Beginners and Beyond


It's Thursday. Let's show some hustle. (Read 44 times)


delicate flower

    2500 yard swim before work.  Run later.  My head cold has transitioned to the "cough like hell" phase, which made for a challenging night of sleep.





    Former Bad Ass

      I don't have any hustle...or mojo.  I have Pilates and 6 miles tonight.


      Taking Bugsy to the vet for his recheck today.



      I lost my rama

        Baboon - Hope you get past that cough like hell phase quickly!


        Docket - Good luck with Bugsy.  Glad Hershey is ok... do you get frequent flyer miles at the vet?


        Another rest day for me.  Posted my Race Report in the Ultra Forum --> LINKY

        WARNING - It's loooooooooong.  But it was a long race.  Grab a cup of coffee, beer, or glass of wine.  But I won't be offended if it's a tl;dr and you just enjoy the pics and punchline.

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


        Former Bad Ass

          I go through spurts of sick kitties where I pay for their whole year operation but other years (like this one so far), not many visits (just check ups).  Right now, they love me, lol.


          Bugsy has gained 1.5lbs since last week so she wants me to keep doing what I've been doing.  His stomatitis is still bad so he is getting more steroids.  Not a bad outcome today. Smile



            SRD for me today as I rest up for the 5K race on Sat. Smile We just signed up, so official now.


            Baboon: You taking anything? Gotta get a cough suppressant at least. Sad


            Berto: I'll head to the Ultraman linky. with the Beta capsule. Hai!


            Just thought, you probably don't know who Ultra Man is.  Here ya go.





            Image result for picture of ultraman and the beta capsule


            Super B****

              AlterG 9.  I really, really, really ❤️  that thing.


              Can someone please turn the "book your trip" part of my brain off?  Because now the price has skyrocketed, and I'm fairly certain it will come back down again, but I can't stop obsessing over it and it's driving me crazy.

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog


                I hit the start button for my run at 6:32 am, but my legs didn't decide to join in some 47 minutes later, around the 5.5 mile mark. It was really weird; after 5 days of feeling as if I was hobbling along on stilts, they literally sprang to life. Thank you, come back tomorrow please.


                  AlterG 9.  I really, really, really ❤️  that thing.


                  Can someone please turn the "book your trip" part of my brain off?  Because now the price has skyrocketed, and I'm fairly certain it will come back down again, but I can't stop obsessing over it and it's driving me crazy.


                  The idea is to buy low and sell high. You can pay the exorbitant rate anytime.


                  Super B****


                    The idea is to buy low and sell high. You can pay the exorbitant rate anytime.


                    Well, yeah, but that doesn't help me now that it's thousands of dollars!!


                    On the other hand, the hotel that I usually stay in, that was completely booked?  Apparently now it's not.  If I want to pay, like, a zillion dollars a night.  Which I don't.  BECAUSE I'M NOT A RICH!!

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                      AlterG 9.  I really, really, really ❤️  that thing.


                      Can someone please turn the "book your trip" part of my brain off?  Because now the price has skyrocketed, and I'm fairly certain it will come back down again, but I can't stop obsessing over it and it's driving me crazy.


                      Being only the millionaire you are, this shouldn't be a problem for you.



                        Berto: I'll head to the Ultraman linky. with the Beta capsule. Hai!


                        That's a blast from the past. Johnny Sokko too.


                          I hit the start button for my run at 6:32 am, but my legs didn't decide to join in some 47 minutes later, around the 5.5 mile mark. It was really weird; after 5 days of feeling as if I was hobbling along on stilts, they literally sprang to life. Thank you, come back tomorrow please.


                          This is a common feeling when you get as old as me.  It seems it takes me 3-4 miles to warmup-if I ever do.


                            D - I'm glad you got good news on Bugsy.


                            Phil - I hope the cough goes away quickly. I was lucky - my cough only lasted a couple of days and DH's even less. We still went through a bottle of Nyquil, which makes it very hard to have any energy the next day.  I also find that once I start coughing, the more exercise I get, the longer the cough lasts. You might want to cut back for a few days.


                            Bluerun - sorry about the NY race. Good luck booking your trip. Have you already paid for the marathon?


                            LRB - Yay for legs that work again!


                            Super B****


                              Being only the millionaire you are, this shouldn't be a problem for you.


                                (Actually, even if I was a millionaire, I would find it hard to stomach paying THAT much for such a short trip.  It's obscene.)

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                              Super B****

                                I hit the start button for my run at 6:32 am, but my legs didn't decide to join in some 47 minutes later, around the 5.5 mile mark. It was really weird; after 5 days of feeling as if I was hobbling along on stilts, they literally sprang to life. Thank you, come back tomorrow please.


                                Relativity in action.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
