Beginners and Beyond

Here they come...the resolutioners (Read 573 times)


    Eh, whether you did it as a function of a new year or not, most folks who start running (say, via c25k) do it because they resolve to become a runner, or complete a 5k, or get fit, or etc etc etc.  It is rare that a person starts something for no reason and with no goals (tangible or otherwise) whatsoever.


    Yeah, the new year makes my gym crowded and some of these folks make me shake my head.  And I know in February it'll get better.  But still, it's hard to be too judgy about it.


      Eh, whether you did it as a function of a new year or not, most folks who start running (say, via c25k) do it because they resolve to become a runner, or complete a 5k, or get fit, or etc etc etc.  It is rare that a person starts something for no reason and with no goals (tangible or otherwise) whatsoever.


      I am the guy that started losing weight for no real reason. And started exercising for no real reason. I still don't have a real goal of where I want to be.


      I saw a facebook post by a friend who did a 3 day juice fast thing and lost 7 lbs. I called BS on that and then went and bought a juicer. This was last January. I was 365 lbs and not sure what the hell I was going to do as far as diet or exercise. I didn't have a goal or any expectations. I did mostly juices for about 6 weeks. In Feb I went to Austin to watch my sister run a half marathon and in april she did a half iron man. I figured I could get moving and accomplish something. I started couch to 5k in April. I still have not done a 5k Smile. I have done a 15k, a HM, and 2 weeks from the Houston marathon.


      I don't have a resolution for 2013. Just keep having fun Smile

      ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

      “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




        >> I am the guy that started losing weight for no real reason.


        This puzzles me (in a nice way, not trying to fight).  It seems like "I will lose weight" is already the goal/resolution.  Well, semantically... it is the resolution.  I will lose x pounds or get to y target weight would involve a measurable goal.  But, anyway.


        I started losing weight for no valid reason and had to go to the hospital.  Now I have gained 10 pounds, but there's a reason and it isn't fudge.


          I guess you are right. One reason I chose Houston instead of austin for a marathon was that Houston was less than a year from when I started losing weight. I bought my juicer on jan 18th and the race is jan 14th. There are short term goals that I would like to get to. Size 36 pants and under 230 lbs. This is what I was at in grad school when I met my wife.

          >> I am the guy that started losing weight for no real reason.


          This puzzles me (in a nice way, not trying to fight).  It seems like "I will lose weight" is already the goal/resolution.  Well, semantically... it is the resolution.  I will lose x pounds or get to y target weight would involve a measurable goal.  But, anyway.


          I started losing weight for no valid reason and had to go to the hospital.  Now I have gained 10 pounds, but there's a reason and it isn't fudge.

          ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

          “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



          YAYpril - B-Plus

            Eh, whether you did it as a function of a new year or not, most folks who start running (say, via c25k) do it because they resolve to become a runner, or complete a 5k, or get fit, or etc etc etc.  It is rare that a person starts something for no reason and with no goals (tangible or otherwise) whatsoever.


            Yeah, the new year makes my gym crowded and some of these folks make me shake my head.  And I know in February it'll get better.  But still, it's hard to be too judgy about it.


            I started running in August of 2010 with C25k because I wanted a structured program to get me exercising 3 days a week. I didn't expect to like it so much.


              My only resolution is to not wake up in jail on January 1st.  I have a 98% success rate with that.


              delicate flower

                Road House.


                Slymoon Runs

                race obsessed


                  Yuck!  Boys are gross!  Big grin


                  Yes... but years ago I learned a whole lot of nastyness when I had to clean womens restrooms at a movie theater.


                  I can say monthlies promote a whole different set of visuals...


                  Former Bad Ass

                    And of course we would like to hear about the other 2%, doh.


                    My only resolution is to not wake up in jail on January 1st.  I have a 98% success rate with that.



                    Healed Hammy

                      I didn't resolve to run or workout either.  As a matter of fact now that I think about it, I have never made a resolution of any kind.  Weird.

                      So let Ryan Secrest be your minister, and at 12:00pm on New Years Eve may you recite  this resolution:


                      Thou shall never drink again from a measuring cup, nor play with squirrels, post threads before 4:00am and dance with the ladies of the BF!




                      Dick Clark


                      Former Bad Ass



                        So let Ryan Secrest be your minister, and at 12:00pm on New Years Eve may you recite  this resolution:


                        Thou shall never drink again from a measuring cup, nor play with squirrels, post threads before 4:00am and dance with the ladies of the BF!




                        Dick Clark



                          My resolutions made at New Years hardly stick. Things just tend to happen. I lost weight when I was 16 because my mum said I was looking too fat. I quit smoking 5 years a go, because I was pregnant and it made me feel ill. I decided to start running in July after my own hysterical reaction to a tumour, promising the universe I would lose 50lbs if I survived the op, and wanting to turn my health around.


                          Now, my New Years Resolution is to eat less carbs. That gives me another two days to work through the junk food in the house. It's generally better for me to start things on the day I decide them, lol.


                            Baboon, I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice.


                            never runs the tangents

                              full disclosure I started running New Years 2001


                              I had several start and stops before then but that was when I decided to get more consistent about it. I signed up for a 10k that April just to scare myself.

                              “Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan!” Doctor Who


                                I think the last resolution I made was when I was about 45 - I resolved that I was going to lose some weight, start running seriously again and break 1:30 on a half-marathon before I turned 50. That gave me a few years to work on it, so no reason to get started right away, right? about 6 months before I turned 50 I decided I better get serious about this, so I started biking and working off some weight, and  after losing 20 lbs or so I started running - twice a week, in December, to train for a March half Marathon... Turns out I could run a half in about 1:40 or so back then on 2 runs (totaling 20 miles) a week, but no where close to my goal time of 1:30, and after the March half race I stopped running again, having failed to meet my 5-year old resolution of sub-1:30 by the age of 50. It took me a couple more years before I finally got serious enough about this to start running a lot more regularly and a lot more miles, and then till the age of 55 before I made it to the starting line of the local March half marathon healthy and ready to race a sub-1:30. So about 10 years it took me to accomplish one silly resolution.


                                I spend most of the winter now running indoors on a university track, and next week when school resumes, it will be crowded with these "resolutioners".  It will be crazy for a few weeks on the track, like playing bumper cars. I hope my presence as a bearded little old man of 57 "running like the wind" is a positive influence on at least some of them.

                                Retired &  Loving It