Beginners and Beyond


Chicken Dance Penguins Thursday! (Read 19 times)


Barking Mad To Run


    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)


    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    Barking Mad To Run

      Took my old darlin' cat to the vet and he thinks she may have a thyroid condition, so she might be with us a bit longer.  Vet kept her overnight, will get the verdict this morning sometime.   After the vet, I went to the VFW on the San Antonio Riverwalk for a group run with some fellow veteran members of San Antonio Team RWB (Red White Blue).  Well, it's not really a group's more like we meet as a group at the start and then we all start off together, but pretty much do our own thing on the run, and then have a 'social' post-run. It was very nice, lots of fun.  I ended up doing 5K distance.



      May 14th is Chicken Dance Day!






      Other Holidays Today:


      Stars and Stripes Forever Day



      Buddah Day




      National Buttermilk Biscuit Day


      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Return To Racing

        Good Morning Scott and Pens.  Did your group do a chicken dance run this morning?  Good cat news.


        Short easy run for us this afternoon.  Tapering !!!


        From the Internet.

          Fingers crossed for your kitty, Scotty - glad to hear she might be with you a bit longer.


          Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 miles with strides in a little bit. Will be tough to hold back today, kid was HORRIFIC last night at dinner and this morning, I have no idea what her deal is and I need to blow off some steam but need to be smart with my race only a few days away. Being 6 years old is apparently really hard. I cannot even imagine having to deal with more than one of these little monsters, hats off to all of you who managed more than one kid (and super crazy jealous of those of you who don't have any!)


          Penguin Power!

            Fingers crossed for your kitty, Scotty - glad to hear she might be with you a bit longer.


            Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 miles with strides in a little bit. Will be tough to hold back today, kid was HORRIFIC last night at dinner and this morning, I have no idea what her deal is and I need to blow off some steam but need to be smart with my race only a few days away. Being 6 years old is apparently really hard. I cannot even imagine having to deal with more than one of these little monsters, hats off to all of you who managed more than one kid (and super crazy jealous of those of you who don't have any!)


            Lauren - sorry to hear that.... this is why I'm pushing 30 and still childless (despite being married almost 4 years).  I'm probably going to give into the baby parade eventually but hopefully I'll have developed more patience by then.  FWIW my mom says having more than one is easier because they can entertain each other and not be so demanding of parental attention.  She had 5 though so she's just nuts.


            Today I think I'll do 3ish easy and then rest tomorrow.  HM on Saturday.

            Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 

            Singer who runs a smidge

              Howdy, Penguins!!  I stayed home sick yesterday, although I'm pretty sure it's just allergies, but I wanted to sleep in.  And for my sins, we lost power at 2:00 pm and didn't get it back until 10:30.  So I finished one book and read two more, and DH actually broke out the little generator we bought a couple of years ago and hooked up the fridge and a light.  Could've been worse, at least it wasn't 90 degrees outside!!  So I'm still snuffly, but back at work.  Tonight is our chorus installation dinner, where we have a potluck and install new officers.  I'm the new team coordinator/secretary, so I'll be a busy bee for the next two years.  Woo-hoo!!  Will probably go for another walk today -- I'm operating on the hope that super-saturating my self with pollen will make everything calm down.  Well, I can hope!

              scotty -- our "geriatric" kitty also has a thyroid issue -- I think it's fairly common for cats to get it as they get older.  One pill a day, and she's back to her usual bitchy self.  Glad yours is ok!!

              Jerryb -- enjoy the taper!!

              Lauren -- sorry about the horrific kid, hope you get your steam blown off!!

              sapf -- I knew I would never have the patience for kids ... thankfully DH was totally on board with that!!  Enjoy your 3ish easy!!

              When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

              From the Internet.

                I blame pregnancy hormones for making me think I would ever have the patience to raise a child :P Sapf, I was thinking that the other day when she was crying about something else completely stupid - people must have more than one so they can sic them on each other when they're being awful. I couldn't possibly deal with the whole pregnancy and baby thing again though, not to mention the financial side of having more than one kid when both DH and I have jobs.


                Run was great, feeling much better now. 5 miles with 5 longish strides/shortish pickups in the middle. Sunny and warm but not too warm. Tomorrow is an SRD, Saturday is 2-3 mile shakeout with a couple more strides, and then showtime!! Forecast keeps changing, currently it's supposed to be partly cloudy and 58 at the start, 61 by the time I finish, high of 68 for the day.


                  Good morning Penguins!


                  Jill, kids are (mostly) great. Smile


                  Scotty, great news on the kitty, fingers crossed.


                  Jerry, have a nice run, enjoy the taper.


                  HopesMom, that is a LONG time for a power outage!


                  Lauren, glad you got a good run in.  Your forecast looks good!


                  Rest day for me; I need it.  I ramped up my mileage a few weeks ago, AND I added a speed workout every week, AND we moved so that all of my easy running is on hills. It is too much for me.  I have been so tired and ache-y for 4 weeks.  I'm going to have to drop the miles a bit, or the speed workout.  (can't drop the hills unless I want to drive to a run...I miss my old neighborhood!)

                  Jack K.

                  uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                    Hi Pens.


                    Scotty: Good news about the cat. Smile

                    Jerry: Are you running another HM this weekend?

                    Lauren: What are you running this weekend? One kid is nothing... Wink

                    sapf: Your mom is correct. We have three and have minimal problems with them. Of course, they have a great mom, so...  Good luck in your HM.

                    HsM: I hope you are feeling better, allergies or not.


                    Nothing going on for me, running wise. I got my referral to see the sports doc, so I just have to wait for it to come in the mail and then call for the appointment. He will probably say "Rest and ice" but this time I can tell him "That's what I've been doing and it is still bothering me." If it persists I hope I can get an MRI. I just want to know what it is so I can fix the damn thing. I want to run and miss it.


                    I'm jealous of all your racers.


                    See ya.

                    From the Internet.

                      Jack: First half marathon ever!!11!1! Can you tell I'm excited? Lol.


                      And she's really a good kid, I'm just so far removed from the mindset of a 6 year old that when she cries about dinner, or because I gave her dried blueberries when SHE asked for dried fruit as a snack (?!), or because her socks feel uncomfortable (?!? you have 700 pairs of socks, just find another one!!), my mind just like, explodes.


                      Return To Racing

                        Yes Jack. It's close to home. Haven't registered yet and the forecast is for hot and stormy.  No PR in the forecast either.


                        Good luck with the first HM, Lauren.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Morning!  Ran 13 with 2 X 3 @ MP this morning.  On the TM because it was already 85F at 7am and I wasn't running MP miles out there in this horrid humidity.  Pilates later.


                          Scotty, glad to hear the kitty is going to be OK.



                            I ran 5 last night and have 6 planned for tonight. My Garmin heard about the marathon and doesn't want to charge. Hopefully at least I can get some salted caramel GU in from Amazon since my LRS is out.


                            Lauren- Go get it! Smile

                            Jack K.

                            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                              Zel: I had salted watermelon in my last race and it was good.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                I ran 5 last night and have 6 planned for tonight. My Garmin heard about the marathon and doesn't want to charge. Hopefully at least I can get some salted caramel GU in from Amazon since my LRS is out.


                                Lauren- Go get it! Smile


                                RunninWarehouse has them.

