Beginners and Beyond


Sunday Penguins Need A Morning Jolt! (Read 184 times)


    Traci, sorry you are feeling so sick. I take the flu shot, and this year I got a pneumonia vaccine too. I better not get sick. I guess taking flu shots is not guarantee then, that sucks! Thanks for the tip on the shell, I'll start looking to get one, but I won't pay full price.

    From the Internet.

      Hi colony. Shin is still sore, I'm still sad but less sad now. Spending all day in bed feeling sorry for myself and playing iPhone games sort of helped. Going to try the stationary bike again today, I need some endorphins before my family murders me for being chronically miserable :P


      I have my first "real" PT appointment tomorrow, they're going to watch me run on the treadmill and figure out how to fix me from there.


      Former Bad Ass

        Good luck with the PT.  Hope your shins feel better soon.  I wonder whether you should do an MRI to rule out the SFx.  XRays do not necessarily show that and it sounds like it is taking a long time to heal.  Either way, I got your PM and forwarded it to the admins.  Get better!


        Hi colony. Shin is still sore, I'm still sad but less sad now. Spending all day in bed feeling sorry for myself and playing iPhone games sort of helped. Going to try the stationary bike again today, I need some endorphins before my family murders me for being chronically miserable :P


        I have my first "real" PT appointment tomorrow, they're going to watch me run on the treadmill and figure out how to fix me from there.



          Just returned from 9 miles.  The weather was perfect!  40 degrees and sunny.  Now to get all my Sunday chores done!  I'll be back later for personals.


          I hope everyone who is sick or injured is better soon!!



          Upcoming races:

          Covenant Health Knoxville 5K 4/7/13 (and cheering on DH for his 1st Marathon!!)

          Rock and Roll Chicago Half Marathon 7/21/13

          Tower of Terror Ten Miler 10/5/13

            Traci - I am not ignoring you! I got the message you sent last night, and sent one more just now.  I hope you feel better!


            RD for me. Smile

            From the Internet.

              Good luck with the PT.  Hope your shins feel better soon.  I wonder whether you should do an MRI to rule out the SFx.  XRays do not necessarily show that and it sounds like it is taking a long time to heal.  Either way, I got your PM and forwarded it to the admins.  Get better!



              I had one after my X-ray turned up nothing, the Dr said it wasn't a fracture. The only "good" thing is that the soreness is in a different place (was anterior before, now it's in the traditional MTSS location), I think it's just from my New Year's Day mile - I really shouldn't have tried running that day, at least not on pavement.  Not going to try any more test runs on my own without the PT's approval.

                Well after discussing things with my DH, I decided to take the RD after all!! Seeing all of my injured Penguin friends, I should know better anyway!! The legs are not really bothering me now, but I think the rest will be better for me! So I am baking banana bread and enjoying a day on the couch!!

                Completed my first half marathon 2:09:04!!!


                Return To Racing

                  DW decided to take a RD after yesterday's cold, outside run, so I'll do the same.  So..I'll head over to the health club use the weight machines.


                  Feel better sick Penguins  !!!!



                  Barking Mad To Run

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Morning Penguins!


                      Gustav-  You always seem to get up early even if it's weekends!  Hopefully you'll become less stiff the longer you're up.

                      Jen- awesome job on the 9 miles!

                      Kristin-  sorry your knee isn't doing well.

                      Docket- ugh @ migraines.  Sure hope it doens't ruin your day.

                      Dtothe2nd- 12 miles is a recovery run!?!  Wow, you are hardcore!

                      hog4life-  those cooler days are great for long runs.  I got me about 4 of these jackets shells last year and have tossed some.  They're great, and surprisingly warm especially on windy or wet days:

                      steph- sounds like some fun cross training.  I'd probably do more cross training if i could find something I liked as well as running.

                      tracilynn- Sad sorry you're feeling so poorly.

                      awood-  yeah...uh huh, and I want a robot that does yard work.  Wait, what were we talking about?

                      Lauren- good luck with the stationary bike.  It's hard to feel chipper when our bodies are cooperating.

                      kristi- I'm taking a rest day with you.  I feel like I've worked really hard this week, and totally need it.

                      Jerry-  you might be taking a rest day from running, but you're still working-- Good for you!

                      Scotty, hi you, and hope life is treating you well.  Will check out your RR shortly!


                      I'm enjoying a rest day today and going over to a friends house warming/wedding party soon!  Hope everyone that's feeling poorly starts feeling better.


                      "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                      Smaller By The Day

                        Kristin, that's funny about dog and the roller, I can just picture it too clearly.


                        Damaris, hope you feel better by this evening.


                        Jen, hope you have a good run later


                        Awood, I did an easy 5 miler the other night in the new Brooks GTS 13's and I think they're going to be okay. I knew right away the 12's weren't going to work.


                        AFM, I did 11.33 last night in the cold drizzle that actually turned out to be kind of nice once I got warmed up. I still would like to get a shell for days that are worse than yesterday. Today is my normal RD, but I may get out later for 2-3 super slow motion paced miles just to loosen up.


                        Mitch - I really like the GTS 13's, but at my weight I'm going to save them for faster / shorter runs.


                        I just got back from a 10 mile run.  The temp was not even close to the coldest I've run in, but we had 30 mph winds.  That made for some coldness.  I felt great for quite some time, and then the wind started getting to my wet base layer.  WHOA...that's cold.  Anyway, my knee felt pretty darn good.  All I had to do was include a cross training day in there with no running.  So, that settles that.  I'm going to have a XT day twice a week, and run 5 days a week.  I'll still be around 40 miles most weeks.  Sometimes I'll be a little over, and sometimes I'll be a little under.


                        Weight 100 pounds lost

                        5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                        10K 48:59 April 2013

                        HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                        MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                          Kristin, I'm so sorry about your knee!  I hope the rest, ice, and foam rolling helps.  The story about your boyfriend's dog is too cute!  lol


                          Jerry, enjoy the weight training today!


                          Kristi, good plan!  Banana bread sounds yummy!


                          Damaris, I'm sorry you're not feeling well.  I hope things improve for your run tonight!


                          Dave, awesome job on the 12, especially after the race yesterday!  Enjoy your day!


                          Mitch, that's great that you were able to have a great run yesterday, despite the weather.  Hope the recovery miles today go well, if you choose to go for a run!


                          Steph, you are amazing!  Great job on the skiing, running & yoga!  Hope you enjoyed brunch with the family, and your run later is a good one!


                          Traci, that sucks that you are still sick!  Hope with the tamiflu and flu shots, that it doesn't last long.  Thanks for the advice on the jacket that you shared with Mitch.  I need to look for something like that as well.  Wishing you success with the potty training!


                          Lauren, hope the PT has good news for you tomorrow!  Hang in there!


                          Mickey, enjoy the RD!


                          Scotty, heading over to read your RR once I finish these personals.  You are awesome!  4 races in and it's only the 6th day of the year!


                          Cherie, enjoy the RD and party later!


                          Awood, great job on the 10 windy miles!  I'm glad you've got a plan figured out!


                          Time for me to finish my Sunday chores!  (after I read Scotty's RR of course!)  Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone!



                          Upcoming races:

                          Covenant Health Knoxville 5K 4/7/13 (and cheering on DH for his 1st Marathon!!)

                          Rock and Roll Chicago Half Marathon 7/21/13

                          Tower of Terror Ten Miler 10/5/13


                            Afternoon, all!


                            Took a day off yesterday, went for a date with my partner to watch the Hobbit. Lots of popcorn, plus dinner at Olive Garden later with his daughter and the girls.


                            In a couple of hours we're driving over to an antebellum home that supposedly has 4 miles of jogging trails. He's going to walk with the girls in the stroller. I need 2.3 miles in order to get to a 10 total for the week. That would be my highest mileage week so far!


                              Howdy, penguins!  I'm sorry I don't have more time to check in today.  I ran 4 this morning to finish up W1 of my HM plan.  Now I need to head in to work because I need to get things ready since school starts back up tomorrow.  Yikes!  I'm not ready!


                              Hope that everyone is having a good day, and I will catch you all later!


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Thanks, guys.  My headache is semi gone.  Feeling much better now.

