Beginners and Beyond


Great Deal On Amazon (Read 275 times)

A Man On The Run!

    SO I finally ordered my B-Day present, a Garmin FR-10 from Amazon.  It was $129 BUT I applied for an Amazon Visa  card (I pay them off immediately anyway) and they gave me a $50 credit to my Amazon account that I could put instantly to the same purchase. So I only paid $79 for my FR-10!  Happy B-Day to me! Big grin  Thought I would let everyone know in case there are some last minutes gifts needed!



    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.- Albert Einstein


      Nice! I'm in the market for a new watch, but we already have an Amazon card, so no luck for this girl.

      Running for two!

      Pre-Preggo PRs--5k 23:00, 10k 49:07, HM 1:57:40

      Post-Preggo PRs--5k TBD, 10k 54:45, HM 2:28:05


        That sounds like a great deal!


        delicate flower



            That's awesome!


            running is bad for you

              I always say that shopping for a good deal is about the thrill of the chase!  I enjoy the adventure as much as the object!


              Enjoy your garmin!