Beginners and Beyond


ThursDaily Penguins...Calling in Sick? (Read 30 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Just bought 'em.  I'm trying new things.


    They look good!  Good luck!



    Former Bad Ass

      I missed Dan's post last night.  Hiya, Dan!!!!  Glad you enjoyed Boston!



        Hopesmom, I love the shoes!


        Lauren, sounds like you had a great workout.


        Happy running everyone.  And happy Futbol watching!  I don't get to do either today.  I'm a little stressed (busy) and my legs are SO tired.  I've been on my feet most of the day for the last 3 weeks, and stupidly wearing Toms because they are cuter than running shoes.   Like the kids at camp care what I'm wearing!


          Good morning Penguin friends!


          Obie-- its sounding like the mountains/altitude agree with you.  Enjoy, hope you take some mountain photos for us.

          Dan-- hey there!


          Hi ya Jerry & Docket!

          Margo-- Your run sounds like some of my runs lately-- yuck.  But at least you got 5 miles in.


          Hi ya Mr. Bin!

          Lauren-- Sad  So sad about the young lady from your running group.  Her family must be devastated.


          HopesMom-- yay@ your shoes coming in.  Hope they work for ya.

          Brilliant-- hope you get a little time off your feet to relax and regroup today.


          I haven't decided whether I'm going to the gym or not today.  Wasn't feeling very well last night, and am debating if a run will be more helpful or harmful.  Hope everyone has a great day!


          "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


            4 miles done this morning.


            In case you need a note.

            Bin Running

              Pad, that look pretty legit..

              2015 Races

              2XU HM - 29 Mar


                8 miles running, then biked 27. I'm going to bed for night shift. Working nights is stupid!

                Singer who runs a smidge

                  Guess I'm not watching after all. wants me to sign in with my provider.  Um ... my university is my provider!  No Charter or AT&T or such.  Ah well, I have work to do anyway!

                  (I hear it's scoreless at the half ...)

                  When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                    Hi Pens!  Joined the gym today- went with the bigger one because they seemed like they had a lot of TMs available.


                    Today I had 9 with 6 at goal MP on the schedule, so I ran the (almost) mile to the gym, signed up, then realized that the TMs are in metric and there doesn't seem to be a way to switch them!  Also, it looks like it only does speed (kilometers per hour) and not pace (minutes per kilometer), which I'm used to.  Plus I was a bit scared of MP still since I haven't completely adjusted.


                    So I decided to warm up super easy for 1.5 K, then I did a 10K progression run.  I ran the first half at my LR pace (10 kph), then bumped it up gradually, running the last 1K at 10.8 kph, so a tad faster than my gmp.  Then I cooled down for 0.5 K on the TM and ran the almost-mile back home.


                    They gym TMs were really nice and smooth, which was good.  There wasn't a wait, and they didn't auto-shutdown after an hour, but there was a sign that in the evenings, they have a 20 minute limit.  Remind me to not run in the evenings if I can avoid it.


                    If there was AC in there, I couldn't feel it, plus they opened the doors at some point, which I don't think they would do if they had AC.  It wasn't hot today, but it was a lot more humid than I'm used to!  One of my "never falls out" yurbuds fell out, and there was no way to get it back in, I was too drippy!  The other one fell out right before the end.


                    Now I am home watching the game.  Personals after the second half!

                    Singer who runs a smidge


                      They gym TMs were really nice and smooth, which was good.  There wasn't a wait, and they didn't auto-shutdown after an hour, but there was a sign that in the evenings, they have a 20 minute limit.  Remind me to not run in the evenings if I can avoid it.



                      Hey Zel?  Don't run in the evenings if you can avoid it! 

                      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                      You Rang?

                        Greetings all.  My Marine Corps Marathon training schedule starts today with an easy three, which I ran earlier this morning.


                        Callin' in sick works for me, and I'm not a futbol/soccer fan.  One of my primary motivation to run is as a means to reduce stress and anxiety.  While I will admit that running is probably better for me than my old method of coping with stress (massive quantities of food!) I still have to deal with the stress that pervade my life.  I'm up to my waist in stress now and have some hard choices to make.  I don't mean to dump on all y'all.


                        PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)

                        Singer who runs a smidge

                          Lurch, don't apologize for dumping on us!  We're a community of friends, even if we've never met.  And often times it's easier to unload to "anonymous" folks on the internet than to people in your life, who might take things the wrong way.  So feel free to lean on us!

                          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                          Return To Racing

                            Zel, did you have to change your GPS to metric?  


                            Congrats on the preapproval, Lauren.  Good luck house hunting.  Nice to know there's a place for visiting penguins. lol


                            I will walk this afternoon w/dw.  Knees are still sore.



                              Greetings all.  My Marine Corps Marathon training schedule starts today with an easy three, which I ran earlier this morning.


                              Callin' in sick works for me, and I'm not a futbol/soccer fan.  One of my primary motivation to run is as a means to reduce stress and anxiety.  While I will admit that running is probably better for me than my old method of coping with stress (massive quantities of food!) I still have to deal with the stress that pervade my life.  I'm up to my waist in stress now and have some hard choices to make.  I don't mean to dump on all y'all.


                              Lurch,  I'm sorry things are weighing heavily on you right now.  You can tell us about anything you wish.  You certainly are not a dumper by any means.  I hope you're able to figure things and keep your head/body straight in the process.


                              "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                                Jerry- Hope you enjoyed the match.  I got to gchat with DH because they gave the office the morning off to watch the game.  He was flipping back and forth between both.  And yes, I am thinking about going metric with the Garmin.  Then I'd just need to translate Hanson's into metric.  All except the track workouts.  Those are already "conveniently" in metric (except for the pace, which is in minutes per mile )


                                D- Hope the new case comes with some free fries or something!


                                Margo- That's how all of my easy runs felt last week.  It almost always means better runs are coming, and soon!


                                Bin- Glad to see you getting some miles in!  Plus this week I can go back to rooting for you and Cherie again. Wink


                                Lauren- Wow, you have a ton going on!  That is really sad about the runner, and of course those brushes with mortality are always stressful.  Definitely worth remembering to keep an eye on footing, yikes!


                                On the other hand, your workout sounds great!  It sounds sort of what I try to do at the track.  When I think about good form, I can run faster and easier.  When I try to go "fast", I  tighten up and it sucks.  That doesn't stop me from doing just that way too often, though!  That's probably the weakest part of my training at the moment.


                                Congrats on the mortgage, too!  Very exciting.


                                Scotty- Glad you're feeling good, and wow, 3 inches of rain in a day is a TON!


                                HsM- Those shoes look pretty!  Hope you love them!  Oh, and thanks for the reminder. 


                                Brilliant- Hope you get through your day on your feet!  I definitely try to limit my time in Toms, because my feet do NOT appreciate the lack of support!


                                Cherie- You are so good at listening to your body, whatever you decide I'm sure will be the right choice.


                                PAD- Love the note!


                                Mitch- Next week is back to days, right?


                                Lurch- Sorry to hear that you have so much on your shoulders at the moment.  I hope that it all works out for the best.


                                The vegetable selling guy just came by the house, and the woman who lives here just went chasing after him to see if he has parsley.  These are things that just don't happen in the US.
