Beginners and Beyond


Sly Saturday Penguins (Read 30 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Yeap.  I need to be adjusted every 1-2 weeks or my lower back starts to hurt.  Without fail.



    Hmmm... it's been awhile since I've been adjusted.  Good looking out.



    Will run for beer.

      I just took a few minutes and did some stretches... already feels better so I'm hitting the right spot.  I'll dial up my chiro on my next day off and see what he can muster.


        Morning!  I am planning to run 3 today, then maybe hit a blood drive afterwards.


        Vance- My piriformis can get tight pretty regularly.  I find that rolling with a tennis ball helps a lot, and also the "threading the needle" stretch that D2 posted- cross one ankle over the other knee, then put your opposite arm through the hole and stretch down to the floor.  At least, that's how I've been doing it. Wink


        Tomas- Congrats to your son!  At that age, finishing at all rather than sprinting and then giving up is an accomplishment!  GOod luck on the beach run!


        Awood- Hope the 12 are fantastic and that you have a good cookout later.  As far as the toes go, my toes are happier in my Sauconys than they ever were in other brands.  I guess it's a good thing there are so many different manufacturers.


        Damaris- Have a great nap and run!


        kristin- Good job getting that run done in the heat and humidity!  Too funny about the skinnydippers!  I think that everyone's pace suffers in the humidity, it's just that as we get faster, our "slow" pace is faster than it used to be.


        Lauren- Glad to see you making progress!  I think I'm mostly done with the TM and track and onto "real" surfaces, too.  I do try to minimize the concrete, but seem to be handling it OK.


        Return To Racing

          Morning Peeps.  Outsourced today's run to DW.  4 miles to Curves and back.  Might walk later, but hip had a rough night.  I must have run in my sleep.


          Kristin, you didn't join them?



          Skirt Runner

            HA no I did not join the skinny dippers!


            NBug my piriformis was actually bothering me a little after this morning's run, ironically enough. Look up "pigeon pose" in yoga. It is a toughie but awesome for a tight piriformis!

            PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


            I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

            Slymoon Runs

            race obsessed

              um... huh,  you called?


              I ran relatively slow this morning... that count?


              Skirt Runner



                um... huh,  you called?


                I ran relatively slow this morning... that count?

                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                  Fly by check-in! Did some fartleks this morning. 2 miles warm-up, then 90 seconds @ 7mph, 2 minutes @ 5mph x5. Total 4.1 miles for the day. 23 and change for the week Big grin Rest day tomorrow, woohoo!


                  Have a great day all!


                    Morning friends!


                    N-bug--- 89* where you are?  I didn't realize it ever got that hot there.  Good luck with your run if you decide to do it.


                    T-rod-- ahhhh@ your son, congratulations to him for first place, and glad that you got a race in yourself!   Hope you all are enjoying your trip.  Super cool that y'all caught sharks!  I agree with your son, that is pretty darned neat.


                    Awood--- enjoy your BBQ!


                    Damaris-- Cry @ not sleeping well.  Do the allergy shots only help so much?   Have you ever considered moving to a cooler climate to help with them?


                    kristin-- LOL@ the old men.  Hey, I can tell you from getting older myself, that really in many ways your body may age, but you're still that kid you (though smarter in some ways)  that you always were.  And yup, I still do stupid things that i dont' always tell y'all about!  Great job on the 8 miles.  You really are becoming quite a powerhouse.


                    Lauren-- good for you for getting out on the path.  A change of scenery can do wonders.  Your after-run pancakes sound pretty darn good! Enjoy the rest of your day.


                    Zelanie-- you must be a very conscientious person.  You always seem to be doing the things I think I should be doing.


                    Jerry-- outsourced your run?  Can we do that?  I'm thinking I might be doing it wrong in the summer time.


                    Question for everyone:  Anyone have issues with their piriformis?  Is the where the pain runs from you tailbone through your hip?  Sometimes feeling like it goes through the rump, sometimes through the groin?  If so I've had that with lots of stairclimbing on slope running.   Takes forever to go away even when seriously dedicated to doing stretches.  


                    Ginny you'd asked about my race in Colorado.  It was super fun.  Very small race that went from a little historic town to up, up the mountain through some old mining equipment and then back down the hill.  I got a bit winded, a slight bit more then usual, but really not too bad considering the max altitude of about 10,700.  Met this girl who had recently qualified for Boston on her marathon, and I thought it was really cool that I could keep up with her on this.  She'd however just started running trails and hills, so wasn't at her top game.  However as we came down the mountain, there was one place where the trail went 2 ways, so we picked one, and it was the wrong way, and we ended up running almost a half mile too much.  When we got into town, I saw the end, picked up pace, only to realize that they had us wind all over before we could get to the finish line.  At that point, I gave out, and dropped to a snails pace.  Lost my race partner as she continued on.  I didn't stop running though and finally came in on my own.  A guy from the U.S. Mountain Running team happened to be there, and of course won the whole thing-- which I thought was really cool, especially since this was such a small race.   There was a nice band there, and me and DH walked around town and got some muffins, and then had to take up because of more vacation plans.  Never found the results posted online though, but it was okay, I had a great time, and made a new friend.


                    Today I got a late start on my run-- not until after 8:30ish.  Was scared it'd be super hot, but I concentrated on my breathing and foot steps and tried to stay in the moment, and I ended up having an enjoyable 6-1/2 mile run.


                    "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                      Fly by check-in! Did some fartleks this morning. 2 miles warm-up, then 90 seconds @ 7mph, 2 minutes @ 5mph x5. Total 4.1 miles for the day. 23 and change for the week Big grin Rest day tomorrow, woohoo!


                      Have a great day all!


                      Hey Miss Coralie!   Sounds like a tough workout today.  Wonderful job on the weekly mileage!   Enjoy your rest tomorrow.  And yes, my hair is probably more difficult to control then yours, which is probably why I never really bother to control it anymore!  Joking


                      "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Cherie, my doctor said I could move anywhere and develop new allergies to whatever is prevalent there.  The allergies shot help a lot but I am only getting them for dustmites so maybe it's something else.  And it could be a high concentration of dustmites.  I sometimes get hives at the office from all the paper around (paper = dust = dustmites).



                          Cherie, my doctor said I could move anywhere and develop new allergies to whatever is prevalent there.  The allergies shot help a lot but I am only getting them for dustmites so maybe it's something else.  And it could be a high concentration of dustmites.  I sometimes get hives at the office from all the paper around (paper = dust = dustmites).


                          Ugh!  So it sounds like if you're allergic to one thing, then you're more likely to be or become allergic to everything else.  :-(


                          "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                          Return To Racing

                            No piriformis issues here,  Cherie.  I think!



                            Former Bad Ass

                              LOL.  She did say everybody with an allergy is predispose to that.



                              Ugh!  So it sounds like if you're allergic to one thing, then you're more likely to be or become allergic to everything else.  :-(



                                Im looking around and noticing how dusty my end tables are right now and thinking damaris would fall over dead if she came to my house!  Ha. Maybe I should get up and dust instead of surfing? But thats no fun.


                                I exchanged my nike frees today for saucony kinvara 4s.  Im sad because the nike Free is probably the most comfortable shoe I have ever worn but the toe box is too shallow for me and it hurts the top of my big toe.  I also bought my first pair of Brooks.  The Pure Drift , a true minimal shoe.  Its weighs a whole 5 oz.  it has a liner that you can add to the shoe and it goes from a zero drop up to a 4mm drop in case you want to transition.  Thats pretty cool.  I really want to run in the kinvaras today but today is a rest day.  Why do I keep buying new shoes on a rest day?


                                I do the same piriformis stretch zel does except I lean forward (back straight) instead of putting my arm thru the leg.



