Beginners and Beyond

Single people: Who moved on over? (Read 917 times)


    I'm warmed up by the first .25 of a mile. I work a somewhat physical job so my legs are dead and worn by the time I get home- do the last two miles of walking with the dogs and then try to head out for a run, plus feed myself. No thanks. First thing in the am- before I even know what I'm doing- up- dressed and out the door. Come back walk the dogs two miles and get ready for the day ahead. Plus its nice to go out at night and know my run is over with and I can enjoy the night with friends vs, feeling horrible that I'm not running. Like tonight i plan on running (yay- totally planned not just overslept) tomorrow I will have to run in the am because I work at night too. And its the holidays- lots of parties and shopping to do and enjoy.


    Oh yeah, I'm getting a roommate for a few months. I will NEVER see her, seems perfect.


      Does it show up as kilometres for you? When I click on your log is shows as kilometres and I'm assuming you logged your runs in miles. I thought it just converted and showed up as whatever units that you use.


      Edit: The totals on the first page show up as kilometres for me, but when I go to your actual runs it shows as miles.... but paces are still listed in min/km. Interesting


      I see your summary page in miles, your detailed runs (like on the calendar view) in kilometers. Though your pace for those runs is in miles.


      I think some things are translated into our native units, and others aren't, and it's either  inconsistent or has a logic I don't see at the moment


        Tess, I thought you owned your own garage or something like that...? But then i was confused because you mentioned checking to see if you still have a job. Not sure if you were making a funny or if I am just misremembering your work situation... ?


          I run it- not own it- had some drama with a kid I didn't hire, since I didnt hire him I can't fire him. I told the owner I will not work with him anymore. Its pretty up in the air. I was promised that he would be gone within the next two weeks, that they want him to finish a few jobs he started and then he would be let go. They need me a hell of a lot more than I need them. As long as he stays far far far far away from me for the next two weeks  (which is hard because I don't stay still for long) then I'm ok. If not, my stuff is packed, and I'm ready to walk away.

            Ugh. Tessa, that sounds more than frustrating. <rant>My dad was right. It's the smart ones who are oblivious and end up saying and doing the stupidest things. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry!</rant>

              So now I know why I've been talking to myself over on RWBF.  Were y'all trying to leave me behind? 


              Thanksgiving was adequate, but my stepfather and brother succeeded in giving me their cold, so I've had a headache and sore throat for several days and started coughing today.  Coughing on a sore throat is NOT fun.  Sad  Short work day today - only 11 hours.  Tongue  Can I start hating my life now and beat the Christmas rush?


              Are we there, yet?

                So now I know why I've been talking to myself over on RWBF.  Were y'all trying to leave me behind? 



                Leave you behind? I was having trouble finding the threads I want to keep up with!

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  Heh - so some people are complaining about the number of links/discussions to these forums, and still some people can't find the place, at least not without first wondering where we all are....




                  Glad you made it Susan Smile


                    I know you (SR) knew about this place and I know you knew I was here... you should have just followed me and loved me. Gosh.  

                    So I am trying to come up with something special for my other bosses. The way I am coming up with this is asking their kids if they have any ideas- and then asking each of them if they have any ideas on what I can do special for the other one. This should get really interesting. Plus he has already asked me what he can get her for Christmas. I feel like I'm cheating a little.


                    The former Kelly728

                      I missed the memo of the move to RA too.  Thank goodness!  I was so done with RWOL and my lack of posting showed it.


                      So I'm still here and still single.  Life is significantly different for me now since I've moved to a new city, but that certain doesn't mean my dating prospects improved at all.


                        What new city are you in?

                          Hi, I am Velcro.  I like running, long walks on the beach, and auto-erotic asphyxiation.  I am also a Gemini.

                            Hi, I am Velcro.  I like running, long walks on the beach, and auto-erotic asphyxiation.  I am also a Gemini.




                            And so it begins! LOL! Big grin

                             "So of cheerfulness, and good temper, the more it is spent, the more remains." R.W. Emerson

                              Hi, I am Velcro.  I like running, long walks on the beach, and auto-erotic asphyxiation.  I am also a Gemini.




                              And so it begins! LOL! Big grin

                               "So of cheerfulness, and good temper, the more it is spent, the more remains." R.W. Emerson


                                Tessa, sounds frustrating. Hope they get rid of the kid and work continues as before. Smile