Beginners and Beyond

Speak softly and carry a big DAILIES (Read 46 times)



    I am actually mixing workouts from the 2nd edition Plan A and 3rd edition 41-55 to kind of balance what I saw as lack luster quality myself.  Which is funny because a year ago I would have never thought that but after using some of those workouts for my half marathon I actually feel really confident in challenging myself a bit more for marathon training both in terms of mileage and quality.


    Having done two Hansons cycles, it's a step up for me.  Hansons generally has 2 quality workouts a week plus a faster LR every other week but their strength workouts of 6 miles total at MP-10 seconds/mile are a lot slower than the threshold workouts of Daniels, which his VDOT calculator tells me I should be doing at a 7:05 pace (15k pace).  And a lot of them total ~7 miles of T pace.  Add in a long run with MP miles and I think I'm good, especially if I use the ridiculous M pace of 7:29 that he gives me.


    Former Bad Ass

      Great.  Our tornado/thunderstorm alarm went off.  I suspect a severe thunderstorm coming in the 15 minutes.  Cause if it's a tornado, I am fucked.




        I am actually thinking about using the workouts from the 41-55mpw plan (in the 3rd edition) but bumping the mileage to peak at 70 for my next marathon because I don't think I could survive the workouts in the 56-70mpw plan.  They look brutal.


        I am thinking about doing something similar but for 5-10K.  I want to be running a bit more mileage than I'm running now but the workouts for the 41-55mpw plan are about all I can handle.


        I'm waiting for my McMillan core DVDs to be delivered and so I keep jumping up whenever there's a package for my suite at work, but so far it's been for my suitemate every time... She just keeps getting package after package and I get nothing.  I don't even know if they've shipped yet; I will probably email if they aren't here by Monday.


          Great.  Our tornado/thunderstorm alarm went off.  I suspect a severe thunderstorm coming in the 15 minutes.  Cause if it's a tornado, I am fucked.


          Hang on to your TM! 


          Seriously, I hope it's nothing bad.

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Former Bad Ass


            Hang on to your TM! 


            Seriously, I hope it's nothing bad.


            We get these a lot.  It rains for 100 days or more down here, 90% of them thunderstorms (a lot of fucking rain, trust me), but very few tornadoes.  The one that touched close to the airport a month ago was close to my house.  But I will hang on to the TM just in case. 


            This is normal:




              Having done two Hansons cycles, it's a step up for me.  Hansons generally has 2 quality workouts a week plus a faster LR every other week but their strength workouts of 6 miles total at MP-10 seconds/mile are a lot slower than the threshold workouts of Daniels, which his VDOT calculator tells me I should be doing at a 7:05 pace (15k pace).  And a lot of them total ~7 miles of T pace.  Add in a long run with MP miles and I think I'm good, especially if I use the ridiculous M pace of 7:29 that he gives me.


              You are all over it!


              I literally hated Daniels Plan A tempo runs last fall but came to realize I had not given myself a significant break from the summer racing season and it was mental burnout not physical.  This winter while training for my half I came to love the challenge of his tempo runs and in fact did a progressive run with MP & tempo pace mixed in and killed it.


              So yeah, when the Hansons book showed up at my doorstep (sorry Meaghan, your DVD's are coming lol) and I saw the 6 miles at MP -10 I basically put the book down.  lol


              I do not mean that to disparage the Hansons methods, I am just saying that for me training at my true tempo pace made half marathon pace seem like a brisk jog, imagine what it will do for MP.


              Daniels is indeed a challenge but I am up for it and have learned that it begins with a commitment to core and strength work to support those faster paces.


                Hang on to your TM! 




                Shit, if the temps get low enough she might go for a run!


                Former Bad Ass




                  Shit, if the temps get low enough she might go for a run!


                  I need to go out for a run after Pilates!  And the temps are currently low, 87F and WTF dewpoint.  And that's only because it is raining.  Otherwise, it would be WTF and WTF.



                    I need to go out for a run after Pilates!  And the temps are currently low, 87F and WTF dewpoint.  And that's only because it is raining.  Otherwise, it would be WTF and WTF.


                    I  don't know how anyone does it.  I got deported from Kenya because I wouldn't run in the heat. 



                      You are all over it!


                      I literally hated Daniels Plan A tempo runs last fall but came to realize I had not given myself a significant break from the summer racing season and it was mental burnout not physical.  This winter while training for my half I came to love the challenge of his tempo runs and in fact did a progressive run with MP & tempo pace mixed in and killed it.


                      So yeah, when the Hansons book showed up at my doorstep (sorry Meaghan, your DVD's are coming lol) and I saw the 6 miles at MP -10 I basically put the book down.  lol


                      I do not mean that to disparage the Hansons methods, I am just saying that for me training at my true tempo pace made half marathon pace seem like a brisk jog, imagine what it will do for MP.


                      Daniels is indeed a challenge but I am up for it and have learned that it begins with a commitment to core and strength work to support those faster paces.


                      Well, I think part of Hansons is the fact that you are doing 2-3 'faster' runs a week - the long runs max at 16 but you do them at MP + 35 sec per mile. Which is certainly faster than I would run an easy run.  And then you have the two quality days in addition.  That adds up and I found the plan to be pretty challenging and IMO harder than Pfitz because the amount of faster paced running is significantly more.


                      Of course, if you are used to doing Daniels, which is definitely harder, Hansons might not be enough. But for someone who is not quite ready for that amount of quality, I think all of the moderate paced miles really did me well.


                      Former Bad Ass


                        I  don't know how anyone does it.  I got deported from Kenya because I wouldn't run in the heat. 


                        You remember that picture I just posted?  We look like the one below now.


                        Carry on with your Daniels' convo.



                        Former Bad Ass


                          Well, I think part of Hansons is the fact that you are doing 2-3 'faster' runs a week - the long runs max at 16 but you do them at MP + 35 sec per mile. Which is certainly faster than I would run an easy run.  And then you have the two quality days in addition.  That adds up and I found the plan to be pretty challenging and IMO harder than Pfitz because the amount of faster paced running is significantly more.


                          Of course, if you are used to doing Daniels, which is definitely harder, Hansons might not be enough. But for someone who is not quite ready for that amount of quality, I think all of the moderate paced miles really did me well.


                          My lungs can attest to this.




                            Well, I think part of Hansons is the fact that you are doing 2-3 'faster' runs a week - the long runs max at 16 but you do them at MP + 35 sec per mile. Which is certainly faster than I would run an easy run.  And then you have the two quality days in addition.  That adds up and I found the plan to be pretty challenging and IMO harder than Pfitz because the amount of faster paced running is significantly more.


                            Of course, if you are used to doing Daniels, which is definitely harder, Hansons might not be enough. But for someone who is not quite ready for that amount of quality, I think all of the moderate paced miles really did me well.


                            That makes sense.


                              Dammit you people. I have just downloaded Hansons on my iPad.

                              If I do an 18-week plan, I only have a few weeks left to pick something.



                                Dammit you people. I have just downloaded Hansons on my iPad.

                                If I do an 18-week plan, I only have a few weeks left to pick something.


                                I only have good things to say about Hansons.    (Well except, for the lack of flexibility)