Beginners and Beyond


A brief Race Report: Barrington Trot Off Your Turkey 5K (Read 50 times)

From the Internet.

    Background: I got myself a shiny new PR on October 11 at my club's annual 5K after a summer of pool-running with a broken big toe and I was super happy about that, but figured I could do better with several more weeks of consistent mileage under my belt. I've been running 6 days/week, sometimes 7, have done a couple track workouts, one impromptu ultramarathon, a weekly medium-long and long run, and a couple of progression runs down to about goal HM pace. Strides 2x/week during easy runs. Running more hills than usual but fewer than I should be tackling.


    Warmup: I felt kind of like junk. Not unsurprising given my miles at the beginning of the week: 2 days with a short double in the afternoon, a 9 mile MLR, a 13.1 mile LR. No other workout, but the volume was a lot more than I've been doing. The smartest way to go for a 5K PR, really. :P I ran 2 easy-but-also-really-shitty-feeling miles in trainers, switched to flats, did a couple of halfhearted dynamic stretches and roughly 6 hard strides in an effort to wake up my legs. Lined up, there were way too many people wedging their way ahead of me who didn't belong there. Shit, man.


    Mile 1: Lots of weaving the first quarter mile or so (shoutout to the little redhead kid who insisted on lining up in front with his whole family, even though the family tried to convince him that they should move back), all clear after that. Thinking about how much 5Ks suck before I even got to the first mile marker, but I didn't feel too overly horrific at that point. Passed by the timers, someone else asked for a split and they said 6:56. MOTHERFUCKING WHAT? That's my fastest mile ever! Garmin says 6:59.


    Mile 2: Racing with a girl in geometric capris kept me going through this mile. I caught up to her, she passed me back, I thought I might catch her on a slight incline but nope, she powered up that thing better than I did! Thanks for keeping me going, geometric capris girl! (I actually saw her and thanked her for pushing me through the second mile after the race too, lol). Through mile 2 in 14:00 according to timers, 7:03 split from Garmin.


    Mile 3: Big slowdown, I let myself take a little breather right at the start of this mile and tried to get back up to speed but it just wasn't happening. Lots of wheezing, lots of motivating self-talk: "less than 7 more minutes now! And even if you die that's okay!" Geometric capris was opening a gap on me, I still had her in my sight and she wasn't all that far off, but I knew there was no way my lead legs were going to catch her today. I was still on track for a solid PR so that was fine with me. Saw one of my coaches just before the 3 mile mark, told me to keep pushing! I wheezed "I WILL!". I never manage to look at my 3 mile split, I'm too busy trying not to die by that point, but Garmin tells me after the fact that it was 7:15. Ouch. I turned the corner to the finish, crossed a timing mat, kinda slowed down. My brain didn't really register that the 5K finish mat was further ahead until I stopped right in front of it. Oh shit, that first mat was the 1.5 mile finish! Walked my stupid ass across the line for an official time of 22:10. 6:46 pace for the last 0.13, slower than my usual kick but confirms that my slowdown/stop wasn't quite as dramatic as I thought.


    I was SUPER disappointed immediately after, when I thought the stop had cost me sub-22, but once the official (chip) times were posted I felt much better. There's no way I lost a full 10 seconds between the two mats - would have been probably 2-3 seconds faster at most, even though it felt like an eternity while it was happening.


    Still a solid 30 second PR, 3rd AG F20-29 (and the overall female winner wasn't in my AG this time around, so I really was 3rd fastest!), and a valuable lesson in timing mats (when in doubt, KEEP RUNNING HARD)!


      You go girl!  That is a great PR!  You set the bar high, now I have to catch up again!


      I wouldn't be too bummed about the slightly slower last mile.  I think it's really hard to get negative splits in a 5k and I'm not entirely sure it's automatically the best way to go anyway.  I'm sure others can and will weigh in on that...


      5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

      10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

      HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)


        Background: one impromptu ultramarathon


        This made me laugh.  NBD.


        Nice race, though!  Congrats on the PR.


        5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

        10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

        15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

        13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

        26.2 - TBD (someday)



          If you stole my wallet, I could not chase you down.  I don't know why that thought popped into my head.


          Very nice race!

          Runner with a riding problem.

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Nice PR. That sounds about normal for a 5k to have people who should not be up front insisting on it.


            As far as splits, I think it highly depends on what type of course you run. If it's totally flat, maybe you can make the last mile fastest, but if you are dealing with any sort of hills (of any size) that is going to have an effect on your pace. FWIW, my fastest 5ks typically have mile 1 the fastest, mile 2 slowest and mile 3 in the middle with a kick.

            From the Internet.

              Thanks guys! Big grin

              music_girl and HCK re: splits - the more I think about it, the more I kinda think I'm just hard on myself no matter what kind of split I run, lol. Negative split and I wonder if I left time out there on the first half of the course, positive split and I wonder if I would have fared better by holding back a little more early on. There were a couple of minor little inclines, but otherwise this was a flat/fast race with perfect weather. I also haven't done any 5K-specific work in quite a while and that may have played a role in pacing, too.


                Congratulations on the PR and the AG placement. It sounds like you gave it all you had, and that's all you can ask.


                Former Bad Ass

                  A 30 second PR improvement in that short of a time is awesome!  And a good sign!  Congrats!



                    If you stole my wallet, I could not chase you down.  I don't know why that thought popped into my head.


                    lol - that was funny!


                      This was a really nice result Lauren, especially given the mileage going into it and the aggressive first mile. You probably just allowed yourself to rest a little too long during the beginning of that third mile, lesson learned; breathe deeper instead of slowing down. That said, it's really hard to be anything but happy with a PR of that significance. Congrats!


                        Speedy! Nice job!


                          I love to hear stories of people PR-ing coming off injury rehab.  Great job!

                          Life is good.


                          delicate flower

                            The week of 30 second PR's!  Great job, Lauren!  Yeah, unless you actually stopped moving and just stood there between the mats, that probably only cost you a second or two.  So congrats on the PR and the sub-7:00 mile!



                              Super race. I don't think there's much to be disappointed about.

                              From the Internet.

                                Thanks everyone!! Big grin
