Beginners and Beyond


Brooksie Way HM race report (Read 67 times)

    I wasn't going to write a report for this, but as I was typing up a "mini" report in the dailies, I decided I might as well just post it. First a little history about me to put this report in context.. I began running late 2010, I ran my first HM in 2011 in 2:26:39.


    Yesterday I raced the Brooksie Way Half Marathon in Rochester Hills, MI.  Given the name you might assume this was a hilly race and you'd be correct. It's no mountain race, but hilly enough for most people I think!  Here's the profile...




    My goal race is the Detroit Free Press HM which is in three weeks, so this was more of a trial race. Given the profile I wasn't going to race it full out and did not expect to PR. Sub 2 hour, survive the hills and not walk were my only goals.  Once I cross the start, though, something clicks. I must race.  So even though this wasn't my goal race, I went for it.


    It was supposed to rain that day but we were all hoping it would hold off. We got to the event and were greeted with decent temps (low 50's) and a nice sky.




    At 8:00 AM we were off. The first 5 miles or so are all downhill. I ran it pretty comfortably. Fast, but not pressing too hard. Lots of people were passing me here, but I didn't let it influence me too much. Miles 1-5: 8:36, 8:23, 8:25, 8:31, 8:46.


    Near the end of mile 5 is were the hills started to kick in and the race really starts. Gradual at first then 3 substantial inclines in succession with a brief reprieve between each.  I slowed but felt strong the entire 5.5 mile stretch. I was passing a lot of people here, some walking, some running slowly. I was only passed by at most 5 runners the entire stretch. Miles 6-11: 8:50, 8:57, 8:58, 8:50, 8:45, 8:38.  The 12th mile felt mostly flat to me, despite what the profile shows, and I was starting to feel fatigued. Mile 12: 8:44.


    During the last mile I saw a guy who I thought was my running buddy and we started the race together. Same shirt, same build.. and in the race induced haze, I was sure it was him. I was wondering how the heck he got in front of me, where I did not expect him, and I got pissed.  I could not have him beat me.  So I took off after him... finally after about .75 miles I caught him! And it wasn't him. WHAT!? And I just about cried.. seriously... I had expended so much to catch him.  In another quarter mile the dude passed me back and I just let him go. Mile 13: 8:02.


    I did have a bit of a kick left for the end, final tenths 7:22/mile.


    Time: 1:52:56 (PR: 1:40)


    My previous PR was set this spring on a flat course.  My goal race is the Detroit HM in 3 weeks and I'm looking forward to testing myself on what is mostly a flat course (except the bridge and tunnel exit).  My wife ran a 2:04:07, a PR.  My buddy who I thought was in front of me ran a 1:57:52.


    After the race I had a wrist band for the Team Challenge after party so we headed to the tent. On the way there I ran into LRB and we chatted for a few minutes about his pacing duties (he paced 1:50) and the upcoming Detroit race. No pics unfortunately. My first FE and he's a cool dude.


    We went to the after party where they apparently skimped on food because they were mostly out by the time we got in line and we weren't late. Pretty lame. We enjoyed a couple of beers  (local brewery.. I had the Oktoberfest) and headed home. Thanks for reading.






    delicate flower

      Nice job, c0derunner!  A PR in a training run...not too shabby.  Big grin


      It is weird how similar our races were this weekend.  Similar course profiles, similar approach going into the race (train, don't race), same change of plans during the race, and our first FE's (mine with lilac_jive).  You PR'd though and I faded.  Good work.  Big grin   



        Nicely done.  That hill from mile 5 - 10 looks pretty tough.  You maintained a nice pace as you pushed up it.  Congrats on the PR.  I'm sure you will set another one in three weeks.

        2013 goals: 800m: 2:20 | mile: 4:59 | 5k: 18:59 | 10k: 39:59 | HM: 1:32 | Marathon: 3:20

        Love the Half

          Nice job of maintaining effort on the hills.  It's tough to watch your pace drop and not fall to the temptation to really pick up the effort.  But, if you do that, you end up jogging or walking.

          Short term goal: 17:59 5K

          Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

          Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


          Skirt Runner

            Nice work especially given the elevation profile! Cool you got to FE with LRB!

            PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


            I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

            Hip Redux

              Excellent!  A PR on a tough course is awesome.    Cool


              I like the sky shot with the line of porta potties.  Photography like that is called "runner's art".  lol



                Great job, and almost a match for my race (1:52:18), but mine was pancake flat. Good on you for keeping the speed on over the hills. Way to go. And good luck for three weeks' time.



                "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

                ~ Sir Edmund Hillary


                  Nicely executed race and you're going to rock Detroit next month.

                  Train smart ... race smarter.


                    Very nicely done! That is a truly hilly course by SE MI standards; if you enjoy that kind of thing you should try Ann Arbor in June; if you don't, don't.

                    I was also looking at that one as a potential warmup for Detroit, but of course everything for me is now kaput.


                     We enjoyed a couple of beers  (local brewery..



                    Which one? Really local - Rochester Mills?



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Congrats on the new PR!  Well deserved!



                      Smaller By The Day

                        Wow...I didn't realize Michigan had hills like that.  I'll quit complaining about my HM hills now.  Excellent job.  You've obviously increased your fitness since spring if you PR'ed this course.  Enjoy the Detroit marathon.  I've heard nothing, but good things.


                        Weight 100 pounds lost

                        5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                        10K 48:59 April 2013

                        HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                        MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                          That's a long, long way uphill between miles 5 and 10!  Looks like you handled those hills really well!


                          I've really enjoyed watching your training as I think we were at a similar place last spring.  I'm pretty sure you have the edge on me at the moment, especially with those hills, but that's just a little more motivation for me to keep working hard!


                          Good luck in Detroit!


                            Congrats on the PR on those hills. Youre really going to kick Detroit's ass.

                              Thanks everyone!


                              baboon - yeah I was thinking the same thing after I saw your elevation profile and your report. Spooky! You are smoking fast though.. lol


                              takeahike, lth, Kristin - thanks!


                              Oski - Haha, I took that pic as a joke for facebook.. When I got home I realized I had no other pics besides the beer.  Oops!


                              kiwi, bruce - thanks!


                              DaveP - I wouldn't say I enjoy that sort of course.. does anyone, really?  But I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would, so that's something! Wish I could remember the brewery... my buddy said it was something local, so I'm merely taking his word on it.


                              docket- thanks!


                              awood - you should run Detroit sometime. The sunrise as you are crossing the bridge is spectacular.  Running along the detroit river on the Canada side is nice too!


                              zelanie - thanks! I'm not sure about any edge, you are a great runner!


                              b-plus - thanks!



                                Running past all those hundreds of people the last half of that race means you are not only driven and determined, but well-trained.


                                I will not repeat it here, but I have told you where I think you will finish and I am pretty good with those things.  As it is, I am hoping that everything comes together for you on race day, for if it does, you may surprise even yourself.
