feeding time' is for the cats..and shows up right around that time.


      Good luck with the gardening, Hobbit.  Gail takes care of our flower beds, she's the one with the green thumb in the family.  I couldn't even grow a chia pet, lol.


      Nice, congrats on the 10 miles getting done already, Andrew.  Are you able to run outside yet or is it still winter up there?


      Good luck to your daughter, Z!


      Congrats on your miles and the peppy legs, Step!


      Damaris, where you are the heat can sap it right out of you, so you are not lazy.  8 is an accomplishment in your atmosphere!


      It would be interesting for you to come visit here, LRB.   You are in great shape so I'm guessing you would actually acclimatize pretty darn fast and do really well here, you'd still be speedy, even in this heat.


      Stay cool Scotty!  Why, LRB, I'm ALWAYS cool, doncha know....






      Sounds like a plan to me, Jay!


      Phil:  lol.  Gotta love it!


      ONLY 4, Meghan, lol.  That's my LONG run distance for the week, lol.   Good luck with your TM miles if you get them in.


      Glad your ankle is feeling somewhat better, FreeSoul.  As for the other one starting to hurt now too at times..... in your running stride you might possibly be compensating a bit for the sore one and that may now be a tad affecting the 'good' ankle.   You might go to one of your local running stores and ask them to video you as you run and watch you as you run and they can tell you if that is happening.  Hopefully that is not happening, but if it is....uh oh...cuz if you are not running your usual 'normal' stride, then you can potentially get some other injuries or turn this one into a "chronic" injury if you don't take the rest to let it heal 100%.   I'm not saying that will 100 percent happen for sure, but the possibility does exist...which would then put you on the bench even longer.  So get checked.   Good luck!

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



        5.5 easy miles done. Could not have asked for more gorgeous weather today.


          D2, I completely screwed up a k-cup this morning and had to brew a second one!  Grrr. 


          A friend of my wife's posted on fb the other morning that she started a k-cup and forgot to put a mug under it.  Guess there's no such thing as completely foolproof. lol


          My running blog

          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


          Run to live; live to run

            Rest day since it is a cut back week




              A friend of my wife's posted on fb the other morning that she started a k-cup and forgot to put a mug under it.  Guess there's no such thing as completely foolproof. lol


              Been there, done that, think I posted it here.




                DaveP - have you seen any of the tiny Key Deer yet?



                No but we saw plenty of signs warning us about them.


                So do you have another 50k planned as a recovery run? Worked pretty damn well as a warmup.



                  Been there, done that, think I posted it here.


                  Yeah I have never done that, today I put too much water in the stupid thing so when I creamed it up the coffee looked like, well, cream!


                     So do you have another 50k planned as a recovery run? Worked pretty damn well as a warmup.



                      scottydawg, 93? Yikes!


                      DaveP MI, excellent eight.


                      Lauren710, I hope that you enjoy your run.


                      B-Plus plus, have fun fartlekking (sp?)


                      FreeSoul87, I'm glad that Rocky is safe.


                      Nicole, beautiful 5.5.


                      Andrew, have a wonderful ten-mile tempo run.


                      Zelanie, good luck to DD and her robotics team!


                      Shari, fantastic 5.1.


                      Damaris, great eight. Rick, sweet seven.


                      Jay, lounging? I'd be loving it.


                      meaghansketch, nice four this morning.


                      Marjorie, have a relaxing and refreshing rest day.


                      It's been raining on and off. I did 3.1 miles on the TM in 30:24. 9:49 pace. I wore my mask set to 6,000 feet for the entire run. Damn. It was intense. I love this this thing.


                      There'a not supposed to be any rain tomorrow morningSmile


                        Lost my stupid Kroger card, been had it for a million years.  I feel empty now.

                          Bummer, Rick. I'd be annoyed, too, if I were to lose my (Stop & Shop) card.


                            Lost my stupid Kroger card, been had it for a million years.  I feel empty now.


                            They can look it up by your phone number.  Probably easier that way anyway.



                              They can look it up by your phone number.  Probably easier that way anyway.


                              I never give my real number out and after ten attempts couldn't remember the fake one I used so that was that.  New card, new fake number.  


                                I just watched the women's 1 mile road race held in Des Moines, Iowa yesterday won by Heather Kampf in 4:43 (video link).  The video is a shot from the pace cart and them girls were hauling ass!

