Beginners and Beyond


Wednesday DAILIES (Read 37 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning dailies.


    5 Mile Pace run this morning on the TM. My heart rate has crept up a little bit, so I think I need to slide in to the harder workouts again after having a couple of easier recovery weeks.


    Unfortunately my Halloween evening will be at a family/prayer service for my Grandpa. I honestly don't know why the family decided to do it that way. It does sort of irk me, considering that they could have picked basically any other day.


    In other news, I have my Halloween Potluck tomorrow at work. I'm planning on doing this oatmeal recipe since no one else is bringing breakfast stuff.


    Again, sorry about your grandfather.


    Dad on the run.

      But here is the question for the day... is candy corn like real corn? For instance no matter how much you chew and chew and chew does it still come out whole?

      Chasing the sub 20 5K.


      delicate flower

        According to this list of best Halloween candies, these apparently are the shiz:



        I've been keeping my eyes open for those but have not seen them anywhere.  I don't need a whole package though...I just want to try them.


        Zelanie, +1 on the pumpkins!  Love those!



          I used to love candy corn when I as a kid, but I can't say I'm as big of a fan now.   And that cartoon Scottydog posted of it being picked off the witches feet just sealed the deal for me.  Tight lips


          5 or 6 easy miles around the golf course is the plan for today.  Tonight, making some nachos and watching the world series -- and watching DH lose his mind rooting for the BoSox.   The dogs get freaked out during the games with all the cheering and shouting.  They keep running to the windows thinking we are under attack or something.

          Life is good.

          Hip Redux

            The dogs get freaked out during the games with all the cheering and shouting.  They keep running to the windows thinking we are under attack or something.


            My dog keeps running into the back room whenever I cheer/shout/clap at sports.   We started "silent cheering" - which is a lot of fist pumping and mouths open with no sound.  It's like sports watching from the silent movie era.



            Run to live; live to run

              Rest day as part of taper.


              Oh, and I just have to brag. I just got lab results and having a doc tell me my labs are perfect rocks. Not only that but that my HDL was 62 about floored me. Getting my HDL that high is very hard. It is something that runs on my dad's side of the family and my twin and I both inherited it. I've never gotten it that high before. So running all my freakin crazy miles has paid off.  I also eat the same things just about every day with very few exceptions (boring but it works for me) and avoid sugars, processed stuff etc. I also love when doctors don't know what to say when you tell them you don't need anything, just your yearly exam. They are so used to dealing with unhealthy people and not having to dish out info on healthy eating or deal with other things sometimes is hard for them to switch modes!  He even said so. Seeing how low my bp and pulse where amuses him too.


              I run because I don't want the health issues my mom had or that my dad has.  I do not take any meds other than a multi vitamin and fish oil (I hate fish but with family history I take the supplement). I am determined to avoid as many of the issues they had/have as I can. My dad is diabetic. (Mom was too, later in her life). Mom was overweight her whole life, mom died massive heart attack, mom had cancer twice dad has numerous health issues etc. I'm winning thus battle and hell yes I will continue to run thousands of miles!  And, I may have converted my doctor to start running Smile.



                Zelanie, +1 on the pumpkins!  Love those!


                You love everything, apparently.  lol  You can have mine, ugh.

                Hip Redux

                  Excellent, Marjorie!

                  My husband inherited the low good cholesterol issue too.  Even though his bad cholesterol is ok, the overall ratio isn't great.


                  When I gave up gluten and changed my diet, my HDL went from 57 to 75!


                  Rest day as part of taper.


                  Oh, and I just have to brag. I just got lab results and having a doc tell me my labs are perfect rocks. Not only that but that my HDL was 62 about floored me. Getting my HDL that high is very hard. It is something that runs on my dad's side of the family and my twin and I both inherited it. I've never gotten it that high before. So running all my freakin crazy miles has paid off.  I also eat the same things just about every day with very few exceptions (boring but it works for me) and avoid sugars, processed stuff etc. I also love when doctors don't know what to say when you tell them you don't need anything, just your yearly exam. They are so used to dealing with unhealthy people and not having to dish out info on healthy eating or deal with other things sometimes is hard for them to switch modes!  He even said so. Seeing how low my bp and pulse where amuses him too.


                  I run because I don't want the health issues my mom had or that my dad has.  I do not take any meds other than a multi vitamin and fish oil (I hate fish but with family history I take the supplement). I am determined to avoid as many of the issues they had/have as I can. My dad is diabetic. (Mom was too, later in her life). Mom was overweight her whole life, mom died massive heart attack, mom had cancer twice dad has numerous health issues etc. I'm winning thus battle and hell yes I will continue to run thousands of miles!  And, I may have converted my doctor to start running Smile.



                    I run because I don't want the health issues my mom had or that my dad has.  I do not take any meds other than a multi vitamin and fish oil (I hate fish but with family history I take the supplement). I am determined to avoid as many of the issues they had/have as I can.


                    My kindred spirit, I could have written that!  My litter mates think I am crazy and you know what, they are probably right, but I just do not want to be old and sickly.


                    Run to live; live to run

                      Thanks Oski. That is our issue. Our ratios are all weird. But now mine are normal. Hard fought but yes it is worth it


                      LRB. Yep. My twin and dad etc all think I'm nuts. True but now I can show that it is worth it.


                      Hip Redux

                        Thanks Oski. That is our issue. Our ratios are all weird. But now mine are normal. Hard fought but yes it is worth it


                        LRB. Yep. My twin and dad etc all think I'm nuts. True but now I can show that it is worth it.


                        My husband still struggles with it and every time he goes to the doctor, he gets told he should be working out.   My husband is a 3:20 marathoner and completed his first half Iron Man this year.    lol



                        delicate flower


                          You love everything, apparently.  lol  You can have mine, ugh.


                          I do not like black licorice and I would encourage everyone to stop eating it.



                            I like black licorice. I like black jelly beans even more. Send your extras to Minnesota.

                            Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


                            Run to live; live to run

                              I saw the candy corn Oreos. Seem odd.


                              I love  candy corn but since I don't eat sugar I haven't had any in forever. Maybe after marathon I will have a little or try the M&Ms candy corn that came out this year. We will see.



                              Former Bad Ass


                                My dog keeps running into the back room whenever I cheer/shout/clap at sports.   We started "silent cheering" - which is a lot of fist pumping and mouths open with no sound.  It's like sports watching from the silent movie era.


                                My cats fight to run upstairs every time one of us shouts.  Sometimes it's funny to weatch how they almost fall down the stairs trying to run that way.

