Beginners and Beyond


Surf City Half Marathon: A PR-crushing race report (Read 77 times)


    Great job. I hope this gives you confidence for your next race!

      Wow! Amazing job! Way to crush your PR! Smile

      5k - 25:15 (11/18/12)

      10k - 1:01:51 (2/14/15)

      10mi - 1:33:18 (3/2/14)

      HM - 2:06:12 (3/24/13)


      Upcoming Races:

      Benched until further notice. :/


      Everything you need is already inside. [[Bill Bowerman]]


        Thanks for the kind words, everyone!


        You rock! Loved reading your rr. I can hear how pleased you are with yourself. Fantastic accomplishment and you should be very proud.


        Haha, yes, I am, and I hope there's not too much smug self-satisfaction in my report. Big grin  It's just not  very often that I do something that I really think is super-cool! Smile


          Gratz on crushing your A goal.  You took our advise and pushed through the temptation to slow down and walk.  Did you ever feel like it was starting to hurt, or in the last 5k you really wanted the race to end?  Remember even pacing is typically the best race strategy and you now have a pretty good indicator of what you can do in your upcoming marathon.  FWIW, 3 gels are not needed in a half-marathon.  One or none is physically needed but if it helps you mentally then go with it.  In a marathon too many gels might start to mess with your belly, just saying.


          Thanks for the RR.


          I'll keep that in mind on the gels.  I thought the every 20 minutes as recommended in that study seemed excessive, which is why I decided to try every 30.  It turned into approx. 28 minute intervals because I had to time it for when I knew water stations were coming up.  I have a few weeks before the marathon, so I'l try a 45-minute strategy out on a training run or two.


          No, I never felt anything really hurt, even at the end.  I felt very strong in the last mile,


            Sounds like this is a prelude to a great running year!  What I love about your race today is that you let things develop during the race based on how you felt.  You had a plan, you had enough information, so when the pace group wasn't giving you what you needed, you weren't afraid to do what you needed to do.  Same with the walk breaks- you were ready to take them if needed, but you didn't need them.  ...


            I was a little afraid to abandon what I thought was a good plan, but I'm so glad I did!


            As far as the walk breaks, that's exactly how I felt. I had a little MothAudio angel on one  shoulder telling me "there is no walking" and a little half-crazy angel on the other telling me "it's OK to walk if you need to" and honestly both pieces of advice were helpful.  I thought, I don't HAVE to walk, but I CAN if I choose.


              Awesome job Brilliant! :-)  I see good things in your future.


              Also I'm so happy you are on my 2015in2015 team and totally killing the mileage =D


              Thanks, I will try to keep it up for you! Smile


              Barking Mad To Run

                Wow, you crushed your old PR by 6 minutes, something,  Way...To....GO!!!!   Congratulations!  You ran your race just right!


                Bummer about not getting to meet up with Damaris....and no photos of you two together...    You couldn't get your DH to take a Great Legs photo of you after the event and throw me a bone?   

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                delicate flower

                  1. Proper training is great. I have increased my weekly mileage, as well as adding race-specific workouts.


                  Keep doing this and you'll have much faster HM's in you.  You've only done four of them.  You have LOTS and I mean LOTS of room to improve.  It's just a matter of how much do you want to train.


                  Great job the race and the PR!  Looks like some darn good execution.  It feels great to pick up the speed at the end of a HM.  Cripes, I've done about a dozen of them and only just figured that out.



                  Return To Racing

                    Hope you got a big smile finish line pic, Brill. Well done.



                      What a terrific race.  And you're right, next half marathon, after you finish this marathon cycle, should really be a record breaker.  You have the confidence and the training to exceed your A goal - so next time, dream bigger ;-)


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Some PICS are up!



                          At I approached the turn-around at Mile 8, I had a brief panic moment: “This is where it gets hard.” Mile 8 to 9 is always where I’ve fallen apart in my half marathons. But I told myself, “You don’t have to think about the next 5 miles. You just have to think about this mile. Think about the finish line. Think about hubby waiting there. Think about bragging rights on RA. Think about hamburgers.” And I did! The panic passed and I continued to increase the margin of my actual pace vs. goal pace. At Mile 10 I almost started crying when I realized how far ahead I was. At Mile 11 I got goose bumps. At Mile 12 I started sprinting. It seemed like I was passing EVERYONE! One gal zipped by me and I thought, “Oh no you don’t” and I ran harder.


                          You poor tortured soul, what a range of emotions! lol


                          Nice training, racing and more importantly execution. Having options on race based on the conditions and/or how the race unfolds is good.


                          You are a better runner than you give yourself credit for and hopefully after your marathon you will get a little more aggressive with the shorter distances.


                          As it is this race laid the foundation for both your fitness and confidence and you have turned an important corner on who you were/are as a runner and there is no going back.


                          So from here it's onwards and upwards, congrats!


                            Great job!


                              Congrats on the huge PR! I want one of them medals, too bad it's so far away.


                              Return To Racing

                                Hamburgers or Spamburgers?

