Beginners and Beyond

I hope you losers don't mind but (Read 831 times)


Not a dude

    Haha. I thought you said ghetto. We are goofs here.


    Hah! I did at first and then changed it to grotto at the last minute. Smile

    You Rang?

      Hola diego churro, BCR!  Thanks for letting us into your internet abode.  We're a chatty bunch and pretty friendly, though sometimes you'll get lucky and be entertained by some epic e-fights, and really it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when.'    Big grin 

       C'mon Baboon.  You can tell BCR when the the e-fights happen.  It's friday. Every friday, whether we want it to happen or not.


      PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)


      She laughs at me......

        If you want to see the REAL BF, you must see a Friday Meltdown thread.



        Meat Wagon


          You're not here to steal the womenfolk, are you?

          Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.


          Former Bad Ass

            Who are you calling clique? Angry



            Tar Heel Mom


              The BF seems to be missing at least one key person for a Friday meltdown. 

              Nolite te bastardes carborundum.

                Thanks for making us feel welcomed.  As Foolery has stated, RMT3Bs could carry a family and still beat feet pretty quickly.


                FlippyNoodz..well she can be ummm hmmmm 'flippant' at times. 


                Additionally our 3 ringed circus actually has a no kidding dood with chaffing butt hole issues.  His name will remain anonymous, but you'll figure him out soon enough. 


                Not a dude

                  Yeah, can't we just forget about that guy????

                    Hah! I did at first and then changed it to grotto at the last minute. Smile

                     I thought it was ghetto also....btw- I have boomer sooner stuck in my head from the facebook thread- THANKS.

                    ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




                      I think with influx of new people and the natives we should have some great debates like "Am I a runner or a jogger?"   


                      This sounds excellent!

                      Started C25K on 9/6/12. First 5K set for 1/13/13.


                      delicate flower

                        You're not here to steal the womenfolk, are you?


                        HA! Good luck with that one. Smile



                        Fear is a Liar

                          I thought I would lurk a little bit to see what you new people do when in your own click.  I feel like a gold fish in the ocean here though.  You guys are super active.  I like that but it is really hard to keep up.  I have no chance of that I am afraid. 




                          It's like being in a noisy restaurant - you hear bits and pieces of conversations, but you really don't know what anyone is talking about!


                          The good thing is you can sit down at any table and have a beer, and cookies, and chocolate, and etc.

                          I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!

                            I have spotted a spelling grammer cop, I hope she hasnt seen me. And there isnt a block user in here.

                            ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                            “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



                            From the Internet.

                              Welcome to our grotto. Smile


                              We are a chatty bunch for sure!! I'm speaking for myself here, of course, but feel free to lurk away...and hell, even participate if it strikes your fancy.


                              I'm sure some of us will never go back to RW.


                              Word. I don't even miss it.


                              Not a dude

                                But Nike+ told me this the other day when I uploaded my watch data, so I already know the answer...