Beginners and Beyond


Pasta Penguin Weekend (Read 25 times)


Return To Racing

    Congrats Mitch !!!  Do you have to run with your passport?



      Looks like Mitch has finished.  Congrats, Mitch!


      Hope PAD had a good morning as well!


      Penguin Power!

        I just noticed all of the for serious miles game people made their logs private =P  So I went ahead and did the same, lol.  Not that I'm the one running important miles on my team.  Do people also wait until really late to post their miles?  This seems silly ;-)

        Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


          Well, if the other team knows how many miles you have by Sunday, they could theoretically go out and run extra Sunday evening to get an advantage.  But I don't see any advantage in waiting past Monday morning to post.


          So far, nobody from our team or the team we're playing against has posted. 


          Return To Racing

            I just noticed all of the for serious miles game people made their logs private =P  So I went ahead and did the same, lol.  Not that I'm the one running important miles on my team.  Do people also wait until really late to post their miles?  This seems silly ;-)


            Yes, our team is running at 6:00 P.M. (PST) and not stopping until our captain tells us we won Big grin




              Yes, our team is running at 6:00 P.M. (PST) and not stopping until our captain tells us we won Big grin


              That shouldn't be a problem, because we're starting our run at 6:00 PM EST. Smile


              Return To Racing


                That shouldn't be a problem, because we're starting our run at 6:00 PM EST. Smile





                Penguin Power!

                  I'm glad on not on either of your teams ;p mandated Sunday evening running sounds terrible.  Especially not in two Sundays.

                  Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                    Congratulations Mitch!


                    Beautiful autumn day, cool and breezy with a mix of dark clouds and intermittent sunshine.  I went down to the C&O Canal to run through the woods along the Potomac.  Not as much color as I'd hoped, but there were some golden leaves drifting around me. 15 miles done.  My Garmin was really acting weird, totally useless for maintaining a pace.  It bounced all over the place.  I think the final time is good, but the rest is really questionable.  I went too fast, since I couldn't trust the pace given. Since I was running flat it felt pretty easy for the first 10 miles or so.  I managed to finish fairly strong, but I was ready to be done.


                      Mitch, congrats!


                      Damaris, my husband is in Bakersfield today and just posted that he ate lunch at a Cuban restaurant - on FB he called it un tesoro desconocido - in Bakersfield of all places!?  (I guess that's why it's desconocido)


                      Jill, well, it looks like you and I jumped the gun in posting so early.  We'll know better next week.    Dang, I feel like running a double and posting revised miles!


                      Jerry and Zel, haha, good luck with that.


                      Beautiful run, Ginny!


                      I ran 8.4 this morning.  I slept in because we were out late at the wedding last night, so I waited too late for my run and it was warm and humid.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Well, if the other team knows how many miles you have by Sunday, they could theoretically go out and run extra Sunday evening to get an advantage.  But I don't see any advantage in waiting past Monday morning to post.


                        So far, nobody from our team or the team we're playing against has posted. 


                        Yes, waiting until Tuesday night to post is just bad form.  But Monday posting is the norm when you don't want the other team to have an advantage.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Mitch, congrats!


                          Damaris, my husband is in Bakersfield today and just posted that he ate lunch at a Cuban restaurant - on FB he called it un tesoro desconocido - in Bakersfield of all places!?  (I guess that's why it's desconocido)


                          Jill, well, it looks like you and I jumped the gun in posting so early.  We'll know better next week.    Dang, I feel like running a double and posting revised miles!


                          Jerry and Zel, haha, good luck with that.


                          Beautiful run, Ginny!


                          I ran 8.4 this morning.  I slept in because we were out late at the wedding last night, so I waited too late for my run and it was warm and humid.


                          LMFAO.  Hilarious.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Oh, ran 12 on the TM.  Cause it's fucking hot. Like all year long.



                              Brilliant, isn't the road to Bakersfield buried under mud at the moment?

                              From the Internet.

                                NICE. Congrats Mitch!! Big grin


                                A friend is generously allowing me to go out and ride her horse whenever I have time to help keep him in shape, so I went out for the first ride today. It was SO awesome to be back in the saddle for the first time in.. man, I think it's almost 3 years now, and I'm super excited to have a regular ride again! He's a cutie, very laid back and patient, perfect for me right now.
