Beginners and Beyond


Who Messed with My Alarm TuesDAILIES? (Read 43 times)

    Meaghan, to add a new workout type go to Options - Manage My Activities - Run - New Workout Type  Smile


    My running blog

    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


      10 miles last night.


      10x400 this morning. About 7.5 miles total.


        Randy- Yep, I am already taking Vitamin D (4000 IU daily, I was taking 4000 IU weekly but increased it after I was tested to be deficient in August).  I think it's just an ambitious training load catching up with me.


        Dave- Many thanks!


          Good Morning Friends!


          I know I haven’t posted much recently, but I have been lurking and reading.    Y’all have run some marvelous miles lately!  And, all the new PRs means you’re doing something right!   Congrats!


          Shari – Thanks for starting us off today.   I’ve done that before as well, and now I’m super paranoid when I set my alarm and I check the a.m. setting between 3 and 5 times as I’m trying to fall asleep.   Have a great run later!


          Damaris – Good Morning!   Hope your miles tonight are wonderful!


          Rick – 43 degrees sounds like Pinklightful running weather indeed!   Sorry you couldn’t get out there and enjoy it though.


          Bruce – You just made my day!    It’s been sooooo long since we’ve heard from you.    I get the whole “life got crazy” thing though because I’m just coming out of craziness in life myself.   :-)    Hope things settle down for you soon!


          Phil – Your Spanglish makes me laugh every time.   :-)    Embrace the taper!


          MBC – Good Morning!   Have a Pinksational day!


          Dave – Way to get in your miles early this morning!    Enjoy the rest of your day!


          Meaghan – I hope you feel immensely better soon!   Take care of yourself!


          JBlack – Congrats on the soon-to-be new arrival!  That’s exciting!   Have a great run tonight!


          Andrew – Sounds like amazing weather for your run this morning!    Way to get it done!


          Zelanie – Good luck with your mileage building!   What are you looking to build up to?


          FS – Nice workout last night!   Have fun with your stretching / rolling / core tonight!


          Randy – Not that I know anything, but the switch of the LR to Thursdays sounds like a good plan from what you described.   I hope that it works for you!


          Marjorie – As always, great job with your miles this morning!    Have a wonderful day!


          B-Plus – Awesome run this morning!    Hope the rest of your day is just as great!


          I have an appointment with my Electrophysiologist today to go over the results from my 3 weeks of heart monitoring.  Based on the results, we should be able to come up with a plan for treating my a-fib.   I’m looking forward to figuring this out.


          On Tuesday last week, the foot / ankle doctor that I’ve been seeing for the broken bone in my foot said that it was looking good and that I could transition out of the walking boot.   She said that I shouldn’t run for 2 more weeks, but that I could walk as much as I wanted.    I didn’t start walking right away, thinking that if I gave it a few more days, then hopefully, I’d be good to go for sure.    On Saturday, I walked Abby (DDog) and didn’t have any issues.   On Sunday, while I was walking her, I felt and heard a SNAP that made me think of the sound when you break a branch over your knee.   There was a searing pain for a few minutes and now it just hurts.   It feels like there’s a rock about the size of a quarter in my foot when I stand on it or walk.   I have another appointment with the doctor tomorrow.   I would LOVE for her to tell me that it’s all in my head and to stop being a hypochondriac, but I have a bad feeling about this.   :-(

          But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


            Step -- I've done that exact same thing.


            Pink -- That doesn't sound good.  I hope your foot is OK.


            I have good news on my foot.  Today it feels just about 100%.  I'm going to give it one more rest day -- maybe just do some weights and core, and then resume running tomorrow.

            Life is good.


              step - have a good ocho

              D - enjoy your run later

              bruce - take the recovery easy and congrats

              lrb - have done some"training" at work too

              baboon - hoping for good weather

              mtb - yes...ignore it

              D2 - nice 8

              meagan - feel better

              jblack - cool family run

              taper - good weather wishes

              zel - have a good run later

              free - nice recovery

              redrum - cheers!

              marjorie - nice double digits

              bplus - see above

              pink - hoping for the best

              blue - fingers crossed


              may consider running today...or not. later soccer game with son tonite at 8:30 (wth)...legs feeling almost just kinda sore, so that is an improvement....have a good one all.

              marathon pr - 3:16



                Pink - sorry to hear that, I'd be freaking out if that happened to me. Sad


                It's beautiful weather here, in the 60's and sunshining, hope everyone else is having good weather!

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                Former Bad Ass

                  Pink, hope it's nothing major.



                  Run to live; live to run

                    Pink hope it was just scar tissue. That can hurt when it gives and makes a ton of noise.



                      Jblack - Forgot to wish you and your wife congratulations yesterday! Hope it is a healthy and happy 9 months (minus 12 weeks now)!

                      Pink - Sending good thoughts your way!


                      I was short on time and cut the run down to only 7.55 miles in 1:12. I added a speed segment on at the beginning of miles 3-7: 4 minutes at 8:30; 4 minutes at 7:50; 3 minutes at 7:18; 3 minutes at 7:10; and 2 minutes at 6:50. Felt good to pick up the pace a bit. Strength training class hit back and shoulders right away, and now I'm not sure I can lift my arms much higher than this keyboard. :P

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        Meanwhile I am gradually building. Smile  4-6 tonight.


                        I have to resist the urge to take off running while walking through a parking lot because well, that is the type of shit I do.  lol


                        Meaghan, if I give you my password, would you be so kind as to post one of your runs to my log please?  Seriously, that would just make my day!


                        Good luck with the weather this weekend Drew!


                        7:41 is bookin' jbj!


                        Hi Marj, wanna come fix me?  I will buy drinks!


                        What up doe everyone else!


                        I am eating a salad.  Ah but not just any salad, this bad boy has chunks of blue cheese in it!  One big ass piece of which I happened to bite into by mistake and well, let's just say I will not be making that mistake again!  lol

                        Dad on the run.

                          Step - Thanks! We are both very excited. Your day sounds like mine, only difference is I'm doing weights after work Smile Chest and Shoulders planned for the evening plus the 4 milers already mentioned. Oh! And you got some nice speed there, mind if I borrow some of it?

                          Chasing the sub 20 5K.




                            Thatya 'a all I got. Have an amazing day everybody.


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              I've been off work for a few days, came back 'full' yesterday and wow, was it busy catching up!  Did not even get onto the threads yesterday.  And did not even want to turn a computer on last night at home, I was so tired of being on it so much at work!  So I just kicked back last night, watched football and enjoyed seeing Atlanta Falcons lose in the last minute of the game!    And I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Cowboys get beat on Sunday! Big grin


                              My weekend was busy but fun!  I did two 5Ks, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.  One on Saturday was very humid.  Then we got a cool front on Sunday morning, what a difference!  About 58 - 62 degrees for the Sunday 5K and run alongside a river, so made it feel even a bit cooler.  Nice, scenic run.   Here is the link to my report and photos.  I did a DOUBLE and put both races into one post.  Enjoy!


                              Now, off to do some personals!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                I've been playing 'catch-up' at work, so this is the first time I've been able to get here in 2 days!  Sorry about your alarming situation, Step!  I've done that before too, lol.


                                Good luck with your miles, Damaris. Hope you get some semi-cooler weather down there for a while!


                                LRB, what DID happen to the Runner Dude?


                                Good luck with your undetermined amount of miles, Bruce!


                                Happy tapering, Baboon!   I'll keep good thoughts for good weather for you this weekend!


                                Happy day to you, Dave!  Nice weather you're having down there...or is it 'up there' from Texas?


                                Sorry about the cold, Meaghan, hope you feel better.


                                Nice running for you, Jimmy, sounds like you might be feeling a bit better, getting your running mojo back.


                                Happy tapering to you too, Andrew, and good thoughts for great weather this weekend for you too!


                                Good luck with your miles tonite, Zelanie!  The road trip doesn't tire you out?


                                Yay for the legs feeling good, FreeSoul!


                                Hope your changing up works for you, redrum.  I've always found doing my weights the day before a non-running day helps me.  That way, I can relax, recover a bit from the weights before I do another run.


                                Good luck with the intervals, B-Plus!


                                On Sunday, while I was walking her, I felt and heard a SNAP that made me think of the sound when you break a branch over your knee.   There was a searing pain for a few minutes and now it just hurts.  Sarah, that just sucks. I really hope it does turn out to be nothing much and you will recover from it quickly!   You have already been through so much!


                                Good news on the foot, outoftheblue!   Good luck with running tomorrow; just take it nice and easy.


                                Good luck to your son with his soccer game, Ric!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
