Beginners and Beyond


Penguins Happy Festivus TuesDAILY (Read 19 times)


Smaller By The Day

    Scotty - That's impressive! I haven't  been 183 since I was 14 years old Smile


    Weight 100 pounds lost

    5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

    10K 48:59 April 2013

    HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

    MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI


      "Feats of Strength" would be more appropriate for you, Jack.


      Well, today I am going to replace a bathroom fan. Does that count? Smile


      4.5 miles done. I saw some friends walking and I walked with them for a bit and we chatted about life and the kids and stuff. I even went to their house to see their kitchen remodel and got a homemade oatmeal cookie. Good carbs, ya know.




        Good morning, Penguins!


        StoneFence, nice streaking.


        obie, have a nice SRD and fun with your sis.


        Scotty - way to go on the weight loss!


        PAD, sorry about the cold rain and treadmill. Sad


        Awood, Damaris, sapf, and Mitch, have a good run later.


        Jerry, sure, you can go for an 11 month streak! Wink


        Ginny, Hi!


        Jack, nice running; don't work too hard on the new fan.


        Robert, hope you enjoyed your foggy run.


        5.3 miles done for me this morning.

        on my way to badass

          I have no grievences to air. Nice job Scotty! I shall continue the streak after 1/1/15. Gonna train for a 10K.

          Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


            Jerry - you must be having a short day at work today.  Enjoy your ten later. You can do any kind of streak you want.  I've read of people who have been streaking for years.


            SF - good job on the streak.  It has been fun, for me, doing the streak.  Easier than I expected, actually.  I hope you do keep it going.


            PAD - I hope the rain stops for your group run.


            sapf - nice baking.  Have a good run.  Can you run at your parents house?


            Awood - welcome back.  I hope you get your run in later.


            Damaris - enjoy your 8 and weights later.  You have Friday off don't you?


            Mitch - I hope you get a run in later.  Sick or just busy?


            Obiebyke - hope the tabata goes well.


            Jack - good luck with your project.  Sounds like a nice relaxing run/walk.


            Scotty - congratulations on the weight loss.  No matter how much I run, I don't lose, but then I haven't been very successful at curbing my eating. Enjoy your vacation.


            Robert - good job on the wet run.


            Brilliant - nice run this morning.


            AFM:  We got Robert's weather here - cold wet fog/mist.  I was soaked while walking Ben, so my run will be on the treadmill.  At least it's warm enough the ice melted.


            Smaller By The Day

              Thanks Ginny. I'm hoping we get some surprise snow. It would feel more like Christmas.


              Weight 100 pounds lost

              5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

              10K 48:59 April 2013

              HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

              MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


              Former Bad Ass

                At work now and thought I was working until 2 PM.  But my boss just came by and told me since I came in on Sunday to help us stay caught up for this 'down week', I could go home today after lunch  - in about an hour....yay!   Then I am off until next Monday...yay!


                Plan on going out to Randolph Air Force Base today and do an easy 3 miles on the paved running trail out there.  We are getting in another 'cold' front - temp is dropping into the low 40s today, quite a change from the 70s we had yesterday!   Then on Christmas Day, San Antonio will be back in the upper 60s. Crazy Texas weather!


                When I got dressed for work this morning - jeans, since we are in a 'down week', so nice and relaxing - Gail told me I need to go get some NEW jeans, these were falling off my butt.  What?   So I weighed myself and was surprised to find I am  down to 183 lbs now - two summers ago, I was around 235 -  which I have not weighed since I was in the Air Force, sooo yay!   When I went to my many races this past year, I kept getting comments from my running pals about me losing weight, but I just kinda blew it off, since I really tend not to weigh myself and always think I am staying about even about all the time -  around 203 the last time I weighed myself, which was in May - since I like to eat as much as I like to run - although I have gotten much better about laying off the fast food more now.  And now I find I guess my running pals were right, lol, I was slowly and steadily losing some weight over time.  Nice!


                Good luck with the 10 miles after work, Jerry.


                Way to keep the streak going, StoneFence!


                Cold rain sucks, PAD.  Our temps are cooling but no rain here, so please keep that cold stuff up there!


                I will pass on the pie, sapf, but please toss some cookies my way!   Enjoy your time with your parents!


                You have a wood house, Awood?   Good luck with the miles!


                8 and weights...and I bet your weather is still quite warm, isn't it, Damaris?


                Hopefully after 2 days rest, Mitch, you will have a good strong run today!


                Welcome to your sister, obiebyke!  Is she a runner too?   Enjoy the SRD!


                Jack, you need to put a dancer on that pole!  And I don't mean the reindeer...    Enjoy your easy miles this week!


                Foggy and wet does not sound pleasant, Robert.  But at least you don't have cold rain.


                Yeap.  Feels like fucking 85F!



                Former Bad Ass

                  Jerry - you must be having a short day at work today.  Enjoy your ten later. You can do any kind of streak you want.  I've read of people who have been streaking for years.


                  SF - good job on the streak.  It has been fun, for me, doing the streak.  Easier than I expected, actually.  I hope you do keep it going.


                  PAD - I hope the rain stops for your group run.


                  sapf - nice baking.  Have a good run.  Can you run at your parents house?


                  Awood - welcome back.  I hope you get your run in later.


                  Damaris - enjoy your 8 and weights later.  You have Friday off don't you?


                  Mitch - I hope you get a run in later.  Sick or just busy?


                  Obiebyke - hope the tabata goes well.


                  Jack - good luck with your project.  Sounds like a nice relaxing run/walk.


                  Scotty - congratulations on the weight loss.  No matter how much I run, I don't lose, but then I haven't been very successful at curbing my eating. Enjoy your vacation.


                  Robert - good job on the wet run.


                  Brilliant - nice run this morning.


                  AFM:  We got Robert's weather here - cold wet fog/mist.  I was soaked while walking Ben, so my run will be on the treadmill.  At least it's warm enough the ice melted.


                  Yes!  We are miraculously off!



                  Return To Racing

                    Only 5 for us today.  DD called shortly after we started and was already on the train so we had to turn around since we have to pick her up.  Wouldn't have made 10 anyway as I was really dragging. Too bad since was really nice today in the 40s.  Along the way, we waved to a horse rider and he nodded back, and right on queue, the horse whinnied (if that is the correct term).  It was the only good part of the run.  At least the streak continued.


                    From the Internet.

                      Quick check in - 6.2 miles this morning, work, last minute Christmas/food shopping, made dinner and 2 kinds of fudge, now sitting here with a Siamese cat on my lap and a martini Smile Much as I love Christmas and seeing my family, I will be very happy after dinner is over Christmas Day and I have no more obligations until the 5th!


                      Penguin Power!

                        Cookies and pie took longer than expected.  I managed to squeeze in 2.2 miles but my whole lower body was killing me.  I'm not sure if it is DOMS from the 10k on Sunday or a result of wearing ballet flats for the first time since my ankle injury.  I've been sticking to sneakers, sandals that strap around my ankles, and boots.


                        I can run down by my parents - I ran 8 miles here on Thanksgiving - but I realized that I forgot my ankle brace, so I'll just do a streak run tomorrow.  I am not willing to run more than a mile without my ankle brace.  I think I'll head back to NYC on the 25th in the early evening - so I can do a substantial run then.


                        I'd been planning to cutback this week anyhow - it'll just be a bit larger of a cutback than I'd planned :-)


                        Scotty - great job on the weight loss!

                        Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 
