Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES: On second thought make that a double (Read 49 times)


delicate flower


    The power of positive thinking, I like it!


    There are a couple of things that I will do better for my half next month.  I didn't get enough sleep for the few days prior, and then I painted the house all day until almost 7pm the night before the race (mostly trimwork, lots of squatting and kneeling to do the baseboards, etc., I was a lil sore when I went to bed lol).  So with another month of training and better race day prep, I might PR again, we'll see.



    Well I'm convinced!  But I posted my comment because I just did exactly that....PR'ing on a course I had no business PR'ing.


    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      Hi Dailies.


      D2: Great PR! I have not checked in for a bit and I just saw it from yesterday. Out-freakin'-standing!


      My running has been crap, so much so that I am close to bailing on my May 3rd marathon. By that I mean I might downgrade to the HM. Plane tickets and hotel are already paid for so I am making the trip. Besides, DW's training is going great and she has a shot at a BQ.


      See ya.


        My running has been crap, so much so that I am close to bailing on my May 3rd marathon. 


        That's tough.  If it's not your time though that's out of your control.  No sense being bothered with things that you cannot control.


        Former Bad Ass

          Sorry to hear that, Jack.




            8 trail miles with my hubby


            *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

             **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



              What became of the cute little 6 milers?  easy pace.


              I didn't spend much time at 6 jumping from 5 to 7 but I had just a really nice 6 mile route that I looked forward to running back then.


              Except of course for the odd chance that big ass Rottweiler in the corner house would scare the piss outta me! He managed to do it even though I was expecting him to show his ugly face, but he would just appear out of nowhere and send me to the moon each time! 



                I didn't spend much time at 6 jumping from 5 to 7


                Odd numbers? I have a really hard time running odd numbers other than 13 and 15 once I'm past 6. Why, I have no idea. Smile


                Barking Mad To Run

                  Dang, will these tests never end?  Had to fast last night, lab first thing this morning and they took 4 vials of blood, sheesh.  That was the last of the tests for I just wait for them all to get done, my doc review them, and get the call about what the heck is going on, e.g., why do I keep getting this stupid chills-and-sweats about every couple months or so...damned annoying.


                  Rest day for me today, but did have a really nice run/walk at Lackland Air Force Base yesterday.  63 degrees, sunny, sweet weather. 3.8 miles done.  Should be nice this week too, we are hitting the 80s this week.  Which means - dammit - that my lawn will dry off so I will now have to mow it.  I hate yard work.

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Barking Mad To Run


                    Better to know now so I can bring prednisone and something to cover my mouth and nose. Imagine if I notice there?


                    From the article, they are talking about a lot of smog. -_-


                    You can't control the weather, etc.   As you said, just try and be prepared and then do the best you can.   Good luck!

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Congrats on your race, Baboon!  You've turned into a running machine!   You should be a poster-boy for knee surgery comeback!



                      GOOD MORNING I TELL YA!


                      Just went back to catch up on yesterday's late dailies entries:


                      D2, congrats on the HM PR!


                      Jay, Zelanie is right in that what'd you expect two days after a speed workout?  You know that won't lead to your best race.  Nice job though!  I'd be ok with second place.  Smile




                      Today I've got an easy 40 minutes to do (4-6 miles, depending on how the legs feel).  Maybe an upper body workout too.  I'm still riding that high from my race, two days later.  I'm still not over how well I ran.

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                        Odd numbers? I have a really hard time running odd numbers other than 13 and 15 once I'm past 6. Why, I have no idea. Smile


                        It's really a coincidence I think. I spent a season at 4 miles, another at 5, then spent only about 2 or 3 months at 6 miles my third year and have been at 7 now ever since.


                        I have spent time at 8 (which would be the next logical step) but it interferes with my morning routine time-wise, so I only run 8 during MRT for the most part.


                        Now long runs are another story as I generally run 10, 12, 14 or God forbid 16 miles.



                          Eric- As far as strides go, yes, I run them fast (for me), they're the fastest running that I do.  But I don't think about going out hard so much as running smoothly and openly, and trying to get that feeling like I'm floating.  That plus leg turnover feels like a good set of strides for me.  Totally different than the "dig in" feeling of running hard when you're tired.



                          By fast, I meant at 200-400m speed, which I would imagine means like 95% speed. 100% would mean 60m speed, maybe...


                          Anyways, I tried a different way to do them today. Took about 8-10 seconds of acceleration up to 95% speed, held it for like 2 seconds, and decelerated to jog speed in another 8-10 seconds.  It still isn't good for me. I feel it in my groin. I know that if I keep at this I will get injured. I would probably be better off topping my speed at 1500m (mile) pace-ish.


                          Thanks for the nice definition of strides Zel Smile and to the others for your comments on strides


                          Former Bad Ass

                            I took a nap before Pilates.  I was exhausted!


                            Pilates went great.  Probably only Marjorie will understand but to open the lower back and get that SI Joint working again, we did 45 minutes of Pilates atop the foam roller, leg springs, helicopters, and the tower.  I think the SI Joint is in place; otherwise, the tower would have been impossible.  I have some remaining soreness there from painful nerve pain but I hope it gets down as we go.



                            Former Bad Ass

                              BTW, this is within the first 3 miles and my shirt is soaked already (middle part of the shirt).  Humid much?




                              Former Bad Ass

                                I do like my legs there.

